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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


Rock didn't help Roman till after the match was over.....why is this even a question?

There was still Rusev. I suppose the question is about whether he would have been too far beaten down to just casually dodge and toss that guy.

Still dumb, but it shines a light on what the "controversy" that will be addressed Monday will likely be.


Ah.....yeah, they almost have to make that match a Fatal Four Way after Brock owned two opponents.

Yet another reason Bryan would've been the right pick, since his last big test was knocking out three of the strongest opponents there are. And yet he's supposed to not be believable huh.


All bull shit could have been avoided if they had db win the rumble.

Yep...or at least a controversy lead to the final four eliminating themselves at once (bryne, reigns, ambrose, and ziggler) to have a fatal four way at Fash Lane for Bork....but lmaooo booking like that would make logical sense to the WWE.


Yet another reason Bryan would've been the right pick, since his last big test was knocking out three of the strongest opponents there are. And yet he's supposed to not be believable huh.

Exactly. Vince dropped the ball so fucking hard by not just making it Bryan vs Brock.

"The guy who destroyed Evolution" vs "The guy who destroyed everyone else"

The common thread between the two could be that they both defeated Cena to become champ. The whole story fucking writes itself.


Fast Lane should have qualifying matches to get into the Fatal Four Way at Mania....they could do Cena vs Rusev as one and Bryan vs Dolph as another, with their guy Roman Reigns already in the match.


Fast Lane should have qualifying matches to get into the Fatal Four Way at Mania....they could do Cena vs Rusev as one and Bryan vs Dolph as another, with their guy Roman Reigns already in the match.

It should be a fatal four way elimination match (as kind of a send off to Elimination Chamber) between Roman, Rusev, Axel, and Bryan where the winner faces Brock at WrestleMania. Roman and Rusev were the last two in the Rumble before Rock interfered, Axel was attacked before he could properly enter, and Bryan is in by way of never really losing the title in the first place.


It not even a story reason why db vs Brock. The over guy vs the 2nd most over guy in a once in a life time fight. That would guarantee a good buy rate.


It not even a story reason why db vs Brock. The over guy vs the 2nd most over guy in a once in a life time fight. That would guarantee a good buy rate.

The thing is that a Wrestlemania buyrate is already pretty set. Vince probably thinks he may as well use it as a vanity project now he's got 1 million people buying too.


Man Brock/Bryne would be some Hogan/Andre shit right there. The stare down between the beast and the dragon leading into a 30 minute match that'll have the crowd going nuts. It would be something amazing.

For all we know, Reigns/Brock would tear the house down. *shrugs*



Man Brock/Bryne would be some Hogan/Andre shit right there. The stare down between the beast and the dragon leading into a 30 minute match that'll have the crowd going nuts. It would be something amazing.

For all we know, Reigns/Brock would tear the house down. *shrugs*



I, for the love of me, cant understand how Vince isn't so obviously seeing this.


could never
And Bryan never lost the damn title, that's what irritates the shit outta me. My man Seth gonna cash in anyway but I still want Brine against Bork ONE ON ONE at 'Mania.
Bork/Bryan was my dream match, and now we are probably never going to get it :(

F-5 into a Yes Lock.



Guys, I love D-Bry as much as the next guy. Hell, for me, he's the local boy that did good. With that said, I don't want him to repeat the same storyline as last year. It's been done and it's almost impossible to recapture the same lightning in a bottle that happened last year. So why on earth would you want to do the same thing? "But, Bryan vs. Lesnar!!!" hurp-durp...

C'mon, does that match need to happen at Wrestlemania? And if so, who does it benefit?
If Lesnar goes over it just shows that Brock is TEH best of all time and that he conquered the streak, etc... If Bryan wins it's just a lame rehash of last years Wrestlemania. Neither of them benefit no matter what the outcome.
Guys, I love D-Bry as much as the next guy. Hell, for me, he's the local boy that did good. With that said, I don't want him to repeat the same storyline as last year. It's been done and it's almost impossible to recapture the same lightning in a bottle that happened last year. So why on earth would you want to do the same thing? "But, Bryan vs. Lesnar!!!" hurp-durp...

C'mon, does that match need to happen at Wrestlemania? And if so, who does it benefit?
If Lesnar goes over it just shows that Brock is TEH best of all time and that he conquered the streak, etc... If Bryan wins it's just a lame rehash of last years Wrestlemania. Neither of them benefit no matter what the outcome.

Two of the most talented and over guys on the roster, fighting in the main event of Wrestlemania for the title? Now that's just crazy talk.

Also WWE doesn't seem to have an issue with re-hashes.



Also WWE doesn't seem to have an issue with re-hashes.

Or Taker/HBK two years in a row. Or Taker/HHH two years in a row. Or Austin/Rock 3 times. And that's just for Mania, lets not forget about the Shaemus/Del Rio feud that spanned multiple PPVs. Or Cena/Brock two PPVs in a row.


C'mon, does that match need to happen at Wrestlemania? And if so, who does it benefit?
If Lesnar goes over it just shows that Brock is TEH best of all time and that he conquered the streak, etc... If Bryan wins it's just a lame rehash of last years Wrestlemania. Neither of them benefit no matter what the outcome.

