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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


Thank you, friend.


Just magnificent. I hope he gets something at Mania.

Probably the best thing Dunn did camerawork wise. The camerawork was amazing during that segment and made Ambrose look like he's descending into madness.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Triple threat time. More juniors. Get used to it, kids.
Kenou vs Yoshinari Ogawa vs Genba Hirayanagi
Holy shit Ogawa's old ass still wrestles? I can't believe they ever gave that dude the Heavyweight title. Hirayanagi is from KENTA/Itami's old faction 'No Mercy.' He was on the conference earlier as well, playing on his phone. I'm also surprise No Mercy is still around. All these muted themes make me sad. So there's heat between Hirayanagi and Kenou since their teams are feuding. Ogawa just feels like the third wheel. Hirayanagi reminds me of Yujiro. Oh look, Hirayanagi got thrown out of the ring so Ogawa and Kenou can one on one. ITS A FUCKING TRIPLE THREAT ALRIGHT. I wonder if there will be multiple finishers at the end. Lots of people wearing surgical masks in the crowd. Usually it's just one or two. Something going around? Sometimes I think people say 'Kenou' because they miss saying 'Kenta!' especially the ladies. Several minutes in, and I don't have much to talk about. It's not very exciting. Kenou is average, I don't know Hirayanagi, and I NEVER liked Ogawa, so this 48 year old Howard Stern looking dude trying to be a junior heavyweight ain't doing much for me. I'm not sure why they signed Kenou over Fujita. Maybe it's a size thing. I get the impression Fujita pisses everyone off everywhere he goes.

Spot of the match so far. Hirayanagi charges Kenou for a lariat then proceeds to stop, rub his head and give him a kiss. Hirayanagi gets put in an ankle lock by Kenou and Kenou starts slapping the mat. Like 'I'm trying to get the crowd going' but the ref goes 'You give up? He gives up!' and rings the bell instead. Kinda funny. Even Kenou looks confused.

Next match!

Hajime Ohara vs Quiet Storm
Ohara's my dude. I've only seen a few of his matches, but I'm firmly behind him. It helps that he looks like Date from Kamen Rider OOO. I know Quiet Storm but am not familiar. But that's an awful name. I bet Sunny likes Quiet Storm. He's got the roid belly. Ohara's theme is fucking muted. Everyone's theme is unless they have a shitty theme. So help me if Suzuki's theme is muted... Quiet Storm looks like he either belongs in CZW or the Misfits In Action. Quiet Storm makes gurgling growling noises. This is Sunny's kind of guy for sure. Quiet Storm is in control and has said 'Come ON!' a total of 4 times already. Ohara has been knocked to the outside. Instead of immediately coming back in, he does the smart thing and takes a breather. Milks the count for all he can.

Ohara is back in the fold. And gets beaten up more by RGGGHHHH Quiet Storm. RGGHHHH IM PRETTY SURE ARGGHHHH QUIET STORM IS THE SON OF ZANDIG HRRRGGGHRLG.
Quiet Storm and Ohara have a forearm fight like you tend to do in Japan. After a while, Ohara spins out and tries to catch his breath. Quiet Storm, yet again, proclaims 'COME AWWWWN' and Ohara turns to the crowd and screams. Channels his fighting spirit aaaand performs an eye rake. This mother fucking heel. Ohara cheats by choking Quiet Storm on the ropes until the count is up... Then just resets it and does it again.

Decent back and forths for a while. Ohara hits a nice double underhook facebuster on the much larger Quiet Storm. Ohara gets Storm into a beautiful Devil Ray(which is a (Arm trap headscissors rolled into a cradle. It's hard to get a picture of, but it's very cool ) but Storm gets the rope break. He tries his Finishing Forearm but gets a forearm back for his trouble and Storm pulls off a very nice fisherman buster.

Ohara throws him at the ropes and FUCKING KENSOU SHOWS UP OUT OF NOWHERE AT RINGSIDE AND HITS STORM WITH THE KENDO STICK! Holy shit, he just popped up! Kenou gets pissed at the ref and begins to hit Kenou with the kendo stick. Really soft though. When he did the DQ hit, you heard the stick pop but not when he was doing the beat down. Maybe he was taking it easy on him because he didn't mean to hit him so hard the first time. Good Guy Kenou. I enjoyed this match more than I thought I would. Neither man is what I would call an 'amazing technical wrestler' in the typical sense. But I would absolutely call Ohara amazing as a wrestler. He does all the super heel cheating shit in Japan that Bucks and Buff Bagwell and other Americans do, and they love him for it. He's probably the most heel dude in NOAH right now(not counting Suzuki-gun) and he's so over with the crowd. Ohara is just pumped full of natural charisma. It's hard to explain it. I don't understand a word the guy says, and I'm completely behind him every time he shows up. Like I said, reminds me of Eddie Guerrero.

