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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Big Month Meltz

Taker took that spear so badly last night. I don't really like Brock but when he puts effort in, he's a great seller and each spear he's taken so far shows that.


hahahah....what's he talking about, guys?



Dadberg is great (for a 50 year old nostalgia guy). The booking being given to him is not.

the booking so far has been great!

so far

he just needs to make it 3 for 3 at mania. 90 second match with brock at mania, another squash.

i don't think anyone on earth predicted goldberg shitting on lesnar's life AGAIN last night. most predictions I heard were either lesnar eliminating/screwing goldberg, resulting in the mania match or the two of them being double eliminated because they were so concerned with eachother and forgot about the other people in the ring.

the way it played out last night was totally out of nowhere and awesome.

now EVERYONE is predicting that brock gets the big win at mania. not only is that predictable, but it's also boring. like I really don't care if brock wins and it doesn't really do much for him. he can't beat goldberg, just let it be a part of his character.


the booking so far has been great!

so far

he just needs to make it 3 for 3 at mania. 90 second match with brock at mania, another squash.

i don't think anyone on earth predicted goldberg shitting on lesnar's life AGAIN last night. most predictions I heard were either lesnar eliminating/screwing goldberg, resulting in the mania match or the two of them being double eliminated because they were so concerned with eachother and forgot about the other people in the ring.

the way it played out last night was totally out of nowhere and awesome.

now EVERYONE is predicting that brock gets the big win at mania. not only is that predictable, but it's also boring. like I really don't care if brock wins and it doesn't really do much for him. he can't beat goldberg, just let it be a part of his character.

Lol what. They basically threw away 3 years of building Brock, beating the Undertaker, and squashing Cena. It was mind numbingly stupid.


They need to let Goldberg beat Lesnar in under 18 seconds in the main event of WrestleMania.

Just let that be the fastest title match record.


He's like Jeff Jarret in TNA then. Just without the power!

He shouldn't be forced down everyones throat for every single week for 4 years and maybe people won't gag. It's that simple.

This. I was actually a little pumped when Reigns won the US Title. Its easy to see that step 1 to rehabbing Roman's image is to get him out of the main event for a little while. Not saying Roman can be fixed, but he definitely can not be fixed without a decent stay on the midcard.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Goldberg is only a year younger than Undertaker. Compare their bodies and you can see how fucked up wrestling can do you.
the booking so far has been great!

so far

he just needs to make it 3 for 3 at mania. 90 second match with brock at mania, another squash.

i don't think anyone on earth predicted goldberg shitting on lesnar's life AGAIN last night. most predictions I heard were either lesnar eliminating/screwing goldberg, resulting in the mania match or the two of them being double eliminated because they were so concerned with eachother and forgot about the other people in the ring.

the way it played out last night was totally out of nowhere and awesome.

now EVERYONE is predicting that brock gets the big win at mania. not only is that predictable, but it's also boring. like I really don't care if brock wins and it doesn't really do much for him. he can't beat goldberg, just let it be a part of his character.

It's going to be hysterical seeing them try to spin guy who goes 1-3 being the real winner
At this point what else can you really do with it

Anything really; The rules have been thrown out the window once they had 'Berg squash the 3 year momentum of one of their biggest headliners. I fully expect that they'll reverse Goldberg's 5 minutes of fame too.

Though, my ideal vision for how this ends is Wrestlemania getting around to them as a main event at 10:58 central. Two minutes left on the clock, you have no fucking clue who squashes who in 2 minutes...

Then Brock gets speared. Again. and Pinned.

"Goodnight everyone thanks for joining us -click-"


Anything really; The rules have been thrown out the window once they had 'Berg squash the 3 year momentum of one of their biggest headliners. I fully expect that they'll reverse Goldberg's 5 minutes of fame too.

Though, my ideal vision for how this ends is Wrestlemania getting around to them as a main event at 10:58 central. Two minutes left on the clock, you have no fucking clue who squashes who in 2 minutes...

Then Brock gets speared. Again. and Pinned.

"Goodnight everyone thanks for joining us -click-"

The issue with that is that WrestleMania went like 30 minutes over the 5 hour estimate last year.


WWE ties to live off "OMG moments". They do them almost every PPV. This is why there's no stories to care about and no new stars to draw in new people. They derail any logical story they have going, in exchange for a big live audience pop and Twitter activity. It's one of the core issues for why the current product is the way it is.

