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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

So, obviously I am going talk up New Japan and WK9 in particular, Lucha Underground, ROH and NXT, but I need some help from the indie geeks. Link me some matches and preferable add a short explanation as to why someone should watch what your posting.

ICW have a full show from 2012 available for free, haven't seen it but I'm presuming it's good - they also have a weekly highlight show on their youtube;


Also, this title match from PROGRESS Chapter 12 is well worth a watch, three guys trying their damnedest to absolutely batter Jimmy Havoc;


There's a ton of free matches on Beyond Wrestling's channel;


And here's some more indies with free youtube content;



Also, I really don't want another triple threat at Mania. I'm with Vince on that one.

The match I wanted to see was Lesnar vs Bryan. Anything but that I'm not interested really.

I know that feel... I had Devon Dudley R-Truth...

So we are all in agreement - the Avatar Rumble was better than the real Rumble...

We had worst luck than Bryan this year. Maybe next Rumble will be better.


The match I wanted to see was Lesnar vs Bryan. Anything but that I'm not interested really.
Still every possibility - they have time to shift the belt off Lesnar by having Rollins cash in. Then have Bryan come up and laugh in his face. Simple, but gold.

I hope they don't drop the ball with Rollins; he has the potential to have one of the all-time great heel runs if the booking and writing goes his way.


I expected Reigns to win, but to eliminate Bryan in the middle of the match just like that. WTF?

And my #9 did some good work, Zack Ryder. LOL


At what point does Bryan not have to win and still have these types of crowds and half of this thread be pleased. Temper tantrum shit at this point.

You get the sense the Super Bryan, friend to Super Cena, would be cheered for a decent while. Which is cute.


Punk leaving changed the card. Not the reaction. Without Punk, they truly have the audience by the balls. Unless you stop watching altogether.

No, Punk leaving made Bryan vs HHH. The reaction to Batista made Bryan vs Orton vs Batista.
Had Batista been well received at the Rumble, Bryan would have just faced HHH.


Still every possibility - they have time to shift the belt off Lesnar by having Rollins cash in. Then have Bryan come up and laugh in his face. Simple, but gold.

I hope they don't drop the ball with Rollins; he has the potential to have one of the all-time great heel runs if the booking and writing goes his way.

They could do it but Rollins vs Reigns is not wrestlemania main-event material, not yet at least.

At what point does Bryan not have to win and still have these types of crowds and half of this thread be pleased. Temper tantrum shit at this point.

You get the sense the Super Bryan, friend to Super Cena, would be cheered for a decent while. Which is cute.

When we care about the guy who wins.

Called temper tantrum all you want but people just want someone they like to win. But, personally, I won't complain much this time. I'll simply not give them money.


No, Punk leaving made Bryan vs HHH. The reaction to Batista made Bryan vs Orton vs Batista.
Had Batista been well received at the Rumble, Bryan would have just faced HHH.

Also, last year, I truly believe HHH had preferred to fight Bryan from the start. I don't know if he was in favour of Bryan winning the title but I won't be surprised if he at least wanted a match against him.


Reigns is the guy, so what.

They used Kane and Big Show in the final four. That was fucking stupid and a waste of the roster.

Kane was the last eliminated in 2001 and Big Show in 2000. You know... 14-15 years ago.

That'd be like Superstar Billy Graham lasting til the final two in the 1990 Rumble or the Iron Shiek getting eliminated by Austin in 1998.


They could do it but Rollins vs Reigns is not wrestlemania main-event material, not yet at least.
Agreed - but throw in Ambrose and it would be a lot closer. Sadly Ambrose didn't get the best of showings either, from what I've seen. And that main event doesn't involve a Vince guy.

Roll on Feb 11th...

...or the Iron Shiek getting eliminated by Austin in 1998.

Now that would be gold.

So good to see DDP out there again. Looked good for a guy who is focused on yoga!


That is a colossal lie.

A few months ago, they had a RAW show in Iowa (where Seth Rollins is from). The opening segment had Seth out, and of course he was super over. Reigns then came out and attacked him, and surprise surprise, got roundly booed for attacking their hometown guy. Any monkey could have told you not to have Reigns attack Rollins on that night, but they did it anyway.
And then it comes out that they didn't expect him to get booed for it, because they think "every crowd is like a hometown crowd for Reigns now".

That's how 100% deluded the people at the top are. I mean when the hell has anything ever indicated Reigns was that over? That's an Austin level of appraisal, every crowd being like a hometown crowd.

But they have decided Reigns is their guy, therefore they look for any and every tiny little indication that he's over and blow it up out of proportion. The same thing they do when something they don't like is over, they look for the tiniest little flaws and then make a huge deal of them going "see see I told you they aren't top material!". Usually said "flaws" are caused by WWE's deliberate booking, too.

Self fulfilling prophecies are WWE's specialty.


Reigns is the guy, so what.

They used Kane and Big Show in the final four. That was fucking stupid and a waste of the roster.

Kane was the last eliminated in 2001 and Big Show in 2000. You know... 14-15 years ago.

That'd be like Superstar Billy Graham lasting til the final two in the 1990 Rumble or the Iron Shiek getting eliminated by Austin in 1998.

The fact that Kane and Big Show are still a focus point of the show was so bad. I mean, who gives a shit about those two in 2015?

Agreed - but throw in Ambrose and it would be a lot closer. Sadly Ambrose didn't get the best of showings either, from what I've seen. And that main event doesn't involve a Vince guy.

Roll on Feb 11th...

Now that would be gold.

Feb 11th is Takeover right? Can't wait, it's going to be another great show I'm sure.


Surely they wouldn't have bothered to drag the Rock back from Hollywood if they thought Reigns might actually be getting cheers at the finish? This has been brewing for a while now as well.


