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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Don't be a dick.

I've really become a fan of Naito and his ugly fish face over the last year.

If Roman loses the Royal Rumble on Subday, then what's the narrative? Vince lost faith in him? #RejectReigns worked?

The traditional last minute rewrites going down to the wire leads to the use of an unfinished script where "Bryan throws Reigns over the top rope" is the last written detail. Vince only finds out once the show has ended that his full line was cut short.
Dammit it was supposed to read "Bryan throws Reigns over the top rope, but Reigns is just too strong and tips the ring by the ropes as he goes over causing Bryan to go flying out while Reigns lands smoothly on the apron, points to WM sign and cuts a promo directed towards Bryan saying "What a maroon!" *Reigns winks at the camera, fade to black*

These wrongs will be corrected on Raw, with yet more last minute rewrites.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Lots of wrestlers with other jobs right now. Cult Leader, Motivational Speaker, Black Preacher, Lunatic Fringe, Lunch Lady. Maybe this is the Newer Generation.


If my math is right, the next NXT Takeover special after February 11th is April 1st, the Wednesday after Wrestlemania.

That week is going to be insane.


I think the reason him winning would be kind of out there for me is that he's not really on TV that much. He just does terrible run-ins (because he's supposed to be running into save people and then he walks slowly down the steps) with no explanation beyond faces save faces.

I mean, if he wins, I'm not going to be mad though. There's no other reasonable options that aren't old dudes or Daniel Bryan. Bryan winning would probably be big, but its stupid if he's the only legit option to win.
Randy Orton is only 34. He's a legit option to win as he has a makeshift feud with Rollins which would work just fine for the title.

Dean Ambrose is also a legit option to win as they can still find a way to get Roman in the mix and have a Shield triple threat for the title at Mania (and still give Reigns the belt as originally planned).

Bryan would work just fine with either Lesnar or Rollins... although Lesnar makes more sense for the spectacle of it. Honestly can't think of a better opponent for Brock for Mania... and it may still happen even if the title is not in play.

But Reigns vs. Lesnar is still the safest bet of the bunch. Because Vince has got to Vince.
If my math is right, the next NXT Takeover special after February 11th is April 1st, the Wednesday after Wrestlemania.

That week is going to be insane.

I can guarantee they won't do another one till May at least. The main reason they moved this upcoming one to February is because they don't want to have to deal with Mania and an NXT special at the same time. There is enough of a crossover in resources for it to be a pain in the ass.
Lots of wrestlers with other jobs right now. Cult Leader, Motivational Speaker, Black Preacher, Lunatic Fringe, Lunch Lady. Maybe this is the Newer Generation.

Don't forget Stunt Double, D List movie star, director of operations while also part time demon, Russian Ambassadors, Matadors, obligatory dancer and possibly a quirky Astronomer in Stardust.
The Newest Generation.


I can guarantee they won't do another one till May at least. The main reason they moved this upcoming one to February is because they don't want to have to deal with Mania and an NXT special at the same time. There is enough of a crossover in resources for it to be a pain in the ass.

I don't know about that. I know they're rushing 6 weeks of TV taping in February to avoid working TV through March so they can go to Mania, but they would just need to get everyone back to Orlando by Wed for the special.

They won't wait that long.....IMO, they're probably going to run it after Mania to capitalize on Mania week hype.


If my math is right, the next NXT Takeover special after February 11th is April 1st, the Wednesday after Wrestlemania.

That week is going to be insane.

I'm not sure that will happen. The usual time between specials was 12 weeks then the special. They are doing two tapings ater the Feb 11 Special. So if they do 8 tapings then will be April 8.

So they can do a special on the 15th or can do another taping of 4 episodes and make the special on May 13.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
REAL TALK: Free months always ruin the network for me when I try watching it on PS3. Can't watch anything on the Network anywhere near primetime or it freezes. Works fine on PC though.


REAL TALK: Free months always ruin the network for me when I try watching it on PS3. Can't watch anything on the Network anywhere near primetime or it freezes. Works fine on PC though.

Probably because you have some kiddie sounding thing like a PLAYstation. We ain't here to play. Maybe you should get an console for adults. Like a Wii U.
I don't know about that. I know they're rushing 6 weeks of TV taping in February to avoid working TV through March so they can go to Mania, but they would just need to get everyone back to Orlando by Wed for the special.

They won't wait that long.....IMO, they're probably going to run it after Mania to capitalize on Mania week hype.

Keep in mind that a majority of the crew goes to Europe for the tour, and they leave the week after Mania. As I said, there is enough crossover of resources for this to be a logistical nightmare.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
At least Crunchyroll is decent on the Wii U.

Amazon is also just as bad on Wii U as it is anywhere else.

Netflix is like halfway between a good console version and a Smart TV one. It has some features like Super HD but missing others like auto playback of the next episode.
I watched the 2004 Rumble, which was in Philly. Crowd was not that hot. At least it seemed that way to me. Paul Heyman didn't even get a pop. Crowd pops for Benoit pulling Show over but then it just seems like polite applause.
The Wii U sucks as a multimedia device.

Also, the Rumble crowd will not be a "Philly" crowd. It will be a hardcore wrestling crowd. Just like Pittsburgh last year. Pittsburgh crowds are usually dreadful.
Furio is TMF. That mother fucker is ICE COLD. More than anyone on any crew.

I think Sil has to be up there. You don't see him in action often, but he does
whack his own niece
without a second thought, plus a whole bunch of other people. Tony does what has to be done when called for, but it weighs on him. Silvio cares only about protecting the life he's earned. Furio was awesome though, I always felt like his character was a metaphor of how the Italian crime family appeared to Tony (incidentally, the trip to Naples is one of my all-time favourite episodes) and of the aspirations and wishes he had for his crew, especially when he compared Furio's capability and unquestioning professionalism to a flake like Christopher.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I didn't watch RAW this week, I slept through it but checked the thread afterwards.

I don't think this thread made a big enough deal of Sandow's uncanny resemblance to one X to the P A C.


I think Sil has to be up there. You don't see him in action often, but he does
whack his own niece
without a second thought, plus a whole bunch of other people. Tony does what has to be done when called for, but it weighs on him. Silvio cares only about protecting the life he's earned. Furio was awesome though, I always felt like his character was a metaphor of how the Italian crime family appeared to Tony (incidentally, the trip to Naples is one of my all-time favourite episodes) and of the aspirations and wishes he had for his crew, especially when he compared Furio's capability and unquestioning professionalism to a flake like Christopher.

I believe Sil only
kills two people in the entire run of the series.
His lack of action makes me question his ability to truly be named TMF. Although he often gets emotional himself. The Old Country crew makes the Jersey and NY families look like punks, though.


Keep in mind that a majority of the crew goes to Europe for the tour, and they leave the week after Mania. As I said, there is enough crossover of resources for this to be a logistical nightmare.

Maybe they'll tape it at Mania during that weekend and show it on delay?

I don't think anyone would mind.
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