You know, I think I kind of understand the Bryan elimination. I think they wanted no part of having Bryan and Reigns in the same ring because they knew the crowd would be way more behind Bryan. In addition, I think they were worried that Bryan's elimination would bring nuclear heat, so they also wanted to shield Reigns from any of that.
However, why they put Bryan in the Rumble in the first place is a goddamn mystery. They had to know it was going to end in boos. The only thing I can think of is that they wanted to avoid a Rey situation where the crowd just shat on whoever was 30 when it became obvious he wasn't in it.
Honestly, what they should have done is just announce before the PPV that Bryan wasn't going to be in the Rumble and take the hit then.
I really hope that the Rumble reaction leads to some major soul-searching. Of course, they're now kind of fucked with this Blizzard, because what are they going to do about Raw and Smackdown? The Smackdown taping isn't going to happen, flat out because I'm fairly certain that the state will likely close down the roads if the blizzard does happen.
And I have no doubt Vince wants none of Philly again, because Reigns only shot is not getting booed out of the building tonight.
They were trying to work AROUND the boos, which makes 0 fucking sense