Sibersk Esto
Nothing was wrong with it. It was just nearly perfect. Any complaint is nitpicky. Pacing was on point. Three huge stars. Great storytelling. Boots will rub his paws together and say "OHOOOOO BUT YOU HATE INDIE FINISHERS" but in this context, it made sense - since Bork is a finisher killer. And Cena is too, unfortunately. It was just about perfect. I loved it. Everyone that was over at my place loved it too. Seth made a believer out of many people.
Like Mysterio, Bryan will look like a ragdoll next to Lesnar. Mysterio/Lesnar had a good match. They also booked Mysterio to lose. It'd be a good match, but it's not the right one for them going forward. Doing SHIELD v Lesnar helps elevate those three guys way more- and they need that roster depth.So the "size gap" matters when it's Bryan, but apparently the "fighting ability gap" doesn't matter when it's Reigns?
No one in WWE is believeable in a real fight against Brock, not one. But it's not a real fight, it's fake, so you can make whatever story you want.
Because they've established Brock as a murderous monster that two men + J/J couldn't take down. I like Bryan, I just don't think that would be a good match for either guy, especially if they want to keep Brock protected.
too many posts have gone by without this gif
He got Shane levels of air on that elbow.Yeah, it was great but I wouldn't give it more than 4 stars. I fucking loved Rollins work in this too, it was his best match yet. That elbow drop to the spanish announce table was the best elbow drop in years.
One thing that is funny about this though. And let's be honest here, most have been pretty sure Reigns was winning this Royal Rumble ever since Lesnar kept that title beyond Night of Champions, so I would've thought people should have been prepared to accept that outcome.
It's not like last year where you didn't know until Batista came back the week before, and pretty much said he's going to main event Wrestlemania, which meant he's going to win since he's Batista.
This time, you had a good four months to prepare yourselves emotionally.
Get ready for Roman Reigns to hold that title for over a year.
They will give him a lot of US Hate promos.
Wait, what? She really asked him that?
I forget the exact words she used but she said something to the effect that New Day were Booker T's guys or picks. Booker did look annoyed although he was most likely playing around.
No Raw tonight means ya'll can watch some Lucha Underground or last week's Ring of Honor TV @
There's one guy behind them with a Roman Reigns shirt going nuts by himself.Nobody is cheering on the back. It's amazing.
This is an extreme comparison, but it's more about the point than the literal comparison. If you knew for months that someone was going to come into your house and shoot you in the kneecaps on a specific day, that doesn't make it any less shitty when it happens.
Yes, it's not a literal comparison. But the point remains the same.
If the IWC were honorable, they'd make a big deal out of this / Titus / R. Truth.
Nothing was wrong with it. It was just nearly perfect. Any complaint is nitpicky. Pacing was on point. Three huge stars. Great storytelling. Boots will rub his paws together and say "OHOOOOO BUT YOU HATE INDIE FINISHERS" but in this context, it made sense - since Bork is a finisher killer. And Cena is too, unfortunately. It was just about perfect. I loved it. Everyone that was over at my place loved it too. Seth made a believer out of many people.
And to make it even worse, Bryan's comeback and declaration for the Rumble added so much false hope that it made the moment that much more crushing.
That Titus elimination was just...If the IWC were honorable, they'd make a big deal out of this / Titus / R. Truth.
Nah, they would have something to complain about.Bryan could have lost to Brock at Mania, and then Good guy Brock would shake his hand. I think fans would have found that ok.
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That is a legitimate complaint. Most people are complaining about him not winning though.I wasn't prepared for Daniel Bryan to have such a poor showing though. I thought if Bryan made it to Rumble, he was going to have an HBK/Rey moment fighting till the end.
No controversy to the elimination either. If D. Bry is going to face Sheamus, why not have Sheamus eliminate him.
They had no Rumble storyline for him. It was just, well he's out, lets move on. No drama. Nothing. Sell the fucking elimination.
The Shattered Dreams on the tron when Goldust came out as Bryan was walking back was perfect.
They knew what they were doing.
He has nice hair too now lets not forget thatI like how this ignores that everything is given to him on a silver platter at this point or his wrestling ability or his promo. Sure has a nice face though!
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The Shattered Dreams on the tron when Goldust came out as Bryan was walking back was perfect.
They knew what they were doing.
That is a legitimate complaint.
I was all ready for Bryan to be in there early, and be the Iron Man of the match. The way they booked him, and even Ambrose and Wyatt (although he looked better thanks to the early Rumble performance) was poor. They came out looking like jobbers.
Why is a kid in the top right watching something on his iPad turned away from the ring?
What was wrong with it? Even Cena was spot on last night. I legit had no complaints with that match. Those two gave all they had to Lesnar and he shrugged it off like the beast he is.
Nothing was wrong with it. It was just nearly perfect. Any complaint is nitpicky. Pacing was on point. Three huge stars. Great storytelling. Boots will rub his paws together and say "OHOOOOO BUT YOU HATE INDIE FINISHERS" but in this context, it made sense - since Bork is a finisher killer. And Cena is too, unfortunately. It was just about perfect. I loved it. Everyone that was over at my place loved it too. Seth made a believer out of many people.
Why is a kid in the top right watching something on his iPad turned away from the ring?
Why is a kid in the top right watching something on his iPad turned away from the ring?
What does Booker being "legit crazy" have to do with Renee calling New Day "your guys"....allegedly.1st. Booker T is crazy... legit crazy. Look at him when he talks to people... His eyes are always above them or behind them... never at them. That is a sign of an unstable person.
2nd... what we will see tonight is the new rumble with edited out boos and replaced with cheers for reigns.
That is a legitimate complaint. Most people are complaining about him not winning though.
I was all ready for Bryan to be in there early, and be the Iron Man of the match. The way they booked him, and even Ambrose and Wyatt (although he looked better thanks to the early Rumble performance) was poor. They came out looking like jobbers.
Boots will rub his paws together and say "OHOOOOO BUT YOU HATE INDIE FINISHERS" but in this context, it made sense
Selfie with the ring in the background?
too many posts have gone by without this gif
Did you see how fast Bork got back in the ring to german Seth before the 3 count? that shit is scary.
So did Booker T get legit mad a Renee Young during the preshow when she asked if Booker T was upset because "his people" lost the match referring to New Day? I was cooking dinner at the time so I could only hear but he sounded pissed.
Yeah, but most of the Rumble are jobbers anyway. They looked like crap going in, and like crap going out. But wrestlers like Bryan, Ambrose, Wyatt, and even Ziggler to an extent, should be better protected. The latter three were just carried and thrown out by Big Slow and Kane.Kinda everyone came out of the a Rumble looking horrible. It was really badly booked.
One thing that is funny about this though. And let's be honest here, most have been pretty sure Reigns was winning this Royal Rumble ever since Lesnar kept that title beyond Night of Champions, so I would've thought people should have been prepared to accept that outcome.
It's not like last year where you didn't know until Batista came back the week before, and pretty much said he's going to main event Wrestlemania, which meant he's going to win since he's Batista.
This time, you had a good four months to prepare yourselves emotionally.
Get ready for Roman Reigns to hold that title for over a year.
PS, the most evil thing from last night was still R-Truth being considered D-Von because black people. Most Vince thing ever.
They were giving them #TheRub it will pay off in time. Slow burn 101 friendFunniest and saddest part of rumble was kane and big show getting rid of all the fan favorites. In 2015.
You could look at each individual person in the crowd and notice something new each time.
Even that girl right above Reigns is shaking her head.