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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


Zayn winning the rumble now would be horrible for his career I think, it would be too much too soon.

Zayn winning the rumble 2 or 3 years from now would be amazing.



WWF In Your House 10: Mind Games 9/22/96

  • Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs Savio Vega Caribbean Strap Match
  • Jim Cornette vs Jose Lothario
  • Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs Smoking Gunns WWF Tag Team Championships
  • Jerry Lawler vs Mark Henry
  • Goldust vs Undertaker Final Curtain Match
  • Mankind vs Shawn Michaels WWF Championship

Either Russo started this month or Heyman helped with the show. The main event is among the best WWF championship matches of the 90s. It's a full on ECW crazy brawl/fight, but done with two competent wrestlers instead of Tommy Dreamer and actually having a story instead of just mindless brawling in the crowd. Probably the most frustrating thing about HBK in the New Gen era is that he'd have a match like this, or the no holds barred one with Diesel, but then he'd have terrible matches most of the time because he couldn't get over doing smarmy comedy shit.








WWF In Your House 10: Mind Games 9/22/96

  • Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs Savio Vega Caribbean Strap Match
  • Jim Cornette vs Jose Lothario
  • Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs Smoking Gunns WWF Tag Team Championships
  • Jerry Lawler vs Mark Henry
  • Goldust vs Undertaker Final Curtain Match
  • Mankind vs Shawn Michaels WWF Championship

Either Russo started this month or Heyman helped with the show. The main event is among the best WWF championship matches of the 90s. It's a full on ECW crazy brawl/fight, but done with two competent wrestlers instead of Tommy Dreamer and actually having a story instead of just mindless brawling in the crowd. Probably the most frustrating thing about HBK in the New Gen era is that he'd have a match like this, or the no holds barred one with Diesel, but then he'd have terrible matches most of the time because he couldn't get over doing smarmy comedy shit.






I'd still watch an Undertaker Goldust match today.
Why? They had 3 PPV matches in 1996 and all 3 were boring as shit. Just bad, completely uninteresting matches.

Well I suppose you could argue that both are better today than they were back then in the ring making it a more appealing prospect, granted we maybe dial back the clock two or three years for Taker.


Strobo, what did you ultimately discover about the Muslim faith? Is it TRULY a peaceful religion?

My boss is currently taking classes about Islam from a former Muslim who turned Christian.
So you know..don't know how biased that is.

But so far he tells me they believe you are better of dead than being a nonbeliever/follower.
They are doing you a favor from becoming even more corrupted.

In the end beats me man. Fucking Dinosaurs in the ground man.


If Sami were to win the Rumble... he'd be so fucked.

I just want to freeze time and enjoy NXT right now with its fun cast of characters. Because unless there's major changes in the creative direction in the main roster, many of my favorite characters are going to get wrecked. Sami? He'll forever be the too respectful babyface instead of the real ass Sami we are seeing right now. Neville? He'll be some goofball wearing a red cape and wearing yellow spandex. Kevin Owens? Probably will have a hot dog eating contest gimmick.

Main roster creative would miss the nuances of these characters. How do you have over 20 writers and constantly phone it in on your two big shows Mon/Thurs? When I think of great television writing I think of Breaking Bad, for instance. I had to stop watching the show because I think it was becoming a bit too intense for me (only made it to a few episodes of season 2) but I recognized that the show had some great writing. And the acting by the main characters really brought it home. I'm sure a show like that has a fleet of writers... yet somehow, they were able to bring it together to give you a cohesive show.

I know next to nothing about comics, but I'm sure for the most part that Marvel looks at their characters and comics and does the best they can to make them come out with their best foot on the door. WWE is a comic book with a cast of characters but yet you make none of them look like heroes and more like morons. Even if studies show, unfortunately, that your wrestling audience doesn't have a high tier degree of some sort I'm pretty sure they'd mind getting their tastes shat on every week. I don't even think comic book aficionados would stand for that (correct me if i'm wrong).
So, I've noticed a lot of people had been shitting on women's wrestling lately, and I think it is entirely unfair, so I put up a post about it here

TL;DR - Basically not watching women's wrestling just because they are women and you think they shouldn't compete in athletic events makes you a bit of a dick.
My boss is currently taking classes about Islam from a former Muslim who turned Christian.
So you know..don't know how biased that is.

