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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


I felt bad for Reigns getting booed as he was bleeding out of the mouth after what was a decent performance. I just don't understand how people can say in the same breath that they want wrestling to be more like a sport, have more focus on titles, etc... and then they get angry and threaten to quit when the guy they like doesn't win. I'm a Philadelphia Flyers fan. Sometimes the guy you like NEVER wins.


Why couldn't Bryan be one of the final 4? It makes no fucking sense. He's the most popular guy after Cena by far.

I know why they did it, but they shouldn't have. Fans paid good money to see him have a decent Rumble showing.


I really think the Internet is destroying how the WWE can book things. Yes, I know, the Internet isn't exactly new...but more people know more, now.....

Hard to really say what I'm getting at, but I guess the point is, this carny shit won't work with how tied to each other we all are, communication wise. They need to become professional in how they map out their shows / stories.

Maybe you shouldn't keep trying to shit on "internet fans" while everyone is online and you're pushing an internet based Network that's meant to be your new lifeblood.
Trips will be alright. Him in authority basically made last year watchable after DB had to be out a while. He's probably just try to be a heel against roman in the podcast and make it fit a story line.
So, will the WWE try to do what they did with Batista if Roman continues getting negative reactions? Or will they give him the Cena schtick of "some people like me, and some people don't. All you need to know is I've worked my ass off to get here and these fists are ready to do some damage. Believe. That."

The problem is ... he hasnt worked his ass off to get there.. Seriously.. Rollins and Ambrose have done way more this year and they have shown the ability to be singles ready. Reigns just looks out of place. He hits his marks and he does his moves but he is missing key elements. I am nto saying he could never be a WWE HWC, but the company needs to look at the roster and realize that you have too much talent sitting there, and they are giving the wrong guy the push at the wrong time. Reigns should be a victim for the better part of this year to make people feel bad for him.. or feel like its his time.. instead he is pushed down everybodies throat... I mean everybody knew he was winning the Rumble before the rumble started.


I'm not going to stop watching though - I really get sick of wrestling fans threatening to quit. When you've lived through Kwang, Max Moon and Mantaur, it seems really dumb to get angry about this in the era of TEN DOLLAR PAY PER VIEWS.

I felt bad for Reigns getting booed as he was bleeding out of the mouth after what was a decent performance. I just don't understand how people can say in the same breath that they want wrestling to be more like a sport, have more focus on titles, etc... and then they get angry and threaten to quit when the guy they like doesn't win. I'm a Philadelphia Flyers fan. Sometimes the guy you like NEVER wins.

Cancel the WWE Network? That's just ridiculous. Seriously, I had to watch crappy PPVs through a scrambler in 90s because my parents didn't want to pay for PPVs. At this price, I could have afforded them on my middle school allowance without adjusting for inflation. Everything was fun last night except for the end. Lighten up.
This is what a true WWE fan sounds like, folks. Would rather suffer through the bad times of Kwang, Max Moon, Mantaur and Roman Reigns than seek out an alternative product that might actually do wrestling better.

Equates the WWE to a sports team that you should support through thick and thin. And believe me, I'm a Buffalo Bills fan. I know what it's like to cheer for the team that NEVER wins.

But you know what... the WWE isn't a sports team. They have all the tools they need to win and choose NOT to because they feel mediocre is "good enough". So feel free to shovel out another grand or more on attending the Rumble in person next year for the next force-fed winner. Vince is lucky to have you. In fact, you're far better than that crazy old bastard deserves.


So, will the WWE try to do what they did with Batista if Roman continues getting negative reactions? Or will they give him the Cena schtick of "some people like me, and some people don't. All you need to know is I've worked my ass off to get here and these fists are ready to do some damage. Believe. That."

Batista cut some really good heel promos though, he just soaked everything up and threw it back at the crowd. Reigns trying to piss off the crowd with his boring, robotic delivery just sounds laughable.


I've cancelled the network because I have no time to watch the back catalog stuff as it is and if I'm not enjoying the PPVs outside of just enjoying watching a car crash, there's no point it coming out of my account when I could buy myself 3 beers.


Is Brock guaranteed to get a positive reaction if it's confirmed he's jumping back to MMA? I'm interested to see.

