So CTU was doing bullet club stuff before bullet club was cool.
I'm really excited about the prospect of Bryan and Ziggler locking up at Wrestlemania. Looking forward to the story going into it, too. People here seem to have already judged the story before they've shown anything at all on television. Patience, people. Patience. There is no title needed if the verbal exchanges are interesting, intense, and compelling.
He's such a fucking useless cornball.
Kevin Owens, Tyler Breeze, and Finn Balor have my favorite NXT themes at the moment.
So so good.
He's such a fucking useless cornball.
Lmao everytime I see that gif I hear Reigns in my head saying "pew pew"
I love it. He goes from laughing, to trying to contribute with some awkward gesture, then to staring off into the distance as he realizes how lame that was.
he's gonna cock this here fist, and he's gonna make it reign in this BITCH
I love it. He goes from laughing, to trying to contribute with some awkward gesture, then to staring off into the distance as he realizes how lame that was.
I like your positive outlook but, reality is something different. It is WWE in 2015 the same WWE that is constantly trying to find ways to book around their most popular wrestler because he does not fit what they believe their most popular guy should be. The same WWE that buried every single one of their faces at royal rumble just to make one wrestler look good and forgot to actually make him look strong in the rumble itself. Bryan vs Ziggler is basically an exhibition match. It is basically we have nothing for you to do but, if we do not put you on the card the fans will riot so lets put them together that way we kill two birds with one stone. They are burying Bryan on the card treating him like the B+ player they think he is. At this point they probably consider him a C+ maybe even B-.
genuine question, is there anyone who seriously dislikes lesnar, or is he the only guy we all love
I'm really excited about the prospect of Bryan and Ziggler locking up at Wrestlemania. Looking forward to the story going into it, too. People here seem to have already judged the story before they've shown anything at all on television. Patience, people. Patience. There is no title needed if the verbal exchanges are interesting, intense, and compelling.
Ehh, tool is a better word.
genuine question, is there anyone who seriously dislikes lesnar, or is he the only guy we all love
just cannot see WWE outbidding Viacom for Brock, chmbr
"Tool" feels more appropriate for someone who's aggressively douchbaggy, but Reigns comes off as such a try hard that "cornball" feels right. Like that kid in high school trying to impress people but everyone laughs at him behind his back because he's such a noid.
I mean, Ryback said to the Philly fans he loved they booed Reigns. Pretty positive that a lot of the talent feel the same way.
They need to do what Batista did backstage to people he didn't like.
Do it.
There's no Undertaker/Yoko/Andre equivalent backstage. I heard a funny joke that Orton thinks he is, but I highly doubt anyone listens to that handpicked dude
Some believe he doesn't even really want to fight, and he is just using it as leverage. And at 38, I'd believe it. Why get paid to be in training camps and doing media rounds for months out of the year when you can do a whole lot less and get paid comparably? Not the same, but comparably.
genuine question, is there anyone who seriously dislikes lesnar, or is he the only guy we all love
So does WWE have some kind of deal with DC that lets them call it the Superman punch or something?
It's a super man-punch.
I wonder if he's an asshole on CoD
I wonder if he's an asshole on CoD
He'd play the asshole in any 80's sitcom.
So does WWE have some kind of deal with DC that lets them call it the Superman punch or something?
I like your positive outlook but, reality is something different. It is WWE in 2015 the same WWE that is constantly trying to find ways to book around their most popular wrestler because he does not fit what they believe their most popular guy should be. The same WWE that buried every single one of their faces at royal rumble just to make one wrestler look good and forgot to actually make him look strong in the rumble itself. Bryan vs Ziggler is basically an exhibition match. It is basically we have nothing for you to do but, if we do not put you on the card the fans will riot so lets put them together that way we kill two birds with one stone. They are burying Bryan on the card treating him like the B+ player they think he is. At this point they probably consider him a C+ maybe even B-.