Jimmy King
Do you guys think that we can somehow influence WWE to put Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania?
If we hashtag Birdman with #FreeWeezy maybe it'll work.
Wait, what are we talking about?
Do you guys think that we can somehow influence WWE to put Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania?
Do you guys think that we can somehow influence WWE to put Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania?
If we hashtag Birdman with #FreeWeezy maybe it'll work.
Wait, what are we talking about?
Nah man. That album only had 3 or so good tracks. Carter II is a masterpiece.
...currently jamming Go DJ.
Do you guys think that we can somehow influence WWE to put Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania?
Welcome. This is a good jumping on point right now.Haven't watched wrestling in so long but I just watched the Royal Rumble, thought it was pretty good until the ending and the way they eliminated Bray Wyatt. That was kind of weak but aside from that I enjoyed it. Made me want to get back into watching WWE since there seem to be quite a few cool wrestlers now like Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan. I also like that Roman Reigns dude too, not sure why everyone is so down on the guy haha. Gonna have to look into subscribing to the wwe network.
I think it's weird NeoGAF allows 14 year olds to register for the site but also has topics about fleshlights and eating ass.
From what he said on Jericho's podcast, he views the high competition amongst the top talent during the Attitude Era to be key to its success, so if everyone is vying for the top spot they should in theory be all performing at their best.
And you know, weed out the people who are just there to coast.
Subscribing to the WWE Network is what all the cool kids are doing. You should get on that.Haven't watched wrestling in so long but I just watched the Royal Rumble, thought it was pretty good until the ending and the way they eliminated Bray Wyatt. That was kind of weak but aside from that I enjoyed it. Made me want to get back into watching WWE since there seem to be quite a few cool wrestlers now like Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan. I also like that Roman Reigns dude too, not sure why everyone is so down on the guy haha. Gonna have to look into subscribing to the wwe network.
Don't you dare take my Sheamus-Bryan grudge match away from me! I won't hear of it.Do you guys think that we can somehow influence WWE to put Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania?
I had 0 interest in Dying Light but looking at streams it looks alright so far
Lol@ dude trying to submit the other fella and the superkicks.
Like a deer drinking water is vulnerable to its prey you in turn become more approachable and less intimidating because you're stuffing your face.I don't know what it is.
I can sit on my desk at work for hours and no one comes up to me. Then come 6pm and I'm eating my dinner (at my desk) and people all of a sudden need me to do things for them. What is it about food in your hands that make people need help all of a sudden?
Can't run and gun the undead without showcasing your l33t parkour skills.I played the first hour or so on PS4, it seems pretty fun but the control scheme is going to take some getting used to - click left stick to run and r1 to jump...what is this madness?
A favorable push on Total Divas? I totally believe she can pull some strings there.Maybe Brie Bella can use her influence to get Daniel Bryan a favorable push.
but people back then had another place to go to.
Austin wouldn't have made it in the WCW. Guys don't have the other places to work.
I took a Rainmaker on the streets of Tokyo from a super cute girl the other week. Then her friends ran over to me after she pinned me and made spray noises acting like they were hitting me with the cold spray.
Cool your jets everyone and read my post a couple pages back: Bryan's officially negotiating with NJPW via Twitter.
Sure, but that's why he's trying to foster an artificial competition amongst the talent. Since there isn't an alternative, you have to make them compete with each other yourself.
Maybe Brie Bella can use her influence to get Daniel Bryan a favorable push.
Apparently, following a company on Twitter equates to "negotiating" now.Repost, friend?
That's not very respectful. No wonder Cena bitches Brie out.She's going to go to Cena to ask for a favor behind Bryan's back like what she keeps doing on Total Divas.
Repost, friend?
This community is really bad. There are so many wrestling threads on GAF that I figured it must be a pretty strong and cool community, but I was wrong. You guys are miserable. The past like 10 pages are complaining about made up rumors, arguing over your fantasy booking not working out for you, wishing Vince McMahon dead because you didn't like a show, just flat out working yourselves up over nothing. This is as bad as any wrestling message board on the web that I've been to. You guys need to get a grip.
Welcome. This is a good jumping on point right now.
But then won't you end up with guys like Big Show and Miz "accidentally on purpose" injuring guys to protect their spots? Or guys like Edge and Christian bribing writers?
Thanks man! Yeah it sure seems like it after watching the RR. I need to find out what other good guys to watch and root for besides Daniel Bryan. Feels like all the interesting wrestlers are heels, but I'm just getting back into it so who knows what I'm missing.
This is all you need to see. On the day every WWE Superstar is tweeting about the Network reaching 1 million subscribers, Bryan took his time follow NJPW who tweet in Japanese. I assume he's using Google Translate to iron out the finer details of his contract.
Thanks man! Yeah it sure seems like it after watching the RR. I need to find out what other good guys to watch and root for besides Daniel Bryan. Feels like all the interesting wrestlers are heels, but I'm just getting back into it so who knows what I'm missing.
You should root for this fella...Thanks man! Yeah it sure seems like it after watching the RR. I need to find out what other good guys to watch and root for besides Daniel Bryan. Feels like all the interesting wrestlers are heels, but I'm just getting back into it so who knows what I'm missing.
No Feb title suggestions please. The thread already exists.Feb Wrasslin' |OT| Matches Lame, Interfering Kane, Roman Reigns. But the Main Event Remains
February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted? Part Deux
This is all you need to see. On the day every WWE Superstar is tweeting about the Network reaching 1 million subscribers, Bryan took his time follow NJPW who tweet in Japanese. I assume he's using Google Translate to iron out the finer details of his contract.
Was suprised but yea Titus I saw a bit of the back and forth between DB and NJPW's twitter. Found a message Daniel sent to them in Japenese it's best to use google translate to understand it tho
seems to be the beginnings of a beautiful partnership according to the translation of the above
Nice! I'll be checking those guys out and NxT! Lol I'm already a fan of Reigns but shit who knows after I see how he is on a weekly basis.
Feb Wrasslin' |OT| Matches Lame, Interfering Kane, Roman Reigns. But the Main Event Remains