Kenou argues with the ref more then No Mercy shows up and runs them off.

Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Zack Sabre Jr.

I know everyone here. Remember when Sabre used to have his Bieber haircut? I do. He comes out in a UK flag jacket. Why is it cool when Europeans do this shit but it's 'trashy and hillbilly' when Americans do it? Nakajima is 26 years old and yet he's been wrestling for 11 year. Think about that. His debut match was against our very own Ishii. Britain is so fucking lanky, he got to get some mass, brother.

Any time I see a dude wearing a European flag for trunks, I know that I'm going to see chain wrestling. And here it is. It's fine for what it is, I guess. I just personally don't want to see it, done well or done poorly. I like that the Japanese fans call Zack Sabre 'Zaku' like that he were a mobile suit.

The sound this move makes it fucking gnarly. It sounds like somebody's limb broke. From that point on, Zaku is completely after that arm. Kicks the shit out of it several times. Nakajima does a great job selling it... I assume he's selling it and that the pop earlier wasn't his arm popping out of its socket. Nakajima does a nice dragon screw. MS 06-Zaku's arm based offense looks really weak. His european uppercuts particularly leave a lot to be desired. But his kicking looks good. Makes sense for a lanky dude like that.

When Nakajima goes to a rope for balance, Zaku does a diving double foot stomp to that arm. Zaku tries for a half nelson suplex with the other arm draped so that Nakajima grabs the rope with his bad arm to ground himself. To which Zaku kicks the shit out of that same bad arm. It's so dense. Then Zaku does a notern lights to Nakajima and makes sure to drape the bad arm so Nakajima lands right on it and puts him right in a cross armbreaker afterwards. Nakajima immediately scrambles for the ropes. Zaku looks like a paid assassin and Nakajima looks like he's fighting for his life. Nakajima has to roll out of the ring for a breather because of the searing pain his arm is in. Once he comes back in, Zaku is right back on him and torques that arm. He's torquing that arm like it owes him money. 'You're going to pay me back me tea and crumpets, ya wanker' he says in my mind.

Fucking beautiful kick by Nakajima. Zaku tries to fight out of it by grabbing Nakajima's arm, but Nakajima drops him with a superplex. Zaku's clearly getting reckless because he thought he had it won earlier with the armbar, so he just figures he needs one arm submission and he's got it. But Nakajima is a veteran 26 year old mother fucker who's been through Kobashi, Sasaki, and Fujinami. This is where the contrast of experience really shows despite both guys being of simialr age. Zaku's reckless run-in is countered and he's drop toeholded into the middle turnbuckle.

When he kicks him, you hear a combination of the metal of the turnbuckle and Zaku's face. He fucking KICKS him. Like a 'this is for my fucking arm' kick. Keep in mind Nakajima has some legit kicking credentials. Zaku ducks a kick and delivers a half nelson suplex to Nakajima. On the arm.

Guillotine arm wrench? Thing? Turned into a brainbuster. The ending sequence is fantastic and pays off everything I talked about in the storytelling of the match. I won't spoil it.

I was going to try to finish the whole event up in this post, but I had no idea I'd love Sabre vs Nakajima so much. I hated the start of this match. I took a break to make dinner, and I was just thinking how much of a bore it was going to be to get through. The first 6 or 7 minutes are just this boring 'chain wrestling/mat wrestling' exhibition that I think has absolutely no story. As soon as Zaku 'pops' Nakajima's arm, it becomes a real match. Zaku goes from this goofy looking dude in UK jocks to a vicious killer mother fucker. He makes Del Rio look soft the way he goes after Nakajima's arm. The whole story is about that arm from that point on, and it's wonderfully done. Nakajima's selling is as convincing as Sabre's offense. Even in gif form it doesn't get over the storytelling of the match. Both these dudes are practically mirrors. Both started incredibly young, 26 year old Nakajima vs 27 year old Sabre. 11 years experience vs 10 years experience. A submission grappler vs a former karateka striker. I think it gets over that Nakajima has a little more 'big match' experience under his belt to be able to withstand it. But it also highlights Sabre as someone who can find one limb on you and tear it apart.

