Your top 5 PS1 games in any order. GO.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot 2
Final Fantasy IX hard to choose just 5.
Games I still need to play/finish from that era:
Suikoden 2 (own it)
Alundra (own it)
Chrono Cross (sold it)
Breath of Fire 3 (own it)
Corbin is in serious need of a Tyler Durden gimmick.
Your top 5 PS1 games in any order. GO.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot 2
Final Fantasy IX hard to choose just 5.
Games I still need to play/finish from that era:
Suikoden 2 (own it)
Alundra (own it)
Chrono Cross (sold it)
Breath of Fire 3 (own it)
Shit, I think that I own the magazine this ad is in.![]()
Only a buck fifty!
I find it amazing that the WWE was able to find a match type that Kane has never actually lost.
He's 1-0-1 lifetime in televised casket matches.
He beat Triple H and went to a draw with Taker as they both fell into the casket together and destroyed the casket from within before either of them could escape.
I think you mean he needs more muscle and lose that fat pouch.
Dood looks like shit.
I find it amazing that the WWE was able to find a match type that Kane has never actually lost.
If I were Daniel Bryan than I would just quit the company. It's pretty insulting that they won't give him his push solely because of his average/below average looks. It's pretty disgusting and I'd take that personal.
I also have a hard time believeing that if Bret or HBK were in their prime in today's WWE they wouldn't fare much better and at best be in a situation like Punk, never really being "the guy".
He doesn't look that bad. He could use more rip and muscle though. I just can't take him serious as a squash wrestler when dude looks like a middle school quarterback.
He doesn't look that bad. He could use more rip and muscle though. I just can't take him serious as a squash wrestler when dude looks like a middle school quarterback.
He doesn't look that bad. He could use more rip and muscle though. I just can't take him serious as a squash wrestler when dude looks like a middle school quarterback.
He is a 6 foot 8 quaterback. Seems pretty capable of squashing people.
And yeah, he is not ripped but c'mon he's not fat. So much hyperbole going on right now.
Resident evil 2
Blood Omen
FF tactics
Not very controversial
He is a 6 foot 8 quaterback. Seems pretty capable of squashing people.
And yeah, he is not ripped but c'mon he's not fat. So much hyperbole going on right now.
It's funny that if Bryan left WWE at the peak of his popularity and took his fans with him to New Japan or another company, Vince would still be extremely bitter and harbor resentment towards him despite the fact that he refused to utilize him properly.If I were Daniel Bryan than I would just quit the company. It's pretty insulting that they won't give him his push solely because of his average/below average looks. It's pretty disgusting and I'd take that personal.
I'm not saying he's fat. I'm saying he needs to be more ripped.
He used to be a fattie so it'll probably take a few years for him to get the right body.
That the guys in NXT are smaller are a big benefit. If most of the roster if big, then the big guys look normal and the small guys look tiny, no one stands out.
Here the small guys look normal and Corbin looks enormous and stands out.
He is a 6 foot 8 quaterback. Seems pretty capable of squashing people.
And yeah, he is not ripped but c'mon he's not fat. So much hyperbole going on right now.
He has a mushy body. He is a wrestler and has a weird physique. He doesn't have to be ripped but his body type isn't helping at all.
Feel the same way about the Usos and Ascension.
The "he's not fat" was more directed at other people. The first thing was the one directed at you lol
Big Cass seems like the only dude that looks enormous on the roster. Dude damn near touching the ceiling.
And you can't teach that.
He has a mushy body. He is a wrestler and has a weird physique. He doesn't have to be ripped but his body type isn't helping at all.
Feel the same way about the Usos and Ascension.
I really like Corbin's presence but... I still don't know if he knows any other moves other than his finisher. Also his 1 line promo backstage after his match made me cringe. Also he needs a beard, he looks like an overgrown teenager
He has a mushy body. He is a wrestler and has a weird physique. He doesn't have to be ripped but his body type isn't helping at all.
Feel the same way about the Usos and Ascension.
lol I didn't know he was a quarterback. Crazy I can actually picked that up by just his appearance.
Gotta say Corbin has the best entrance in WWE this side of Finn Bálor.
Haha he does look strange. I don't see the appeal of the guy yet. His tattoos don't look good, he has that weird black hole belly button, and him being booked as a monster isn't compelling. Last night I was thinking that the guy needs a Kane suit and mask of some sort if and when he gets called up to the main roster.
Bada bing bada boom, tallest guy in the room. How you doin'?
I'm sure there's no way this could go wrong.
I'm sure there's no way this could go wrong.
Oh, there's a huge thing that can go wrong.
You could find the tickets and actually go.
Gotta say Corbin has the best entrance in WWE this side of Finn Bálor.
Your top 5 PS1 games in any order. GO.
I agree with you. The headlights + camera rushing up to Corbin thing is a really cool touch and works amazingly well with his natural presence.
1- Finn Balor
2- Baron Corbin
3- Enzo/Big Cass
4- Tyler Breeze
5- Bayley
Where Alexa Bliss?![]()
I agree with you. The headlights + camera rushing up to Corbin thing is a really cool touch and works amazingly well with his natural presence.
1- Finn Balor
2- Baron Corbin
3- Enzo/Big Cass
4- Tyler Breeze
5- Bayley
If I were Daniel Bryan than I would just quit the company. It's pretty insulting that they won't give him his push solely because of his average/below average looks. It's pretty disgusting and I'd take that personal.
I also have a hard time believeing that if Bret or HBK were in their prime in today's WWE they wouldn't fare much better and at best be in a situation like Punk, never really being "the guy".
If I were Daniel Bryan than I would just quit the company. It's pretty insulting that they won't give him his push solely because of his average/below average looks. It's pretty disgusting and I'd take that personal.
I also have a hard time believeing that if Bret or HBK were in their prime in today's WWE they wouldn't fare much better and at best be in a situation like Punk, never really being "the guy".