lol Bryan isn't gonna walk out. He's one of those psychos that actually enjoys wrestling.
He is also one of those guys that doesn't give a fuck where he is wrestling, as long as he can.
He is not a guy that would walk out of his contact though.
lol Bryan isn't gonna walk out. He's one of those psychos that actually enjoys wrestling.
He can wrestle elsewhere, if he digs it. It becomes a situation of is it for the wrestling or the money? He can go back to Japan if he really wanted to. He even had the samurai look!
lol Bryan isn't gonna walk out. He's one of those psychos that actually enjoys wrestling.
He can wrestle elsewhere, if he digs it. It becomes a situation of is it for the wrestling or the money? He can go back to Japan if he really wanted to. He even had the samurai look!
Redditors saying WWE have muted the crowd reactions following Reigns' win on the Network VOD edit.
Didn't people here say the opposite?Redditors saying WWE have muted the crowd reactions following Reigns' win on the Network VOD edit.
His wife is a Bella and her sister is fucking Cena. Bryan could literally shit in Vince's office and she'd be fine.
Was Jeff Hardy's push due to Vince or someone else? I have no idea how WWE worked in 2008.
Yeah, AJ hasn't suffered at all with Punk walking out even though everyone swears she's about to "buried for real this time!!"
Coping the fuck did this thread go from hating Reigns to thinking Bryan wants to work at another company because of one Royal Rumble? the fuck did this thread go from hating Reigns to thinking Bryan wants to work at another company because of one Royal Rumble?
is there any indication that Bryan is ever upset about his position in the company? I mean I'm sure he'd like to be on top, all of them would, but he seems sorta laid back about it.
Mmmm I can taste the idea of Shibata/Bryne as I'm typing....if only Bryne would just leave the sinking Titanic.
Oh my god. He'd be fucking great in NJPW. Fucking great.
Could you imagine the shit storm if Bryan walked out?
There's a bunch of news outlets talking about the rumble, mostly about how pissed people were.
The Rock is the true puppeteer of the WWE. Vince is just a talking head. Something, something Illuminati.What other conspiracy theories can we start?
Bryan was talking a big game in his interviews as of late, but his showing in the Rumble pretty much proves it was just that. I can't imagine why he would allow himself to looks so pathetic. At least he doesn't look as pathetic as this though...
Time for Bryan to come back with his 2012 look.
Bryan is a self admitted silent guy, the only time he went off backstage was when he nearly came to blows with H's over styling how match with Orton when he got his stinger, the same one that led into this injury he just came back there any indication that Bryan is ever upset about his position in the company? I mean I'm sure he'd like to be on top, all of them would, but he seems sorta laid back about it.
Offering ideas does not equal politicking the fuck did this thread go from hating Reigns to thinking Bryan wants to work at another company because of one Royal Rumble?
Guys, we are overlooking the most important thing about today. IT IS OUR QUEEN'S DAY OF BIRTH.
Man, Rosa sexually assaults Paige on Total Divas this week and Paige gets heat from Alicia and Nattie for being overly flirtatious. Fucking shameful victim blaming.
So last year was the "inaugural" Andre the Giant Battle there going to be one this year or are they just going to forget that that was a thing after spending a ton of money on that huge trophy and it getting destroyed after a week?
He's making 100X more money now than he was making in the indies without killing himself. I really doubt he's unhappy in life.