No one is going to look like they can believably beat Brock Lesnar. Not anyone in the current WWE. Brock is the only person in that company right now that is 100% believable in everything he does. Because even Heyman said, 'The best gimmicks in the WWE are usually extensions of themselves amped up to 11. Brock is basically himself. Period.' Even Daniel Bryan would need some insane promo packages and build-up for me to buy into that. He would have needed to go from beating Bray to pinning Triple H to retiring Kane to beating Rollins for me to even possibly buy that he might could be an underdog against Brock.
Brock feels to me like an attraction from the 80s. It's partially his on and off schedule. But like I've said in the past, his current booking reminds me of Andre booking(with some more hiccups). He may not be on TV every week, but you know he's out there, and he can win whenever he wants to. You'll watch every week because you know there's a chance he might be there. I can't watch the modern WWE product, but I switched to Raw when someone told me there was a Brock interview. Without even thinking about it. Brock's a star, and I don't know what everyone else is.
I don't want to see him every week like some people do. I don't want to see him in nothing tag team matches, I don't want to see Heyman cutting 'weekly heel promo' for him. It feels important when he shows up, it really does feel like he has the WWE title hostage, and I think that's incredible writing. Which is funny because it's incredible due to Brock Lesnar and his contract, not due to any creative purpose.