There's a difference between reciting a catchphrase and actually controlling the crowd. People say Woo Woo Woo when Ryder jobs but that's about it. Bray on the other hand still can suck in a crowd. All he needs is a proper feud and continue his gimmick...he'll be back on the main event trail. People keep wanting him to change his style but that's like telling Jake Roberts in his prime to stop talking like a educated serial killer. You are taking away from his gimmick that's well known. Same goes for Bray.
There's also a difference between Jake being a creep with a goal to win titles and/or feuds, and Bray who gives hollow wordy promos, then dares people to hit him halfway through matches because...... Why exactly? To bring out their dark side? For what? What is Bray Wyatt's goal? Who is he? Why does he do what he does? This guy can't be a legit contender for anything when Brock Lesner, THE monster of the company, set his goal early on, followed through, and continues to beat the holy hell out of everyone because he wants to prove he's the best. Bray Wyatt is a sketch of a wrestler at this point. it's not enough. Roman Reigns has more going on.
But yes, he can still command a crowd because he has good delivery and they black out the arena every time he talks. That's one of the reasons they
should give him something to do, but it doesn't mean he isn't flat
right now.