It might be my current MOTY.
Ambrose and Ziggler were the only two other than Bryan the crowd would have been ok with winning the Rumble. Ambrose definitely should be moving to upper mid card main event before Reigns. The guy has it all.
Ambrose and Ziggler were the only two other than Bryan the crowd would have been ok with winning the Rumble. Ambrose definitely should be moving to upper mid card main event before Reigns. The guy has it all.

Nah there were others. Wyatt, Rusev, Cesaro they woudl of been fine with as well.


The fact that Ambrose isn't out of midcard hell really hurts my soul. Dude has it all. Personality CHECK, wrestling CHECK, MICWORK CHECK, putting people over CHECK. Hell even his merchandise was doing good. He could be the biggest antihero WWE ever had if they put effort into his push...unfortunately, WWE doesn't believe in the fact that there's such a thing as a babyface whose friggin normal and not a damn happy go lucky robot.
Imagine if they had waited on Reigns and built a whole year towards Mania 32 doing a Shield triple threat with Ambrose as the ultimate underdog.


I give it to Ambrose...out of all of the younger talent that runs to twitter and bitch...dude just doesn't give a shit about his current position.
The fact that Ambrose isn't out of midcard hell really hurts my soul. Dude has it all. Personality CHECK, wrestling CHECK, MICWORK CHECK, putting people over CHECK. Hell even his merchandise was doing good. He could be the biggest antihero WWE ever had if they put effort into his push...unfortunately, WWE doesn't believe in the fact that there's such a thing as a babyface whose friggin normal and not a damn happy go lucky robot.

They think he's better at comedy than being serious. Which I mean to be fair, look at the gifs in the past 2 pages, and stuff like "what? it's for charity", and you won't find a lot of contrary evidence.


Ambrose and Ziggler were the only two other than Bryan the crowd would have been ok with winning the Rumble. Ambrose definitely should be moving to upper mid card main event before Reigns. The guy has it all.

a Bray win would've been awesome if they hadn't ballsed up his last 9 months. the crowd is really behind him.


They think he's better at comedy than being serious. Which I mean to be fair, look at the gifs in the past 2 pages, and stuff like "what? it's for charity", and you won't find a lot of contrary evidence.

Stone Cold hit Vince in the head with a bedpan, The Rock literally gave wet willies to Michael Cole, and even Hogan did some silly promos...yet these dudes were taking serious.
Bray was incredible in the Rumble. The only highlight outside of nostalgia acts. So good I can even forgive him for going to the well with singalong time in his promo.


Bray losing the Rumble should be what the IWC should have been bitching about...dude was golden throughout the match. I was expecting him to go deeper as he kept eliminating dudes and going even more crazy to the point he's doing the crab walk on the outside of the ring while the rumble kept going...
Bray losing the Rumble should be what the IWC should have been bitching about...dude was golden throughout the match. I was expecting him to go deeper as he kept eliminating dudes and going even more crazy to the point he's doing the crab walk on the outside of the ring while the rumble kept going...

nah yo


Good guy Jimmy Jacobs.


ROH star, Jimmy Jacobs, guest speaker at Yorkdale Central School

The message delivered to the students at Yorkdale Central School on Tuesday, January 13 was a simple one: Be who you want to be and don’t let others bring you down.

The man delivering the message, however, was anything but simple; although he was the living embodiment of that statement.

Fingers painted, wearing yellow, purple and pink socks inside white leather shoes and carrying a pink purse, five-time Ring Of Honor (ROH) tag team champion Jimmy Jacobs, known in the professional wrestling world as the ‘Zombie Princess’, took time out of his extremely busy schedule to address the Yorkdale student body on the subject of bullying and how to not let it bother you.

“I myself was the target of bullying when I was in school,” the visibly flamboyant Jacobs told the students of Yorkdale. “But I was always bold enough and confident enough to be myself for better or for worse through and through. I had a lot of people say a lot of negative things about me, such as the way I dressed.

