I mean I know y'all never actually watched WCW in its prime, but Bagwell was actually a great heel back in 1997. Legit great.
Lol at anyone thinking Jeff Jarrett could have saved that company. What were those suits thinking? Letting the only wrestler worse then Buff Bagwell take control, smh
Vince will let anybody come back, but Jeff has held a grudge against him forever and wants to be a competing promoter.
Fuck buff bagwell
WWE should snatch up Rosemary and Cherry Bomb for NXT
This'll save 205 Live.
Vince McMahon will bring back anyone who can make money. Notice how Buff Bagwell hasn't come back at all?
Vince McMahon will bring back anyone who can make money. Notice how Buff Bagwell hasn't come back at all?
Buff is the one wrestler who actually intimidated Vince. It's why he's never brought him back.
Buff makes more money escorting.
That's not even a joke. That's literally what he does now.
Hilariously, Enzo is taking them off of life support and getting them (slight) ratings
Well, Buff actually was in a serious car accident in 2012, had a breathing tube, that is how serious it was. He is also suing WWE for royalties so that is why he might be persona non grata as well.Vince McMahon will bring back anyone who can make money. Notice how Buff Bagwell hasn't come back at all?
Everything that made that gimmick successful was the freedom the Hardys had with their own creative. They will enjoy no such freedom in the land of Vince.This is so bad it's funny. Also a chance for the Hardy's to finally get back the broken gimmick?
Holy crap, I looked this up and you're right 😂Buff makes more money escorting.
That's not even a joke. That's literally what he does now.
looks like jim cornette picked a good time to join this sinking ship.
Buff makes more money escorting.
That's not even a joke. That's literally what he does now.
Was it him or his mom that scared Vince
looks like jim cornette picked a good time to join this sinking ship.
People can post all the Bagwell gifs they want, christ knows that tedious gimmick in WrassleGaf has been going on forever but all the gifs in the world will not change the fact that Bagwell sucked, never drew a dime and is looked at by pretty much anyone who has a voice on wrestling as being terrible.
"Anybody spot me a 20?"
Billy Corgan laughing maniacally right now
I don't know about that. He seemed like he actually wanted to try to help TNA at the time and couldn't get over Dixie's strange hierarchy and her need to be like WWE. He apparently helped with some of the Broken stuff, so he was trying to differentiate between the two by trying different stuff with people in TNA who were actually stars. I would assume he's disappointed in the time he wasted more than anything else.
The breaking point for Anthem:
Why is my friend Hex yelling at me?
People can post all the Bagwell gifs they want, christ knows that tedious gimmick in WrassleGaf has been going on forever but all the gifs in the world will not change the fact that Bagwell sucked, never drew a dime and is looked at by pretty much anyone who has a voice on wrestling as being terrible.
Dude is 50. What were they expecting?
Dude is 50. What were they expecting?
Hex would pop if The Handsome Stranger showed up on RAW Monday.
The real story here, which Dave hinted at but nobody is talking about, is that Jeff--most likely because of Karen--is smoking crack cocaine again.
Man, what is with this company?
Is it a circus on purpose..?