Bryan needs to chop his hair off. The beard is fine but the hair has to go.
Reigns had to fight Big Show and did just fine.
Reigns had to fight Big Show and did just fine.
Compared to Bryan's performance.That match was an example of Reigns doing fine? :lol
That match was an example of Reigns doing fine? :lol
I don't think he really gives a shit.I wonder if it pisses Vince off that DBry hooked up with Brie. Like he can't explain how that ugly small goof nailed her.
OOO-AAHHH!he cocked his fist and made it reign in that bitch
I don't think he really gives a shit.
I wonder if it pisses Vince off that DBry hooked up with Brie. Like he can't explain how that ugly small goof nailed her.
A bunch of wrestlers nailed the Bellas back in the day. They pretty much went all around the locker room.
So glad I took today off. A big mug of hot chocolate made from Ecuadorean chocolate bars in one hand, half a blunt of Colorado purple haze in the other, Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Panny plasma IPTV. This is the life my bretheren. All I'm missing is a chick sucking my dick. Hmmm I can actually get that done since she gets off work in a couple hours and always gets sauced afterwards...nah I'd rather not deal with that crazy drunk bitch today. Today is a day of peace and serenity for me, can't be having the definition of insanity come thru the door.
John Cena has personality and can speak well. He's leagues better than Roman Reigns in that regard.
I don't know if you can make stars in WWE. Randy Boreton says you can't, despite repeated efforts. Maybe Reigns will be the great exception.
A bunch of wrestlers nailed the Bellas back in the day. They pretty much went all around the locker room.
WWE is fake, but its race/gender/sexuality/booking problem isn't.
1 million views in 5 days friend
1 million views in 5 days friend
Look at all of those Likes, too.
Congrats on the PS4.Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm entering the next generation!
Weren't you just complaining about John Cena's slut-shaming? Fucking hypocrite.
1 Million subscribersNumbers can lie.
WWE is fake, but ___ isn't is just a joke based on that article that came out. And saying someone banged alot of people isn't shaming someone if it's true. John Cena called someone a ho, which is.
1 Million subscribers
1 Million views
And you know all the facts about the Bellas' sex life.
Only receipt you need:They probably added up all Roman Reigns videos.
Show me the receipts.
Seriously? Why is that shit even necessary?Observer subscriber.
Cena is comfortable on the stick. I'll give him that much. But what he says is just as uninteresting as what Reigns has put down on tape thus far (and by thus far I mean what is available on Youtube).
And speaking of Cena, when Vince says that he was the last person to really reach for that brass ring in regards to separating himself from the pack, what exactly does that mean? Like, he does realize that he--Vince McMahon--makes all the decisions and controls who does and does not make it, right? It's such a weird thing to hear because the interview with Austin comes off as genuine, yet you can't help but think it's all a work.
The hell did I just see?
The internet has gone too far this time.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm out.
I have no clue what you're looking at.
It's midnight for some of you guys