“I still have people make fun of my nail polish, my tight clothes or the purse I wear when I go out. But I choose to be myself. I choose not to let that get me down. I hope all of you can do the same and instead of bullying someone, just accept who they are, because if you do that, they’ll accept you as well.”

The 30-year-old Jacobs continued on, telling the students that ‘you too can be whoever you want to be’ and that ‘the only person that can dictate who you are is yourself’, before ending his appearance in front of the Yorkdale students, who ranged in grades from kindergarten to grade eight, with an enthralling tale of his battle with a pain pill addiction and subsequent victory over his addiction demon, saying, “I made the mistakes for you so that you don’t have to.

“Stay away from drugs, stay away from alcohol. You don’t need it. Just like bullying, none of it is a smart thing to do.”

Following his nearly half an hour presentation, Jacobs told Yorkton This Week that he was honoured to have been asked to speak in front of the children. “I was asked to speak and I was glad was asked because it’s really a privilege. I’m not trying to sound cheesy, this is real, this is the truth of it,” offered Jacobs, adding that it’s because of professional wrestling that he has had the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of students. “Wrestling has afforded me the opportunity to have a meaningful impact on some people’s lives and so I hope today some of the kids took away something from what I said.

“You can be whatever you want to be. I’ve seen it and I’m proof of it. You can manifest whatever you want out of this life. You really can… dreams do come true. That’s how the world is.”

B A Star.


Bray losing the Rumble should be what the IWC should have been bitching about...dude was golden throughout the match. I was expecting him to go deeper as he kept eliminating dudes and going even more crazy to the point he's doing the crab walk on the outside of the ring while the rumble kept going...
If Bray was actually built up to be a legit contender then yes I'd agree. But really, he's been stuck in the mid card ever since Cena


Bray wasn't gonna win anything, be serious. He's so flat right now. He still hasn't recovered from the dumb Bryan angle or the Cena feud.

So we going to pretend the crowd wasn't clapping to his theme and singing along with him during Mania and even after Mania. He still has it, but it's going to take some time. If he could have stayed in the Rumble a little bit longer and got eliminated by Reigns, he could have redeemed a little bit.


If Bray was actually built up to be a legit contender then yes I'd agree. But really, he's been stuck in the mid card ever since Cena

He could have been built up throughout the rumble but yeah....Reigns and etc. Bottom line it's too early to scratch off Bray. I still believe in him :(
So we going to pretend the crowd wasn't clapping to his theme and singing along with him during Mania and even after Mania. He still has it, but it's going to take some time. If he could have stayed in the Rumble a little bit longer and got eliminated by Reigns, he could have redeemed a little bit.

The fans also scream "Weed The People" every time Job Swagger puts his hand to his chest, doesn't mean he has enough momentum for a push.

Bray needs a focused feud, and has to stop rambling about nebulous metaphysical supervillain nonsense. As interesting as it was at first, the shtick has run its course and it's time for him to evolve a bit. He needs a goal.


So we going to pretend the crowd wasn't clapping to his theme and singing along with him during Mania and even after Mania. He still has it, but it's going to take some time. If he could have stayed in the Rumble a little bit longer and got eliminated by Reigns, he could have redeemed a little bit.

people love deluding themselves into thinking he's not over


I'm still flabbergastic about the fact that Kane/Big show eliminated Reigns. He went over the top rope and touch the arena floor. It's blowing my mind that that's looked over because of The Rock.
Deal is Bray is one of the FEW to survive a Cena feud without falling apart. Do we need to remember what has happened to every other heel that feuded with Cena?

The win at RR and then the build to Wrestlemania could of built him back up as gaining his evil supernatural mojo and could of been believable with him just destroying everyone after one night.


The fans also scream "Weed The People" every time Job Swagger puts his hand to his chest, doesn't mean he has enough momentum for a push.

Bray needs a focused feud, and has to stop rambling about nebulous metaphysical supervillain nonsense. As interesting as it was at first, the shtick has run its course and it's time for him to evolve a bit. He needs a goal.

There's a difference between reciting a catchphrase and actually controlling the crowd. People say Woo Woo Woo when Ryder jobs but that's about it. Bray on the other hand still can suck in a crowd. All he needs is a proper feud and continue his gimmick...he'll be back on the main event trail. People keep wanting him to change his style but that's like telling Jake Roberts in his prime to stop talking like a educated serial killer. You are taking away from his gimmick that's well known. Same goes for Bray.
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