But so far he tells me they believe you are better of dead than being a nonbeliever/follower.
They are doing you a favor from becoming even more corrupted.

In the end beats me man. Fucking Dinosaurs in the ground man.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy 13:6-10

6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Every religion is fucked up and violent in that way, if you pick and choose your quotes. People who choose to buy in to the violent parts of religion over the peaceful/loving parts shows you more about the kind of person they are than which man in the sky they believe in.

Just sayin'.


So, I've noticed a lot of people had been shitting on women's wrestling lately, and I think it is entirely unfair, so I put up a post about it here

TL;DR - Basically not watching women's wrestling just because they are women and you think they shouldn't compete in athletic events makes you a bit of a dick.

WWE RAW pretty much never gives them the platform to have a good match. As for the indies I wouldn't know. It don't bother me any.


Strobo, what did you ultimately discover about the Muslim faith? Is it TRULY a peaceful religion?

It's very conflicted. It tells you to be peaceful, take care of orphans and the homeless, be charitable, don't force anyone to be a Muslim that doesn't want to be one while at the same time glorifying whole cities being forced to convert or get their heads cut off. There are peaceful aspects, so it could be a peaceful religion if you choose not to follow the war time rules, which seemed to be most of the time.

Big on charity and taking care of the community/homeless/orphans and comparatively, women had far more rights than they did under Judaism (and really, women in the Koran seem to have better rights then than they do in Saudi Arabia in 2015). So if you want it to be a peaceful religion, I think it can be. If you're following it to the letter, it is inherently violent and the spread of it through violence is praised in the Koran many times (even though there are plenty of times it says that's a bad thing to do....the book is conflicted on its messaging).

It's basically Judaism with different names for things and Judaism has hundreds of years of glorifying killing everything and everyone in their path on the way to the Promised Land.


So, I've noticed a lot of people had been shitting on women's wrestling lately, and I think it is entirely unfair, so I put up a post about it here

TL;DR - Basically not watching women's wrestling just because they are women and you think they shouldn't compete in athletic events makes you a bit of a dick.

I don't know of anyone here who doesn't watch women's wrestling because they're women.....if anything, they don't watch it because it usually sucks in WWE. That's a FACT. The main roster gives maybe 15 minutes to a whole divas championship match segment on PPV and that includes maybe 5 minutes of wrestling and most of them ARE clumsy in the ring. I haven't seen anyone blatantly shitting on it because they're women though.


Every religion is fucked up and violent in that way, if you pick and choose your quotes. People who choose to buy in to the violent parts of religion over the peaceful/loving parts shows you more about the kind of person they are than which man in the sky they believe in.

Just sayin'.

I think most religions have done a better job ignoring the fucked up things though. That's just how I feel.


I think most religions have done a better job ignoring the fucked up things though. That's just how I feel.


Of course these 5000-1500 year old religions are outdated in 2015. They're all stupid and should have no bearing on the modern world. You might as well be following some old viking or Greek gods shit.


It's very conflicted. It tells you to be peaceful, take care of orphans and the homeless, be charitable, don't force anyone to be a Muslim that doesn't want to be one while at the same time glorifying whole cities being forced to convert or get their heads cut off. There are peaceful aspects, so it could be a peaceful religion if you choose not to follow the war time rules, which seemed to be most of the time.

Big on charity and taking care of the community/homeless/orphans and comparatively, women had far more rights than they did under Judaism (and really, women in the Koran seem to have better rights then than they do in Saudi Arabia in 2015). So if you want it to be a peaceful religion, I think it can be. If you're following it to the letter, it is inherently violent and the spread of it through violence is praised in the Koran many times (even though there are plenty of times it says that's a bad thing to do....the book is conflicted on its messaging).

It's basically Judaism with different names for things and Judaism has hundreds of years of glorifying killing everything and everyone in their path on the way to the Promised Land.

