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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

Bray is.

Reigns is proof that family connections get you far in any company.



It really bugs the living hell out of me. Vince might as well endeavor everybody that's under 6 foot and weights under 300 pounds. Just turn Raw into WBF: The New Generation.

ANd everyone is a cartoon character.

Now its time for the Firemen vs the IRS agent.

Rock-Austin was great because they were wrestlers.

Who are the people on the roster whose character is they are a wrestler?


Everyone else is out there. I was watching the rumble with somebody who never watches wrestling and explaining the characters. This guy is a dancer, this guy is duck dynasty guy, this guy is Jim Jones, this guy used to be a crossdressing sexual freak, this guy says stardust alot, this guy is a crazy libertarian.

None of the guys are tough guy wrestlers. Sure Rock and Austin had personalities but they were wrestlers.

Many of these guys feel like they just wondered into the building.


Ziggler vs Bryan?
Orton vs Rollins?

They really want to feel the boos when Reigns walks out, huh? These two should be putting on fucking fantastic matches. Four men who will embarrass the new main event playa.

Also, lol at no Cesaro or Ambrose. And why no A New Day match? Where is JOHNNY CURTIS?? What about Sheamus?

Ambrose is going to face Jericho or fucking RVD, I bet. Maybe he faces The Dudley Boyz


I am of the opinion that there are far too many 'I am a wrestler' characters in WWE.
I actually sort of agree with this.
For all of the "cartoon characters" on the WWE roster, how many have defined characters that evolve and develop? Practically none of them.
If this was an actual cartoon it would have been cancelled after its initial 13-episode run.


Junior Member
So im reading that apparently Bryan/Ziggler twitter comments are a work and we are going to get that Match at Mania?

Dunno how I feel about it. I mean, its going to be a great match and they will steal the show. However I still would like to see both guys fighting for the top spot in the company. Feel like their match wouldn't be given the appropriate Time or focus necessary unless the WWE Title is involved in some way.
Bray needs to stop rambling nonsense and start telling stories full of folksy wisdom like Terry Funk. He's got the delivery down, the issue is with the content. Also, his lariat is dope.


I actually sort of agree with this.
For all of the "cartoon characters" on the WWE roster, how many have defined characters that evolve and develop? Practically none of them.
If this was an actual cartoon it would have been cancelled after its initial 13-episode run.

NXT is full of cartoon characters but they are actually characters. Is someone like Fandango even a character?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Bray Wyatt Make-A-Wish story was fantastic. I love it. Really good stuff.


I am of the opinion that there are far too many 'I am a wrestler' characters in WWE.

Your personality needs to bleed though but your character needs to be in it to wrestle.

Boxing fights and MMA fights have a great build because you know both of the guys are fighters and you don't know the outcome.

With a match like Fandango vs Shamus do I really believe the dancer is tougher than Shamus? I need to be able to believe that fandango can beat this man. Fandango doesn't care about winning, neither does Cena and most of the other guys.


So im reading that apparently Bryan/Ziggler twitter comments are a work and we are going to get that Match at Mania?

Dunno how I feel about it. I mean, its going to be a great match and they will steal the show. However I still would like to see both guys fighting for the top spot in the company. Feel like their match wouldn't be given the appropriate Time or focus necessary unless the WWE Title is involved in some way.
It's a veritable impossibility when Mania's card is being built around three part-time faces (Brock, Sting, Taker).
Reigns sure as hell won't be welcomed as the face in that main event.
And Cena & Orton have tickets already punched as well.

As for Bryan/Ziggler being given time for their match, I think 12 to 15 minutes is a realistic expectation. Probably wouldn't expect much more than that.


Lesnar vs. Reigns and HHH vs. Sting are the only locked in stone matches for Mania, but Cena vs. Rusev was planned, and the heavy Wyatt protection leads one to believe Undertaker is coming back. Also planned was Orton vs. Rollins, so Bryan was not even figured into the top five matches on the show. We were flat out told there was no chance of Bryan being added and making it a three-way, because Vince McMahon felt that already was done last year. Bryan and Ziggler set up a match on Twitter, and that wasn’t fooling around, but the actual plan, so that’s the top six right there. That lets them be happy because they’ll have a shot at having the best match on the show if they don’t have their time sliced. Throw in the Battle Royal, a Divas match and you may get a tag title or something else but that’s pretty much the top of the card.

Zero plans for Ambrose at WM it appears.


They should have just done Shield triple threat for the belt
Brock vs Bryan

If Reigns needs to go over whats better then the top heel and the top merch seller?
They should have just done Shield triple threat for the belt
Brock vs Bryan

If Reigns needs to go over whats better then the top heel and the top merch seller?

They fucking dropped the ball so hard. They had a top card right in front of them and Vince fucked it up.


Make it a good one.
Does this qualify? It's just Meltzer's fantasy booking as opposed to actual info. Still may drive some discussion.
The next few weeks will be interesting. The key is what happens at the next few TV’s. In the fans’ eyes, Lesnar was turned last week and the Rumble match, where he dominated, only made him that much more of a face. There is the obvious easy answer to do a flip before Mania, where Heyman (who was praising Reigns heavily on television) turns and use Heyman’s talking as part of Reigns act as a heel champion for a year, or however long, leading to the inevitable split, somewhat similar to how C.M. Punk’s story played out. Then again, if Reigns is top heel and champion, because he’s the real guy in the company’s mind because of how he looks, he’s walking around with HHH and Stephanie, not Heyman. Or you could do the flip at Mania. That would be better since it’s the bigger stage and also, provided Lesnar stays, gives you a solid series of potential foes for Reigns as champion–Lesnar (for a big show), Cena, Bryan, Ambrose and Orton, and even Rollins.

Who does a face champion Reigns have to face? Show? Kane? Rusev? Rollins? Wyatt, who himself is a half face anyway and almost has to lose to Undertaker? The list isn’t as strong to say the least, and that also requires protecting Rusev from losing in the Cena program, and with Cena having lost to Lesnar, never getting the win, because he’s still the biggest revenue mover, it’s one thing for Cena to lose to Rusev at Fast Lane since everyone will forget it a week later. It’s very different for him to lose at Mania. The thing is, the fans may force the double turn because we’ve got nearly two months before the show. In 2008 they forced it with Floyd Mayweather Jr. and big show, and last year they forced the Batista turn. As noted, the big difference is with Floyd, it didn’t matter, he was a one-shot deal, and with Batista, it did change the dynamic of his last run but it was near the end of his career. With Reigns, this is their guy to carry the company for years. But if they make him the next Cena in demeanor, as his interview on Raw indicated is the direction, that will be a double problem. First, it’s a huge mistake to have the new top guy be a copy of the old one. Second, he’s a different guy. What he is he hasn’t been able to truly show on TV. But if people don’t buy it’s him, it’s a tough road.
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