If Lesnar goes over Reigns, then it just shows Brock is TEH best of all time and that he conquered the streak, etc. If Reigns wins then I'd rather see them just play Wrestlemania 30 due to technical difficulties than that situation.

The booking is going to be shit anyway because WWE has been in that department for quite a while. May as well get a fun match out of it instead of a potential car crash.
Impact thoughts -

The show started and everyone talked and talked and talked. I dug the 4-way match by the end of it all. I like Lashley being a confident face champion who didn't make Aries cash in to get a shot in the four way. Lockdown was mentioned as being next week for the first time ever, in an ad, and they announced Team Angle vs. the BDC and showed a dive off the cage from Spud. KOs 3-way was pretty good. Everyone shined in it and they even got something out of the Ferrell movie deal. EY-Dreamer was a bad idea in theory, but it worked out well with EY taking him out and then Roode making a save. Loved Jeff Hardy's wacky promo rattling off weapons he'd use to destroy Abyss tonight.

The Bram-Magnus saga was great. It starts off with Magnus going to a bar, he and Bram mending fences by talking it out. Magnus apologized if he was offended by grabbing the case, but Bram was out of it and he had to make a judgment call. He got the tag title case and who did he think his partner would be? Bram cools off a bit and asks to see Magnus's son and they talk about how Bram's anger has cost him before - playing off his WWE firing without bringing that up directly, and then Bram misdirects Magnus to trap him and attack him using the real-life geography of the building they were in. This was way better than it seemed in theory. The Monster's Ball was about what I expected, although I wasn't expecting the backstage stuff. This was a fine way to eave the tag title match into singles matches and Hardy's bump to the floor off the missed Poetry in Motion to the floor was sick.

Loved the Spud and Mandrews-BroMans tag. EC3 making a handicap match against Tyrus made sense, but they've got to stop spoiling so much with the video ads hyping shows up. Amusing little bit with JB saying "competitor number thr...two!" when MVP came out second and Taz ribbed him. Fine start to the title match with some fast action before an ad break. The main event was a really good match overall and a bit more than just a parade of finishers. Loved the dominator out of the chancery and the finish was great too - this was the best match of the DA era so far. The Team Angle reveal was largely good and I like the faces needing a last-minute surprise to even the odds.

This was a "sum is greater than the sum of its parts" show. TNA really seems to have nailed down the format of the show and it results in past events being cited and shown regularly, so things feel important. They also put over the rankings strong for the main event and re-integrated the Biscoff-style shooting outside of the building and talking head bits.


Screens -



Daniel Bryan can kiss Roman Reign's ass.

Balee dat.

Oh, good. This guy's still here.

And I'm down with things going back to how they used to be. Have the big, no-talent bums headlining for the world title and the awesome workers making the IC title mean something.
I did what I thought would be a fun combination of drugs last night but ended up feeling nothing more than giddiness. The Royal Rumble was still more disappointing.


Oh, good. This guy's still here.

And I'm down with things going back to how they used to be. Have the big, no-talent bums headlining for the world title and the awesome workers making the IC title mean something.
Verendus was born in BatistaGAF, Verendus will never leave BatistaGAF, and with Godzilla as his witness, Verendus will forever be your champion.

Balee dat.
Watched ROH again this week. All the matches were serviceable but I feel like something is missing while watching. I think its a mix of a seeming lack of progression with most stories, a number of talents who seem to be just good enough for ROH but not good enough for anything past wrestling there on occasion, and perhaps production values (though it never really bothered me with wrestling shows before).

Most of my complaints don't even really apply to this episode as quite a few things progressed from a story standpoint. They're just reoccurring problems I have every time I make the effort to start watching the ROH TV show over the years.

Past those complaints I've been impressed with Jay Lethal every time I've seen him lately. He really does a great job of being a heel and putting over the TV title.


Verendus was born in BatistaGAF, Verendus will never leave BatistaGAF, and with Godzilla as his witness, Verendus will forever be your champion.

Balee dat.

Godzilla wouldn't support Batista.

The King of the Monsters would only recognize a conqueror, a conqueror like The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar


Did Shane decided he didn't want to run the company

He cashed out all of his stock and high tailed it to China, so I don't think he had intentions on running the company. That or he saw the path his dad was taking things and thought it was a bad idea.

I still have a feeling WWE is going to be begging Shane to come back once Vince either steps down or dies.


Verendus was born in BatistaGAF, Verendus will never leave BatistaGAF, and with Godzilla as his witness, Verendus will forever be your champion.

Balee dat.

That's fine. It's just that I thought we didn't do signatures around these parts because they're basically superfluous clutter. Ending all of your posts with the same exact thing is just obnoxious and tedious to read. It's like that guy who ends all of his posts with "PEACE." I mean... why?


That's fine. It's just that I thought we didn't do signatures around these parts because they're basically superfluous clutter. Ending all of your posts with the same exact thing is just obnoxious and tedious to read. It's like that guy who ends all of his posts with "PEACE." I mean... why?

so what?loser

yours, Franck
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