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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

I watched those interviews from last night and Bryan blew away Reigns on the mic. He actually sounds natural and not like a robot. He is being screwed.


I still cant for the life of me understand how Vince didn't see the obvious benefits to running a Bryan vs Brock storyline for WM31. The underdog + returning from injury + trying to reclaim the title he never lost storyline + WrestleMania being on the west coast where Bryan is probably a bit more over = all of the money.

It's baffling
I almost want to see Vince go head first until that brick wall, and watch as Roman is booed as WM goes off the air.

Is Vince stubborn enough to have his "baby" WM be hijacked by the fans?


Heh.....actually there is one guy who even though he's been on TV for only a few weeks, he's been booked in a way that you'd believe he could stand a chance against Brock Lesnar.

Kevin Owens

I know...I know. But look at how he's booked. He wrecks people. He destroys everyone in his path in a manor similar to Brock. He's being booked as TMF in NXT. The only guy on a WWE show other than Brock Lesnar who is booked as TMF.

If Brock was here for another year, and Owens had time to wrap up in NXT and be brought to the main roster in a similar way, Brock vs Owens would be the shit.


Rusev really REALLY needs to go over Cena. Have it be a DQ or something at Fast Lane then build it up to a big match at Mania. If Rusev's winning streak is squandered just to give Cena the rub yet again, words wouldn't even express how stupid that would be.

Then again I wouldn't put it past these people at this point.

You should start looking for words to express how stupid that would be ASAP because that is SO happening

Rusev wins at Fast Lane
Jern Cerna overcome the odds at Mania and win the big one for America, USA USA USA


Gold Member
I wouldn't be surprised that Bryan vs Brock isn't happening at Mania simply because Bryan wouldn't look like a credible threat to Lesnar on the poster in the eyes of the casual fan.


I almost want to see Vince go head first until that brick wall, and watch as Roman is booed as WM goes off the air.

Is Vince stubborn enough to have his "baby" WM be hijacked by the fans?

More casuals watch Mania right? By a lot? Kinda hard to put on a show when the blabbering on the announce team doesn't match what you are watching/hearing.

He doesn't have the fan base like Cena which means you are guaranteed some cheers.

Personally I think Vince is worried.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Holy shit Ted Arcidi is still alive
I take it that last night's segment means they're moving full steam ahead with Reigns/Lesnar no matter what. They'll turn Reigns heel before they consider replacing him. Bryan yucking it up on Twitter with Ziggler and taking shots at Reigns (assuming that was him) means he must be desperate.
Rusev really REALLY needs to go over Cena. Have it be a DQ or something at Fast Lane then build it up to a big match at Mania. If Rusev's winning streak is squandered just to give Cena the rub yet again, words wouldn't even express how stupid that would be.

Then again I wouldn't put it past these people at this point.

He needs more than a win, he needs good follow-up. Tensai beat Cena and look where that went.


Reigns got that Wrestlemania win... too bad Rollins will cash it in the night after. And get it. Reigns will finally get his dynasty reign in Summer Slam!

And I think Rusev beats Cena. For the fact that WWE's brand new superhero is going to be crowned. So why have two superheroes go over on the big event?
WWE could probably benefit by having a show like last nights Raw as a thing on their Network. I think they'd half ass it after the second episode but in a world where they actually care about their programming it would go a long ways in helping people's characters and programs get over.


Undertaker is 49
Sting is 55

This man is 58.

DDP Yoga, but it probably also helps that he wasn't a full time wrestler until he was 35 and only had about a 8 year career as a full time wrestler while Sting and Undertaker both did over 20 years as full time wrestlers.


I wouldn't be surprised that Bryan vs Brock isn't happening at Mania simply because Bryan wouldn't look like a credible threat to Lesnar on the poster in the eyes of the casual fan.

That's why you don't put them side by side, or face to face, you do it like this:


And make the size difference part of the story.


Reigns got that Wrestlemania win... too bad Rollins will cash it in the night after. And get it. Reigns will finally get his dynasty reign in Summer Slam!

