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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


I wouldn't be surprised if they're working an angle where Bryan leaves the company on an extended sabbatical to get his shit together (and his hair) and do a Rocky 3 redemption storyline leading up to Summerslam. Have Reigns have his moment for Mania then build Bryan for Summerslam, fuck maybe Survivor Series. Both parties win in that aspect.

Not happening. Why would he leave again when he just came back and the WWE need him bad anyway.

Plus Impact Viewers are very loyal:

IMPACT WRESTLING climbed 0.07 for its 9PM run to 0.18 with 517K total viewers
That would be stupid as hell considering all of the time he just missed

I'm not saying he should be off tv; Do the AJ Styles angle where he just becomes disconnected with everything. Make Bryan have a vision quest.

Wrestling needs more vision quests.

Not happening. Why would he leave again when he just came back and the WWE need him bad anyway.

After last night, I think they saw Bryan as a liability more than anything.

Is there not a single picture of Reigns winning where he looks in any way legitimate?



Wait didn't we said the same shit last year about WM30 and that ppv turned out to be amazing. Even though I could careless if the ppv bombs to the point Vince decides to do Raw in the Hammerstein.

I think the rumored WM31 card looks great on paper. I mean I'm still upset it won't be Bryan vs Brock but I'm not gonna let that blind me to the potential of the rumored matches.


You'll remember that the fans outrage last year forced their hands to make WM30 the show it was. If they put on the show they wanted it would have been Orton vs. Batista, Sheamus vs. Bryan. Punk wiring helped too, of course. Still, that Mania would have sucked!

True. Even with the fans kicking and screaming, Vince gives absolute fucks about feelings this year. Muscle men, old men, millennials jobbing, and celebrities out of the ass like how Wrestlemania is suppose to be GODDAMMIT. Its sad that in Vince's eye WM 30 never happened like WM 9 never happened towards wrestling fans.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Even if y'all think Mania 31 is doomed, some good booking can turn things around. Don't bet on it, but it's still possible. To quote our friend bean breath:

Let's wait and see how this all plays out.


Stuff I hear out of that 13 year old at the Rumble

"Stardust is SO PRETTY I love his colors"
"Even though it doesn't make sense I like the women in this match"
"Brie's pants are really stupid."
"Rusev is fat"

Kids don't know shit.

Someone else (Hasney) needed help and yelled the safe word, I was just signal boosting. Hasney, your time is now.

Someone said someone was always watching and I was taking a dump at the time and I didn't feel safe. It's OK now, friends. The worst has passed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Someone said someone was always watching and I was taking a dump at the time and I didn't feel safe. It's OK now, friends. The worst has passed.

Hasney don't cry wolf. Save the safeword for when it's needed, friend. You can always summon me if you want to, just use my personal safeword, "The Ascension" and you can bet I'll be there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
When a real problem happens and Hasney calls a mod nobody will believe him.

That's my fear. Keep the safeword for trouble situations, like if you see an angry Stro show up with a gun and a WiiU.


lol Xavier woods tweeted this picture

This should be his gimmick. He gets pushed around but he keeps coming back to try and enter the ring for his match. Show him training in the gym with weights and with him looking at himself in a mirror.

Then one night unannounced have him come in and squash the person who is trying to take his spot and dominate his opponent.


Hasney don't cry wolf. Save the safeword for when it's needed, friend. You can always summon me if you want to, just use my personal safeword, "The Ascension" and you can bet I'll be there.

I think you'd be best using "Fall of Man".
Also I thought the Criminal Girls thing was a joke

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry Y2Kev, looks like Hasney was up to no good.

While you're here, what did you think of the Miz's performance at the Royal Rumble?
You guys do realize they'll probably just have Reigns squash Axel on TV in reaction to his Twitter joke, right?

Also, Smackdown will be airing live in both the US and Canada on Thursday.


On paper, I actually don't have an issue with Reigns vs. Lesnar. There's a lot of intrigue surrounding it, and whether or not Reigns will be able to carry a main event and have a great singles match against a guy like Brock. He seems to think he can.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So you know how Raw is canceled tonight?

You know what isn't?


I'd take Dave's booking of WWE over Vince any day.

That ugly, pathetic, worthless piece of television shit doesn't even leave his office. Letterman is a legit piece of human trash and I hope he dies soon.


So not worth it
Even if y'all think Mania 31 is doomed, some good booking can turn things around. Don't bet on it, but it's still possible. To quote our friend bean breath:

Let's wait and see how this all plays out.

Kind of done waiting. Normally I make sure I can watch Mania live by taking Monday off, but as of now I don't intend to do that this year. I have watched two Raw's since Survivor Series and don't really want to watch one, I haven't really missed it either. I canceled the Network again, probably won't get it until Mania, so unless what you say happens, I dunno, they may have lost me for a while as a paying customer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
¡HarlequinPanic!;149255609 said:
Either we've got some elaborate avatar carpet bombinb goin' on or tyler breeze won the avatar rumble; anyone got a link where i can see where it all went down!?

Fool, you entered the damn thing!

Yes he won. Glad you changed your av.

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