Morning WrassleGAF.
It's my birthday! I've celebrated being ayearday older by reading the rumble results and deciding that nothing about the WWEmatters anymore. I can't even bring myself to read the Rumble thread, to see how bad it got.apart from NXT
Instead, I bought cakes for everyone at work, and I'm going to have a nice cup of Earl Grey.from Aldi
Update from Meltzer:
Vince doesn't want to do a three-way at Mania because he feels like it'd be a repeat of last year. They expected the backlash but not to this degree. And Rock is NOT HAPPY.
No one said he was wrong. I certainly never did.How prophetic Stro's thread title really is...
No one said he was wrong. I certainly never did.
Even an endless stream of regurgitated Sopranos .gifs that offer no commentary whatsoever except spam is more entertaining than what the WWE charged money for tonight outside of that triple threat match.
Update from Meltzer:
Vince doesn't want to do a three-way at Mania because he feels like it'd be a repeat of last year. They expected the backlash but not to this degree. And Rock is NOT HAPPY.
Who the fuck is this jobber stealing the RKO? Orton should be pissed.How prophetic Stro's thread title really is...
Shit, top o' the page:
When did this happen on RAW?Who the fuck is this jobber stealing the RKO? Orton should be pissed.
Why would Rock not be happy? He tried his best, got a pop. They cheered him, but boo'ed Roman. He should be used to this by now, he came back for two Mania's to go through that with Cena.
i...i don't... understand
The important take away from all of this is that Sunny promoted a better Rumble than Vince and delivered a far more satisfying winner.The Rumble match itself was so badly done. Crowd really stopped caring when Bryan got eliminated so early and only really woke up to boo the shit out Vince's chosen one. The Rock being there just to counter the boos was so pathetic.
Wow this Rumble was shit.
Title match was meh and was only fun because Lesnar was the face to this crowd.
Thank you! Although Reigns day sends a shiver down my spine.A very merry Reigns day to you.
taylorswiftyeahright.gifIf anyone asks, I was drinking for your birthday from midnight onwards, not because of the Rumble.
I think Roman would have cried in the middle of the ring from the nuclear heat he would've gotten from the crowd. Would have been entertaining.I'm just upset Vince didn't have the balls to have Roman eliminate Bryan.
Where is Raw this week?.
Michinoku Driver.
Also apparently backstage they are trying to paint this whole thing as a Philadelphia issue. Blaming the city and crowd and such.
Eventually they'll realize this is a "these are the only fans we can get if we charge $300 a seat" issue. Mania won't be any different.Also apparently backstage they are trying to paint this whole thing as a Philadelphia issue. Blaming the city and crowd and such.
This is stupid though they built the whole rumble around protecting roman and minimizing the backlash. They even brought in the Rock to try to help put over roman nothing worked which anyone with a brain could have told them would happen. Now they have to deal with the possibility of their Wrestlemania main event getting the same reaction as the rumble.
Also apparently backstage they are trying to paint this whole thing as a Philadelphia issue. Blaming the city and crowd and such.
yeah people will cheer for Brock no doubt. If they stick to their plans with Reigns vs. Lesnar their best bet at this point would be turning Roman heel. At least towards the crowd. He's dead as a face anyway and nothing will change that for the foreseeable future.
Though there is this big problem of Roman not being able to do good promos which kills any chance of him surviving as a heel. Also his whole "walking in from the stands" thing wouldn't work if he turns on the fans. (Though that needs to stop anyway)
imo the bigger problem is that i can't see a Reigns vs. Brock match being very interesting to begin with. A Superman Punch against Brock makes me laugh just thinking about it.
Why would Rock not be happy? He tried his best, got a pop. They cheered him, but boo'ed Roman. He should be used to this by now, he came back for two Mania's to go through that with Cena.
I kind of want to make an OT thread that recommends people wrestling that isn't WWE.
Basically, it's going to be a "Sick of WWE and wanting some good wrestling, watch this!"-thread.
I also want to do some kind of viewing party there, where we watch one hour (or match or whatever) of FUN wrestling, can be anything, people can recommend stuff and we'll watch and talk about that.
So, obviously I am going talk up New Japan and WK9 in particular, Lucha Underground, ROH and NXT, but I need some help from the indie geeks. Link me some matches and preferable add a short explanation as to why someone should watch what your posting.
Also, Miz and Truth starting out? Brings back memories...
I'm more looking forward to that WM30 documentary stuff than the entire current road to WM. :|
C'mon breh, that was the one saving grace. Imagine if it was as it was originally billed Cena Vs Bork with no Rollins.
That shit was borderline offensive. Lol. Vince must think black dudes are that easily replaced and no one would notice. Crowd was chanting Devon for fucks sake.Aww yeah.... Until Truth was just as there as substitute black guy.
Yeah Raw is fucked tomorrow.
The arena's going to be nearly empty, and nobody who wasn't at RR is going to be able to make it into CT for Raw. So no Sting, for sure. The heaviest snow (2-4"/hr.) is going to start falling about an hour before Raw starts. So that means nearly a foot of snow by the time the show ends. Fans' cars will probably be stuck in the parking lot, which is gonna suck. And they're expecting the highways to be closed as a safety precaution, so it's likely that the people who usually go to the CT Raws from the surrounding states aren't going to be able to make it in.
Basically, expect a VERY small crowd for Raw tonight. As far as the Smackdown taping on Tuesday goes...yeah I'm starting to doubt it's going to even happen at this point. Seems likely a lot of the roster is going to be stuck in CT.
That shit was borderline offensive. Lol. Vince must think black dudes are that easily replaced and no one would notice. Crowd was chanting Devon for fucks sake.
I kind of want to make an OT thread that recommends people wrestling that isn't WWE.
Basically, it's going to be a "Sick of WWE and wanting some good wrestling, watch this!"-thread.
I also want to do some kind of viewing party there, where we watch one hour (or match or whatever) of FUN wrestling, can be anything, people can recommend stuff and we'll watch and talk about that.
So, obviously I am going talk up New Japan and WK9 in particular, Lucha Underground, ROH and NXT, but I need some help from the indie geeks. Link me some matches and preferable add a short explanation as to why someone should watch what your posting.
May as well shout out ICW as well. Only familiar with them as of the last BBC doc, but I'll be going if they come back to Leeds for sure.
Don't put a link to Sunny's Twitch account - especially not the GWF. That's far too entertaining compared to the 'E at the moment.
Progress Chapter 13 is free on YT, and includes Devitt's Joker entrance and Jimmy Havoc being a cunt.
I know that feel... I had- My rumble lottery number was the fucking Miz, fuck that.
Not just this, but do it for 2 months. Two. Months.Roman Reigns has to stand in the same ring as Heyman and cut a promo. Honestly we should only feel pity for this man.
Hahahaha, just heard Alvarez talking about how putting Bryan in the Rumble the way they did and then not winning was dumb. Someone from WWE told him they didn't think about that. These fucking carnies.