When I tell my boss about all the fucked up things Christians did, he pretty much says..those were not real Christians. Forget the old testament, Jesus basically gave everyone a new starting point for peace and hippy love.

I can't recall much about the books after the Gospel. But I assume it focuses a lot on killing all these new hipsters.


When I tell my boss about all the fucked up things Christians did, he pretty much says..those were not real Christians. Forget the old testament, Jesus basically gave everyone a new starting point for peace and hippy love.

I can't recall much about the books after the Gospel. But I assume it focuses a lot on killing all these new hipsters.

Nah to be a Christian is to be peaceful. Turn the other cheek and all that. But then Jesus says this:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Sooooo....and he fucked EVERYONE up in Revelation. People killing in the name of their religion are shitty people regardless of if their religion condones it or not. If you are a Christian and a shitty person, then you are by default a shitty Christian. Or Jew or Muslim or whatever. It's all dumb as shit to follow literally no matter what book you choose. The point is to glean wisdom from the stories and apply them in life. It's all metaphors and stories no matter what book you pick up.



Of course these 5000-1500 year old religions are outdated in 2015. They're all stupid and should have no bearing on the modern world. You might as well be following some old viking or Greek gods shit.

I'm technically Catholic and about the only rule I follow is treat others like you would like to be treated. And really, that's just common sense of morality, you don't have to go to church every Sunday and recite things like a parrot to be a decent person.

Catholic church at least believes in Evolution. But being against gays, contraception, jerking off.... lol.
I don't know of anyone here who doesn't watch women's wrestling because they're women.....if anything, they don't watch it because it usually sucks in WWE. That's a FACT. The main roster gives maybe 15 minutes to a whole divas championship match segment on PPV and that includes maybe 5 minutes of wrestling and most of them ARE clumsy in the ring. I haven't seen anyone blatantly shitting on it because they're women though.

It's definitely there, I've seen it (not here though). The WWE's portrayal of women is absolutely ridiculous, I don't understand how NXT can do more with their's in 4 hours a month to WWE's 7 hours a week. Plus you have a ton of good femal independent talent as well.


Has anybody here sunk a bunch of time in to Immortals? I like the designs and the ways they've re-imagined wrestlers, but it seems like it would be no fun to play for any length of time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Has anybody here sunk a bunch of time in to Immortals? I like the designs and the ways they've re-imagined wrestlers, but it seems like it would be no fun to play for any length of time.

Hell naw. Supercard has better staying power.


smart choice

So if this is true, how do y'all see WM shaping up?

Bryan vs. Lesnar
STANG vs. Triple H
Bray vs. Taker
Orton vs. Rollins
Cena vs. Rusev
Reigns vs. ??? (Ambrose? Big Show? Heel SHAY-MOUSSE?)


Bryan vs. Rollins
STANG vs. Triple H
Bray vs. Taker
Cena vs. Lesnar
Reigns vs. Rusev
Orton vs. ??? (Ambrose? Kane? Heel SHAY-MOUSSE?)
Can't wait to see people defending Bryan winning the belt again in the 2016 Mania moment because "he deserves his moment". If last year didn't count now, this year won't count then apparently.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't be silly folks. Nothing's decided, period.


It's definitely there, I've seen it (not here though). The WWE's portrayal of women is absolutely ridiculous, I don't understand how NXT can do more with their's in 4 hours a month to WWE's 7 hours a week. Plus you have a ton of good femal independent talent as well.

Lol what immediate back tracking. This thread talks about how dope NXT women are all the time. This community raves about Charlotte and Sasha. And joshi. And stuff like Shimmer gets mentioned pretty regularly. The women matches at all the NXT specials were all very highly rated here. This is not the community to drop the "I see people shitting on women wrestling and it is probably sexism" shit. All so you can plug your blog. Come on, son. Be involved with the community. Alucard and myself do a lot more than just plug our stupid wrestling blogs.

You can't just be in here non stop plugging your blog and not join in with the discussions. That kind of shit is looked down on in every community and GAF as a whole. If you join the discussion of the thread, perhaps people would actually acknowledge some of your blog stuff.
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