I still think the plan for the last two weeks has to have been a heel Reigns vs a face Lesnar. Why turn Lesnar face two weeks ago (and especially last week) if you knew you were going with Reigns? Especially when you have no heel depth; and you now have a perfect reason to turn Reigns (and Rock) - the crowd. You can set up Bryan vs Rock as a WM match on top of it.
Reigns vs Lesnar at WM, Heyman turns on Lesnar with Reigns, Reigns wins. Following night on RAW; Rollins goes for the cash in and is stopped by Ambrose, leading to the inevitable 3 way feud. You then have a heel champion (ala Flair) who is being chased by all the faces. Bryan, Cena, Ambrose, Ziggler, Orton, Sheamus are all upper card faces that can chase after Reigns.
Or, you have Heyman turn on Lesnar because Lesnar won't play ball with the Authority - Reigns loses but beats up Lesnar, Rollins cashes in, and instead of Kane & Big Show being the "muscle" for the Authority, you have Reigns join Rollins as his "paid bodyguard"
That, or pay Lesnar for one more year, don't tell anyone, and have Lesnar beat Reigns and shock everyone. An "unsigned" Lesnar winning the belt at WM would probably be Taker/Lesnar-ish in terms of shock value.
Other wrestling companies have adjusted admirably.
The WWE has been archaic and stubborn by comparison.
Instead of welcoming the flow of communication that social media has brought them and their talent they've done everything in their power to stunt it or fabricate it (buying up Twitter trends to force angles instead of letting them trend organically). It's the exact same shit they do with how they book their talent.
...you mean all those other wrestling companies that have had to been sold to companies who use it as a loss-leading promotional tool in order to survive (ROH) or survived temporarily due to the largesse and wealth of their owner (TNA)?
If NJPW could get their act together to make an English show, they could strike now.