And I think Rusev beats Cena. For the fact that WWE's brand new superhero is going to be crowned. So why have two superheroes go over on the big event?

Vince sees Reigns as the next guy. They wouldn't screw him out of his first title reign. If anything, Rollins is going to fail the cash in.


To all those that canceled, that's great. But if you really want to show WWE you mean business, don't resubscribe so you can watch FASTLANE. I know it's tempting, but be strong!


I wouldn't be surprised that Bryan vs Brock isn't happening at Mania simply because Bryan wouldn't look like a credible threat to Lesnar on the poster in the eyes of the casual fan.

I know some fans are actually worried that D. Bry can't take the punishment Brock is gonna give him. That he's gonna fuck up his neck. It's not like Cena's neck is in great shape either.

Personally I am not concerned about the believability aspect but some people here see it as a problem.


I wouldn't be surprised that Bryan vs Brock isn't happening at Mania simply because Bryan wouldn't look like a credible threat to Lesnar on the poster in the eyes of the casual fan.

By that logic Hogan wouldn't look like a threat against Andre though.

David vs Goliath is probably the most common and successful wrestling story.


I take it that last night's segment means they're moving full steam ahead with Reigns/Lesnar no matter what. They'll turn Reigns heel before they consider replacing him. Bryan yucking it up on Twitter with Ziggler and taking shots at Reigns (assuming that was him) means he must be desperate.

What are you talking about? Ziggler challenged Bryan to a Wrestlemania match on twitter and Bryan replied to him back that he is in.

I don't think that match will happen though.
I still cant for the life of me understand how Vince didn't see the obvious benefits to running a Bryan vs Brock storyline for WM31. The underdog + returning from injury + trying to reclaim the title he never lost storyline + WrestleMania being on the west coast where Bryan is probably a bit more over = all of the money.

"But we did put the underdog returning from an injury over god dammit!"


No one is going to look like they can believably beat Brock Lesnar. Not anyone in the current WWE. Brock is the only person in that company right now that is 100% believable in everything he does. Because even Heyman said, 'The best gimmicks in the WWE are usually extensions of themselves amped up to 11. Brock is basically himself. Period.' Even Daniel Bryan would need some insane promo packages and build-up for me to buy into that. He would have needed to go from beating Bray to pinning Triple H to retiring Kane to beating Rollins for me to even possibly buy that he might could be an underdog against Brock.

Brock feels to me like an attraction from the 80s. It's partially his on and off schedule. But like I've said in the past, his current booking reminds me of Andre booking(with some more hiccups). He may not be on TV every week, but you know he's out there, and he can win whenever he wants to. You'll watch every week because you know there's a chance he might be there. I can't watch the modern WWE product, but I switched to Raw when someone told me there was a Brock interview. Without even thinking about it. Brock's a star, and I don't know what everyone else is.

I don't want to see him every week like some people do. I don't want to see him in nothing tag team matches, I don't want to see Heyman cutting 'weekly heel promo' for him. It feels important when he shows up, it really does feel like he has the WWE title hostage, and I think that's incredible writing. Which is funny because it's incredible due to Brock Lesnar and his contract, not due to any creative purpose.
I think this is partially a function of Brock being amazing and partially a function of them booking only like one or two guys to actually matter. Essentially, if you weren't wrestling on WWE PPV cards in 2006, you suck. That's a terrible place to be, especially considering all the talent the WWE has right now. No one that Brock hasn't already beaten has the credibility to beat him.

This is a problem they've had for awhile, and it's why people were upset about Twice in a Lifetime, despite it being "good for business". There's been this cutoff point for talent since Cena became the guy, where no one that wasn't around then has been able to move into a main event slot for an extended period of time. Now that they've had Brock beat Cena, HHH, and Taker to send a message about how dominant he is, they have literally no one that's believable to put up against a man who is probably either the 1st or 2nd most legitimate athlete that has ever worked for the company. The only exception in my eyes is Orton, who is also now part time.


I wouldn't be surprised that Bryan vs Brock isn't happening at Mania simply because Bryan wouldn't look like a credible threat to Lesnar on the poster in the eyes of the casual fan.