Smackdown is doing it's best to return to actual story arcs and logical conclusions, but Vince is clearly in favor of the other formula.
Remember when Daniel Bryan lost his match and everyone wanted him in the Rumble and he wasn't?
Remember when Roman lost his match and nobody wanted him in the Rumble but he was?
Wow, FFS what can you say...

There were too many midcarders
They didn't spend enough time showing off their midcarders to get them over.
I want to see someone new win but I don't like any of the wrestlers who haven't won because they aren't built up enough and showing them off to build them up is a mistake because I don't already like them.

They should have put Brock, Taker and Goldy in early.
Putting them in early would have been a mistake because it puts too much focus on them, but putting them in late puts too much focus on them.

Don't bother having Sami Zayn in the match if he isn't going to win. In fact why is anyone in this match who isn't winning?!?!?!?!


WWE ties to live off "OMG moments". They do them almost every PPV. This is why there's no stories to care about and no new stars to draw in new people. They derail any logical story they have going, in exchange for a big live audience pop and Twitter activity. It's one of the core issues for why the current product is the way it is.

Smackdown is doing it's best to return to actual story arcs and logical conclusions, but Vince is clearly in favor of the other formula.

Yup. They had 51 weeks with most of these "mid-carders" to make people give a shit about them and make at least a few of them seem like threats. Then they could have made little stories in the Rumble for the first 2/3rds or hell, even have a nice surprise win for someone that had been getting reactions during their build.

The only reason I still prefer the Attiude Era creative is because my faves were in the mid-card and they were given stuff to do. I don't care if D'Lo isn't challenging for the main title if I'm enjoying his feud with Val Venis. They did a good job of building up Miz and Ziggler before having to deal with cross-brand Surivor Series and they did nothing of note in the Rumble and nothing setup. It's just dumb.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the GAF WRESTLING FEDERATION is back!

What is the GWF?
WrassleGAF members compete in simulated matches in WWE 2k17. It's a fake wrestling, only faker. It's purely for fun and something we can all laugh about.

How do I enter?
Send me, Sephzilla, a PM with the following information. Then I will create a wrestler NeoGAF Sports Entertainer in game for you. Just be warned that I might take a few creative liberties with your appearance and entrance. Also, I'm going to try to keep movesets mostly simply (aka, mostly movesets of existing wrestlers), because otherwise it will take an eternity to make everyone.
-- Who's your favorite wrestler. This will help me determine what your wrestler's move set will be. I'd probably prefer if you name an active one though. Preferably a WWE one too. Just because it makes assigning moves easier for me. But if you hate making it easy for me, name some obscure guy.​
-- What is your finishing move?​
-- Do you want to be a face (good guy) or heel (bad guy)? Note: This can change over time​
-- What is your GAF avatar? This will help with what your appearance will be​
-- Any other miscellaneous information you want included, like if you want to tag team with someone​

Is anything else involved?
Beyond entering? No. Just show up to watch! Maybe have some fun little smack talk too.

Where will we be able to watch this?
On Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/sephzilla
There will likely be Youtube archives as well

Can I tune in even if I'm not in it?
Absolutely. We need to see who's actually a draw around here!

When will we be able to watch this?
I'm tentatively planning on this being a once a month event type deal. Doing it weekly might ruin the novelty of it, plus there's already enough weekly wrestling to watch. I'll let you know when the first GWF show will happen and then we'll go from there.

How are matches/booking determined?
Any joking smack talk between GAF members could provoke a match at a GWF Special Event! I don't have influence over how WWE 2k17's shitty AI works, so the winner/losers are random and unpredictable.

Misc. Information
I'm probably going to cap the size of GWF to 20 or so people, at least for now, because if it gets too big it might get hard to manage. I'm going to take overflow entrants though, so fear not. Also, I don't mean to sound exclusive, but I'm probably going to give preference towards WrassleGAF members who post more frequently versus lurkers when it comes to making the roster. Consider that incentive to post more! We're good people!

Should I take this stuff seriously?
No, this is for fun!
Quoted for new page.
The camera cuts to the crowds looking for fake reactions has to go, it was the worst thing about yesterday. People were watching the jumbo tron you could see it, and then giving a BS reaction.

Terribad stuff.
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