Ahaha I just booted up the network to grab a GIF from the Rumble and it landed right on Bryans entrance. Happier crowd times.
Roman Reigns has to stand in the same ring as Heyman and cut a promo. Honestly we should only feel pity for this man.

They are going to need to find a way around this.

I feel for Reigns. I really do.

It's like trying to take a square peg and shove it into a round hole. It's not happening.


It has to be so frustrating to be HHH right now
Well, he did admit on RAW last week he was ashamed for the shit product he was "in charge" of.
But at least the way things are going, he's not taking any of the blame for it with the fans or stockholders.


It has to be so frustrating to be HHH right now


I'm sure sometimes his reaction is something like "I got a fruit basket for my show, look what Vince got for his", but it can't be fun when he has to sit through these out of touch, badly booked shows that anyone should be able to see are going to bomb.

Uuuuuummmmmm he wanted this too brah.....

"I like Reigns and want him as a top guy" is not the same as Vince personally booking Reigns supposed "rise to the top". No doubt HHH is all for Reigns as a top guy, but I am entirely certain that he would not have booked Reigns the way Vince has booked him all along.


Agreed - but throw in Ambrose and it would be a lot closer. Sadly Ambrose didn't get the best of showings either, from what I've seen. And that main event doesn't involve a Vince guy.

Ambrose had a great showing.


Got to touch heads with greatness #blessed


At what point does Bryan not have to win and still have these types of crowds and half of this thread be pleased. Temper tantrum shit at this point.

You get the sense the Super Bryan, friend to Super Cena, would be cheered for a decent while. Which is cute.

Fans would have been happy if Ambrose won, or even an Ambrose/Reigns double elim ending.


How many major cities is that now, three? Philadelphia, Chicago & Toronto.
Philly and Chicago haven't been blacklisted from all major shows yet. But that time will soon come.
Problem is, so long as they're charging a small fortune for pay-per-views this is a problem they're going to encounter everywhere they go.
Charge $500/seat for Mania tickets in Corpus Christi and you'll draw the exact same fans you drew tonight in Philly.


FGC Waterboy
Philly and Chicago haven't been blacklisted from all major shows yet. But that time will soon come.
Problem is, so long as they're charging a small fortune for pay-per-views this is a problem they're going to encounter everywhere they go.
Charge $500/seat for Mania tickets in Corpus Christi and you'll draw the exact same fans you drew tonight in Philly.

I don't know if Seattle has had a major show since the hijacking of RAW for Daniel Bryan in Dec 2013. Wouldn't be surprised if they don't go to Seattle for a while over it.


The best part about Bryan's elimination was that "SHATTERED DREAMS" was up on the Titantron as he was walking out. I can only imagine this was a deliberate troll.

Lost in all this Bryan and Reigns stuff is the fact that the actual Royal Rumble sucked ass, regardless of who came out on top. None of the eliminations had any weight to them. There was no real drama. I can't think of any story they could advance out of the Rumble besides the ongoing Mizdow stuff. They had the potential for some new Wyatt Family stuff but ultimately they just kind of make Harper and Rowan look like chumps. Kane broke Shawn Michaels's elimination record by dumping two lifeless carcasses of potential future stars out of the ring, and no one would have noticed if Cole never said anything. I don't remember any of the spots. I don't remember who eliminated who. There's not one memorable thing to speak of other than a 3D, a bunch of Diamond Cutters, and the crowd booing Reigns.

This isn't just a Reigns issue. The quality of the product is shit. I gave them a pass a few years ago when despite all the bad booking, the matches were at least consistently great. But we don't even get that anymore save for maybe one match a night. Fuck that.


Kinda. And then they threw him out like trash.

As they did with everyone else.

That was another serious problem. They put all their eggs in one basket and in fact, they set fire to all the other baskets so that their basket was the only one left.

They had Ziggler, Bryan, Ambrose, Bray all tossed out like jobbers, especially Ziggler/Ambrose/Bray, carried by Kane and Big Show like they were trash and gently dropped outside. So they not only put all their focus on Reigns, they were willing to make everyone else look like shit to do it. And then it completely backfires, and now they're left with nothing.


As they did with everyone else.

That was another serious problem. They put all their eggs in one basket and in fact, they set fire to all the other baskets so that their basket was the only one left.

They had Ziggler, Bryan, Ambrose, Bray all tossed out like jobbers, especially Ziggler/Ambrose/Bray, carried by Kane and Big Show like they were trash and gently dropped outside. So they not only put all their focus on Reigns, they were willing to make everyone else look like shit to do it. And then it completely backfires, and now they're left with nothing.

Pretty much what I was saying in the other thread. No one came out of this looking good. Coulda had Reigns go over his former partner, carries a hell of a lot more weight than beating Kane/Show in 2015. They made Bray look strong for 90% of the match only to have him go out like a chump. Ambrose, see above. Probably should have fed Bray to Ziggler as strong as they made Bray look, that way Ziggler gets something out of it.
The biggest problem with WWE is the whole "Top Guy" mentality. It's been that way for decades. One Top Guy and a rogues gallery of heels for that guy to defeat. I don't think it works anymore. You need multiple top guys both as faces and heels.

The WWE is doing a shit job of using the rostrr they have to work with. They have plenty of guys and girls with talent but they waste them. "Oh shit Cesaro is over with the crowd!" "Let's turn him heel and cool him off"

"Ambrose is selling merch and getting pops, gotta cool him off"

"Reigns sucks on the mic and in singles matches, give him more mic time and a mania main event"

How many times has Ziggler been hot? How many times have they cooled him off?

Basically the TL;DR is fuck this company. The product could be miles better if they weren't micromanged by an old man who lost his midas touch 15 years ago.
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