The irony there is that Bryan not being "credible" would be perfect for the story of the underdog going against the beast. It wouldn't be a problem.

And, as I said before, he also has tons of accomplishments already so when he won (after getting the shit kicked out of him) it wouldn't look out of place.


Are there any reports of the backstage reaction to Sunday night's clusterfuck around? Surely there are some furious rewrites happening. At least one person should be fired. I mean, Jesus Christ.
Why would there be rewrites? Why should someone be fired?
This is what they've had planned forever.
They WANT Reigns to be hated. Because Cena is hated. And Reigns is the new Cena.
Except he can't work nearly as good a match as Cena. Perhaps... in time... he will.
But none of that matters now. The most legit wrestler they've had (probably ever) is about to get fed to him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Here's what I've learned so far

• Freebirds were surprisingly over as faces
• Steve Simpson is pretty good. I'm surprised he didn't go further. He's got a thick as fuck accent though.
• Chris Adams. I don't get it. I don't get why people talk so highly of him.
• Kerry's not bad on commentary after a while. 'Son of a gun! Son of a gun!'
• Matt Borne's promos are pretty rough pre-Doink
• Ted Arcidi is still alive. And pretty good.
• Rick Rude was booked stronk. Held two of their titles at once.
• I like Skip Young
• I like Al Perez too
• Andre is so over everywhere, but he's so over in Texas. He gets huge reactions to everything he does in WCCW.
• The Spoiler is sweet
• Percy Pringle's face is still creepy
• Love Bill Mercer
In retrospect, once they got news of Bryan's return they should have called off the triple threat (which was amazing, no doubt) and had the Bryan/Lesnar match. Cena could've entered the Rumble, been eliminated last by Reigns and that probably would have at least muffled any negativity towards him.

*I should say that's if they were dead set on Reigns, which they shouldn't be in the first place, but I'm trying to meet them half-way here.


Eh, I'm not that high on Ziggler. I feel he's ingenuine. Like a debuting blue chipper Rocky Maivia. Even Rock said himself he wasn't genuine when he started out and was thankful he was given 30 seconds of promo time to bring out his genuine self. Ziggler has been that on that loop for a while, I think.

Ziggler and Bryan could have a good match at Mania, who knows. Personally, I'd rather see Bryan finally get a win against Bray Wyatt after a hard fought match up. He could then start on his road to the World title again or something.


If Bryan is not gonna get back in the WWE title picture I think he should become the new Intercontinental Champion and go on a string of AAA matches. The title would actually have meaning again.
That's the absolute last thing Vince McMahon wants.


Why would there be rewrites? Why should someone be fired?
This is what they've had planned forever.
They WANT Reigns to be hated. Because Cena is hated. And Reigns is the new Cena.
Except he can't work nearly as good a match as Cena. Perhaps... in time... he will.
But none of that matters now. The most legit wrestler they've had (probably ever) is about to get fed to him.

And Brock doesn't seem to give any fucks. I don't see him as a guy that won't put someone over. Stone Cold, HHH, HBK, Bret or any of the old school guys would probbaly have been NOPE.

Could be wrong.


So the brand split idea is pretty much dead I'm guessing.

There was an idea that Smackdown would be Bryan's show, but it probably should be Reigns' show since it's easier to hide his flaws on a taped show.

So Bryan can job again?

So people can get the match they actually want to see and it hopefully pacifies the crowd at Mania a little bit?

Let's face it, the only way they would have given us Brock vs Bryan at Mania is if Brock agreed to stay another year. At which point they would have had Brock beat Bryan anyway.


So the brand split idea is pretty much dead I'm guessing.

There was an idea that Smackdown would be Bryan's show, but it probably should be Reigns' show since it's easier to hide his flaws on a taped show.

Brand split has been dead for years and I don't think anyone really misses it


Gold Member
Brand split has been dead for years and I don't think anyone really misses it

Yep. I hated the brand split. I'm down for Smackdown being elevated though. I would be more inclined to watch it every week if wasn't so obviously the B show for lesser talent.
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