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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

I will say that if they do
Rock vs. Brock, what a waste of Taker's streak. I mean, they've already done enough damage to the win, but to give the rub of finally defeating Brock to Rock of all people?
Fuck that.


Hey guys, remember The Corre?


Speaking of the Von Erichs...

I'm an old guy from Texas, and I can tell you that you can't overestimate their star power back in the day. I had the weird fortune to have dinner with Kerry and David, when I was fifteen. My dad had made a bank loan to a restaurant they owned part of, and we all got to sit around the table with 'em. I had several impressions. The first was that they were not very bright. The second was they were fucking enormous in real life. And while David was kind of quiet, Kerry was an animal. Shoveling food into his mouth like a pig. None of which stopped, in the slightest, literally dozens of women from hurling themselves at him. He showed up with two girls in tow as it was, but all night women would come by and basically drop their panties. It was pretty amazing.

Anyway, have fun, be cool.

Nice story.

I've enjoyed watching WCCW over the last few weeks, and the WCCW Documentary (which is basically the life story of the Von Erichs) was a great watch too. It's damn odd seeing girls and teens grab the Von Erichs on their way to the ring.


If Rock is coming back, I have the perfect solution for WWE. As a matter of fact, it's so perfect, I'm pretty sure I may have posted it long ago.

Here is your new card:

Lesnar vs. Reigns
Batista vs. Rock
Cena vs. Undertaker
Triple H vs. Sting

These are the four main events you need, one to close each hour.

Balee dat.


Watching this WWE Countdown on celeb appearance. When they get to Pete Rose, Teddy talks about how Pete fit right in because "he shook hands with everyone"

You hear that everyone!


They can all go fuck themselves if they don't turn on
He should stick to making movies just like Big Dave.
That's it. Let it all out. I want to see that rage tonight. If this was last year, I honestly think Rock would've been screwed if he came back and won the Royal Rumble because fans simply weren't ready to settle for anything else, but I don't think that will happen this year.

Better get ready baby girl.

You can't stop The Rock.

Balee dat.
Rumble prediction time:

What should happen (while still giving Vince what he wants DAMMIT!)
Rollins wins title via cash in after the title match (off Cena of course cause Cena wins lol )
During the Rumble Reigns is eliminated in the late 20's
Bryan stands alone in the ring after eliminating entrant #29
The countdown ends but no one comes out for #30. Countdown goes again but once more nothing. While Bryan is standing in the ring in bewilderment he is attacked by Show and Kane. While this is happening we see on the tron HHH talking to Reigns over a beaten Dean Ambrose (Who had previously been #30 since he had all the number and was beaten by show and kane before coming for Bryan. We find all this out on monday) Reigns and HHH shake hands and the countdown begins again. Reigns comes out as #30 and easily tosses a beaten Bryan out. Reigns celebrates to a course of boos as the authority sans Rollins comes out to congratulate him.

The next night on Raw. We find out that Rollins (and J&J) had no idea about the plan to help Reigns. HHH comes out and cuts a promo on Seth about how it was always Reigns that he wanted not Seth, Seth was just the weakest willed on the Shield and the only one he could get to turn at the time.
Ambrose comes out and is pissed that not only was his Rumble spot taken but by his "brother"
Over the next few months Rollins is still champ and still with the Authority though it is clearer each week that they don't give a shit about him and are all about Reigns. Rollins slowly distances himself from the authority while still being caught in the crossfire of Ambrose and Reigns

Mania Main Event
Rollins (tweener) vs. Ambrose (face) vs. Reigns (heel)
Bryan vs. Brock
Cena vs. Rusev
HHH vs. Sting
Cesaro vs. Ziggler vs. Barret vs. Wyatt Fatal Four Way IC title

Reigns can still win, We get Bryan vs. Brock, everybody wins which is why this won't happen.

What will Happen
Brock wins after Cena AA Brock, Rollins goes for curb stomp on Cena but Cena counters into another AA on Rollins. Brock pushes Cena out of the Ring and pins Rollins.

During the rumble Bryan eliminates Kane, who then goes back in and eliminates Bryan. (This elimination does not count for kane just like last year when they didn't count his elimination of Punk keeping his still one shy of HBK)
As Kane is walking up the aisle Roman enters the Rumble. Reigns superman punches Kane into retirement on the way to the ring.
Reigns eliminates 13 people including Big Show to win the Rumble and come to 25 total eliminations

Reigns vs Brock
Rollins vs Cena
HHH vs Staaanng
Bryan vs. Kane in a loser retires match (Sheamus shows up and takes them both out in 17 seconds)
Ziggler/Cesaro/Wyatt/Orton vs. Relevancy

The next year at the Rumble Reigns eliminates 14 and ties HBK's record.


or or.. bonus
Brock wins
Reigns wins
Rock is at Rumble
Reigns is like we ain't waiting until mania and beats Brock for the title on Raw
Reigns vs Rock for the Title at Mania
better than thrice in a lifetime i guess


Cena and Batista won it twice since they're the two biggest stars in the last twelve years, and they were around long enough to make it happen. Rock didn't get it twice because he was only there for a couple years. Had he stuck around, I'm sure it would've happened for him. It's time to right that wrong.

You can't stop The Rock.

This Roman Rumble is all about Samoan blood.

Balee dat.


So not worth it
The Rock never won the Rumble. Maybe you're thinking of the Big Show?

That big oaf never won ANYTHING!

Rock was declared the winner of that match and Michael Cole made it very clear that they don't do instant replays in WWE
unless it's convenient for the storyline


Nope, he's pretty much right. Big Show won the 2000 RR.
I just remember The Rock flying around, and even though his feet touched the ground, it just happened to be the case he was the only one there. It's not like can eliminate himself and leave no winner.


I just remember The Rock flying around, and even though his feet touched the ground, it just happened to be the case he was the only one there. It's not like can eliminate himself and leave no winner.

No, Big Show was in the process of dumping him out of the ring, but Rock grabbed the top rope, Big Show fell out of the ring and both of Show's feet hit the ground. Big Show later found footage showing that the Rock's feet touched first while Show was still in mid-air.

You know what would be really cool? Rock vs. Seth. Can still get the Mania draw of the Rock while also promoting new talent. Makes sense for both the short-term and the long-term. So of course it isn't going to happen.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The program with the Rock and the Big Show afterwards is one of my favorite ever. No, not for the wrestling nor for its eventual WM2K main event, but because Big Show would come out and state his case politely and get more and more heel reactions for doing so and The Rock would just insult him the entire time despite Show actually being right.


that bullshit finish at rumble 2000 and the mania that followed were the only blunders in an otherwise flawless year of wwf programming

rock needs his win at the rumble this year to make amends
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