The Rock has never won a rumble, and Batista has only won one.
So if that was a legit botch, how the hell was the spot suppose to go? I can't see Batista doing an athletic recovery spot at all.
The Rock has never won a rumble, and Batista has only won one.
Isn't that like every face-heel program in the WWE these days?The program with the Rock and the Big Show afterwards is one of my favorite ever. No, not for the wrestling nor for its eventual WM2K main event, but because Big Show would come out and state his case politely and get more and more heel reactions for doing so and The Rock would just insult him the entire time despite Show actually being right.
He's wanted to face Brock for years. Vince likes short-term money while sacrificing long-term talent. What part of this is unbelievable?
It's 2015 and people still think Daniel Bryan is the end-all be-all of an entire industry.
Stop making up lies goddammit!No, Big Show was in the process of dumping him out of the ring, but Rock grabbed the top rope, Big Show fell out of the ring and both of Show's feet hit the ground. Big Show later found footage showing that the Rock's feet touched first while Show was still in mid-air.
I had always sort of assumed that a double elimination was never supposed to happen, and that they just lucked out that it looks like both landed at the same time.... as long as you weren't really paying attention.So if that was a legit botch, how the hell was the spot suppose to go? I can't see Batista doing an athletic recovery spot at all.
So if that was a legit botch, how the hell was the spot suppose to go? I can't see Batista doing an athletic recovery spot at all.
Are Rumble eliminations like NFL rules?
2 feet = an elbow = back = 1 knee?
No one who has ever looked into the matter has come away saying Batista/Cena's double elimination was a work. Batista fucked up, plain and simple. That it worked out so well for the story they were trying to tell was a happy accident.
The Rock has never won a rumble, and Batista has only won one.
Are Rumble eliminations like NFL rules?
2 feet = an elbow = back = 1 knee?
Yall are fools who don't remember how great Rock vs. Brock 1 was. Look at this shit. That shit was so far ahead of its time, and I can't wait to see what sort of innovative stuff they come up with next.
Yall are fools who don't remember how great Rock vs. Brock 1 was. Look at this shit. That shit was so far ahead of its time, and I can't wait to see what sort of innovative stuff they come up with next.
Btw, if by some stroke of luck Bray Wyatt wins the Rumble tonight, maybe we'll finally get the proper ending and story to his feud with Cena. Maybe the guy that totally derailed Wyatt's momentum can finally do what he should have done at Wrestlemania XXX.
Btw, if by some stroke of luck Bray Wyatt wins the Rumble tonight, maybe we'll finally get the proper ending and story to his feud with Cena. Maybe the guy that totally derailed Wyatt's momentum can finally do what he should have done at Wrestlemania XXX.
Yall are fools who don't remember how great Rock vs. Brock 1 was. Look at this shit. That shit was so far ahead of its time, and I can't wait to see what sort of innovative stuff they come up with next.
I had already moved on to Ultimate at this point, but outside of cutting in footage of The Rock holding on to a handshake with Hollywood Hogan as an example of utilizing grip strength, this is absolutely fantastic. Thank you for sharing, dream.
You have to remember that even Macho Man Randy Savage had to use two hands in order to contain Hogan's grip, while Rock only needs one. It's that kind of subtlety that really lets you know that not only was Savage not as strong or as great as The Rock, but also that Savage was wrong in regards to Elizabeth.
You have to remember that even Macho Man Randy Savage had to use two hands in order to contain Hogan's grip, while Rock only needs one. It's that kind of subtlety that really lets you know that not only was Savage not as strong or as great as The Rock, but also that Savage was wrong in regards to Elizabeth.
Beef starting a war.You have to remember that even Macho Man Randy Savage™ had to use two hands in order to contain Hogan's grip, while Rock only needs one. It's that kind of subtlety that really lets you know that not only was Savage™ not as strong or as great as The Rock, but also that Savage™ was wrong in regards to Elizabeth.
Hey guys, I think Beef and I's beef is beginning to come to an end...
Isn't that like every face-heel program in the WWE these days?
Heels always spout honesty and stay tight with their faction buddies while the faces are all pompous blowhard jerks who break the rules and get away with it.
HHH/Sting sounds so stupid. Why do people like that?
It just doesn't look like it gels well.
I wish Harper would replace Kane and fight Sting for the Authority instead.
HHH/Sting sounds so stupid. Why do people like that?
It just doesn't look like it gels well.
HHH/Sting sounds so stupid. Why do people like that?
It just doesn't look like it gels well.
I wish Harper would replace Kane and fight Sting for the Authority instead.
Why bother using the Rumble match to elevate anyone if you'll give a win to someone who'd be a main event draw on the marquee wrestling anyone on the card?Fuck, these assholes better not make Rock win the Rumble because they got him. Then again I can't put anything past these carnies.
HHH/Sting sounds so stupid. Why do people like that?
It just doesn't look like it gels well.
I wish Harper would replace Kane and fight Sting for the Authority instead.
Clearly this was the plan. Masterful psychology.Suddenly, Roman winning the rumble doesn't seem so bad anymore.
Clearly this was the plan. Masterful psychology.
Now we want Roman to win. Vince gets his way once again.
The Rock, Batista, Roman Reigns, and Daniel Bryan.
Your final four.
Balee dat.
It depends how over Bryan is with the crowd. I doubt they would turn onthough.The Rock
rock is always over with a live crowd despite being completely terrible since his return
They can all go fuck themselves if they don't turn on.Dwayne
He should stick to making movies just like Big Dave.
Suddenly, Roman winning the rumble doesn't seem so bad anymore.
It'll be interesting. I think the majority would cheer him winning.