Robocop will be in it... new Robocop.RoboCop should totally be a guest character in Mortal Kombat.
-MK universe already has cops/soldiers (Stryker, Sonya, Jax)
-MK universe already has cyborgs (Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke)
It's a logical combo
Robocop will be in it... new Robocop.
Wait, the go-home show is in LA?If i go to RAW in LA on the go-home show for Mania, I promise that I will boo Reigns
why ruin a terrible franchise by adding in an even more terriblerer character (RoboCop)
why ruin a terrible franchise by adding in an even more terriblerer character (RoboCop)
Are we going to do Mortal March? MK avatars for all? If not, Mortal May...
KI has a mummy fighter. It's about god damn time.
KI S2 is firing on all cylinders. Love the shit out of it.
NOTE: Anakaris doesn't count, he's not fun to play as.
Finished Y2J's 2nd book a while back and got burnt out on reading about Fozzy. Not excited to start the 3rd book. Will probably start Death of WCW soon.
Playing NES: Remix on 3DS. Have 500+ stars. Finishing up all challenges. Not sure why i love this game so much.
I like having an X1 but I'd be lying if I say I didn't mind paying more for it when people were getting it for $350 plus gift cards plus free games in December.I do 90% of my gaming on PS4 but I don't mind Xbone and Wii U gathering dust in between exclusives. I only wish I waited a little bit on the Xbox considering it was available for $350 with 3 games after I paid $500 at the beginning of the year.
Totally down for this btw. The recent MKX videos are getting me hyped.
Not a big fan of the shtick Jericho's does on his podcast. Dude is such a cornball. Honestly surprised his podcast rates higher than the Ross Report.
The dude just looks lame, especially when compared to the new RoboCop.
why ruin a terrible franchise by adding in an even more terriblerer character (RoboCop)
Unrelated question. Do you actually like Garfield?
The dude just looks lame, especially when compared to the new RoboCop.
WWE should hire Anthony Birch to write Roman Reigns promos.
I really liked it when I was younger, nowadays i've found out that Jon is actually just a crazy person who lives alone and Garfield doesn't actually exist so I feel bad for him
On Christ so Roman's promos can be nothing but internet jokes?
On Christ so Roman's promos can be nothing but internet jokes?
RIP Heavy
RIP Heavy
RIP Heavy
Oh no what happened now
RIP Heavy
Why would there be game pad support?I missed Punch-Out for $10 so I decided not to bother. I did pick up the Matroids. No gamepad support thoughuguu
if you're still reading books you're pretty casual
it's 2015 people, cmon
I missed Punch-Out for $10 so I decided not to bother. I did pick up the Matroids. No gamepad support thoughuguu
Why would there be game pad support?
i'm in my yearly "every game sucks" burnout...
I'm stuck at Solgryn in Boshy and I've played a bit of Dying Light, it's alright I guess
Oh. Daredevil.
I never did elaborate on my hate list the other day. I hate Daredevil but I really loved the Fall of the Kingpin story. I still think Matt Murdock is bankrupt of all interest and drive. I have no feelings for him, therefore he sucks.
WrassleGAF has come to terms with the release of Heavy and ggnoobIGN.
ggnoobIGN was found mocking Black History Month. I don't think he'll be back.