I think things have changed with the internet that people no longer act salty that a wrestler leaves to pursue other endeavors. Its more the opposite now. I still don't really understand why people were so hostile against Brock at his last Mania against Goldberg. Either way things are different now because its already accepted that Brock will be walking, anything else is a happy surprise.


Maybe you shouldn't keep trying to shit on "internet fans" while everyone is online and you're pushing an internet based Network that's meant to be your new lifeblood.

Essentially, yeah, but I also meant about how social media / everyone online leads to carny shit being less & less effective.

That and any screw up is magnified. The Rock post-show interview is just as damaging as the actual ending due to how widespread it's going to get.


I feel like Vince is probably so confused this morning lol "I gave them a face winner, dammit. What more do they want?"


Trips will be alright. Him in authority basically made last year watchable after DB had to be out a while. He's probably just try to be a heel against roman in the podcast and make it fit a story line.

Austin is not going to accept that nonsense. He does the show in his own terms. HHH will have to be diplomatic though.


Boots, Daisuke Harada will be at 16 Carat Gold. He is a NOAH guy apparently. Never watched that promotion, but can I be excited about him?


Do the "smart" fans watching WWE really want more women's wrestling?

I think they have poisoned the well with most of the divas roster so that many of these fans don't give a fuck about them no matter how hard they try, particularly the Bellas. If the right women were out there, I doubt that reaction would have happened. At the least, it would not have been sustained.


love on your sleeve
I think things have changed with the internet that people no longer act salty that a wrestler leaves to pursue other endeavors. Its more the opposite now. I still don't really understand why people were so hostile against Brock at his last Mania against Goldberg. Either way things are different now because its already accepted that Brock will be walking, anything else is a happy surprise.

Probably right. It also helps that Brock is only there for maybe a dozen shows as is so the impact of him leaving is not nearly as great.


Austin is not going to accept that nonsense. He does the show in his own terms. HHH will have to be diplomatic though.

Did you see how many softballs he threw Vince? Especially on the CM Punk thing? SCSA does a good job hiding it, but he's a company man through and through.
Cancel the WWE Network? That's just ridiculous. Seriously, I had to watch crappy PPVs through a scrambler in 90s because my parents didn't want to pay for PPVs. At this price, I could have afforded them on my middle school allowance without adjusting for inflation. Everything was fun last night except for the end. Lighten up.

It's 2015 and there's more easily accessible alternatives to the WWE than ever before. In this day an age, for people to keep watching a product that doesn't cut it for them just because it's cheap seems foolish, so I don't know why there's this hostility to people cancelling their subscriptions. If it leads to less people supporting a product they endlessly complain about, then all the more better.

Boots, Daisuke Harada will be at 16 Carat Gold. He is a NOAH guy apparently. Never watched that promotion, but can I be excited about him?

Most definitely yes! One of the best young jr. heavyweights in Japan. Here's a match with him defending the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title vs Zack Sabre Jr;



I think they have poisoned the well with most of the divas roster so that many of these fans don't give a fuck about them no matter how hard they try, particularly the Bellas. If the right women were out there, I doubt that reaction would have happened. At the least, it would not have been sustained.

The one diva that gets any reaction whatsoever from the fans, Paige, barely even got to compete last night.
Here is my issue and this has been happening in the WWE for a while. They waist talented HEALTHY bodies by putting them in matches every week... busting ass to give the match of the night while they give a cake walk for thier push.

Then when the talented wrestlers get their shot.. they are so beat the fuck up they can't do shit and end up hurt or potentially damaging thier well being.

For instance:
The obvious first.... Daniel B... He busted his ass for a year or more only to get hurt.
Ziggler.... always gives a great match only to get hurt after a push
I am afraid Seth Rollins will be in the same boat
Stone Cold (granted him breaking his neck was his turning point in his career) but damn... by the time he got the belt his ring work was really on the decline...

I am not a Rollins mark... but the dude (and Cena) along with Ziggler and Ambrose to some extent carried the company while Daniel B. was out,,,


Did you see how many softballs he threw Vince? Especially on the CM Punk thing? SCSA does a good job hiding it, but he's a company man through and through.

He still has to be somewhat professional.

He asked the questions and if Vince doesn't want to talk about it, then he won't.

"Do you want to talk about Cm Punk? Yes or No?"
The WWE is not a sports team, it's a pre planned and orchestrated tv show, pure and simple. Without a big name competitor like wcw, loyalty just isn't necessary.


Fuck it, since Wrasslegaf nerd chat was fun last night, I'm watching Raw live if it goes ahead just because I cannot turn away from this car crash now.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but the word is that the Smackdown taping is cancelled and the talent will stay in Hartford tonight. Smackdown will either be taped on Wednesday or be done live on Thursday.


FGC Waterboy
I still think the plan for the last two weeks has to have been a heel Reigns vs a face Lesnar. Why turn Lesnar face two weeks ago (and especially last week) if you knew you were going with Reigns? Especially when you have no heel depth; and you now have a perfect reason to turn Reigns (and Rock) - the crowd. You can set up Bryan vs Rock as a WM match on top of it.

Reigns vs Lesnar at WM, Heyman turns on Lesnar with Reigns, Reigns wins. Following night on RAW; Rollins goes for the cash in and is stopped by Ambrose, leading to the inevitable 3 way feud. You then have a heel champion (ala Flair) who is being chased by all the faces. Bryan, Cena, Ambrose, Ziggler, Orton, Sheamus are all upper card faces that can chase after Reigns.

Or, you have Heyman turn on Lesnar because Lesnar won't play ball with the Authority - Reigns loses but beats up Lesnar, Rollins cashes in, and instead of Kane & Big Show being the "muscle" for the Authority, you have Reigns join Rollins as his "paid bodyguard"

That, or pay Lesnar for one more year, don't tell anyone, and have Lesnar beat Reigns and shock everyone. An "unsigned" Lesnar winning the belt at WM would probably be Taker/Lesnar-ish in terms of shock value.

Other wrestling companies have adjusted admirably.
The WWE has been archaic and stubborn by comparison.

Instead of welcoming the flow of communication that social media has brought them and their talent they've done everything in their power to stunt it or fabricate it (buying up Twitter trends to force angles instead of letting them trend organically). It's the exact same shit they do with how they book their talent.

...you mean all those other wrestling companies that have had to been sold to companies who use it as a loss-leading promotional tool in order to survive (ROH) or survived temporarily due to the largesse and wealth of their owner (TNA)? :p

If NJPW could get their act together to make an English show, they could strike now.


I checked Squared Circle for some man babby tears and saw someone wrote a long letter to WWE crying about wrestling and canceling their subscription.


It's a fucking TV show, just stop watching.

That's why the only WrestlingGAFfers I respect are Ithil, UberTag, Bobo, Plywood, and Professor Beef. This shit will never change, and rather than cry and whine, they just choose to not watch WWE anymore. That's what grown men do. They make the hard decisions and move on.
Connecticut has put out a travel ban past 9 PM tonight, so even if Raw happens, no one is going to be there. Vince must be shitting himself not wanting to go back to Philly.


I watching the Rocks' promo when he trash talking the Big Show

" Say well it's the Big Slow" Remember when WWE was entertaining
It's also not 100% that Raw is in Hartford tonight. They might try to get out while they can.

You would think it's going to be tough to find an empty arena on short notice and then hope people show up with almost zero lead time.

You'd probably be better off just gritting your teeth and doing the show from Hartford. Just hang a black curtain around the ring and no one will know!
You would think it's going to be tough to find an empty arena on short notice and then hope people show up with almost zero lead time.

You'd probably be better off just gritting your teeth and doing the show from Hartford. Just hang a black curtain around the ring and no one will know!

There is a travel ban after 9 PM tonight. They may not have a choice. Unless they want to do an empty arena show. FUCK IT. BROADCAST THREE HOURS FROM FULL SAIL.
There are logistics in booking an arena that would make it almost impossible to book a different arena on that short of notice. Either they do an empty arena show in Connecticut or they cancel Raw. The travel ban still applies to the wrestlers though, so I don't think Vince wants to have his employees knowingly break the law, especially if one of them died driving in the snow storm.
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