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Jennifer Lawrence On Her X-MEN Future: 'Fox Should Be Terrified'

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I mean yeah. They did it for Fantastic Four and that worked out just fine, right?

There will always be ups and downs. There's no guarantee that another XMen with all three of these actors would be successful either.

They absolutely need McAvoy.

No.. They absolutely don't. There are plenty of people who want to act. Some of them are even talented. Albeit a smaller pool, some of those talented folks have also been proven to draw in crowds.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
As if Rupert Murdoch gives a shit.

FOX has a shiny new toy: Deadpool and the upcoming Gambit & New Mutant releases from the X-men universe.

And our lord and savior, da god, Cameron, is coming back

They good.


After the success of Deadpool I wouldn't be surprised if Fox hits all three of them with a Bye Felicia and just focuses on other mutants.


Imo. None of the xmen except maybe Jackman are essential. Not one characters is Robert Downey as stark or evans as Cap.

Change the actors. Who cares.

Mystique?? Who cares.

They are all rhodey tier.

Heck even Hulk changed and no one cared.

Patrick Stewart was my Prof. X and Jackman has really come to embody the Wolverine role over the years, but outside of that? Eh.

I'd just rather they made good movies and rebooting seems like a perfectly reasonable decision for everyone right now.

Jackman is leaving anyways, right?

Build a universe off of Deadpool now. Fox got a fucking gimme with a franchise that they thought was gonna bomb. If they were smart, they'd back creators like that instead of Singer, and stars that can be embody a role and be a breakout character like Reynolds to lead the charge of the next generation of films. They have so many areas of mutants and teams to make into films, they don't even have to revisit the original X-Men team any time soon.
Patrick Stewart was my Prof. X and Jackman has really come to embody the Wolverine role over the years, but outside of that? Eh.

I'd just rather they made good movies and rebooting seems like a perfectly reasonable decision for everyone right now.

there is no need to reboot. they've practically moved towards the 90s cartoon and are gonna push that forward as the franchise now more or less. mcavoy will be xavier for a while now if things go as expected.



Patrick Stewart was my Prof. X and Jackman has really come to embody the Wolverine role over the years, but outside of that? Eh.

I'd just rather they made good movies and rebooting seems like a perfectly reasonable decision for everyone right now.

Sounds like the thing to do is swap out the main creative players (director, writers, etc) but keep the cast. Keep McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, and the kids. Then take the series in a fresh direction.
I really like Jennifer Lawrence in a lot of the things that she's done, but she seems so miscast as Mystique... And I'm not really fond of what they've done with the character in the last few installments, I'd be ok with X-Men minus Mystique


Isn't the whole point of these franchise films that they give actors less bargaining power?

Not when they push a character like Mystique to a central role for no other reason than because of who is playing the character.

Fox created this situation for themselves.
Not when they push a character like Mystique to a central role.

She was a central role before she was Jennifer Lawrence

They didn't push her there. She was there in First Class. These movies have always been a trio of Charles, Erik, and Raven.

Her becoming a star after-the-fact just ensured she stayed in that position - but she was likely going to stay in that position regardless, just by dint of how important First Class made Mystique in the story.
She was a central role before she was Jennifer Lawrence

They didn't push her there. She was there in First Class. These movies have always been a trio of Charles, Erik, and Raven.

Her becoming a star after-the-fact just ensured she stayed in that position - but she was likely going to stay in that position regardless, just by dint of how important First Class made Mystique in the story.

If you go back to BTS features for First Class, Vaugnh speaks to how Lawrence and Hoult would become big stars in a few years. So, yes. Her stock blew up but that's been the plan since 2009-10.


She can be easily replaced. It's about time they reboot the franchise anyway. I would love if they got rid of the nude Mystique. The general aesthetic of the XMEN movies needs to go. Time for someone to do something different.


Question: Is X-Men movie franchise currently dependent on her star power? (like MCU-RDJ)

nope. And she is a young, still fairly new to the game actress that will learn her lessons. RDJ has been around the block many times, which is why he put his STANK on Stark so that the character is intrinsic to RDJ in the eyes of many, and he will never (willingly) leave the MCU, or whine about how 'stale' it all is. LOL

Jennifer's biggest mistake in all this was not making herself irreplaceable/the character her own. smh


She was a central role before she was Jennifer Lawrence

They didn't push her there. She was there in First Class. These movies have always been a trio of Charles, Erik, and Raven.

Her becoming a star after-the-fact just ensured she stayed in that position - but she was likely going to stay in that position regardless, just by dint of how important First Class made Mystique in the story.
How are you really saying anything different than what I am saying? Her success elsewhere only made them double down on her prominent role in the films and the marketing going forward.

You assume they even thought past First Class.

They didn't know if that was a prequel, a reboot, a one-off, or a trilogy so I doubt they had some central arc plotted out to where she eventually becomes leader of the X-Men. It seems obvious in how they decided to make DoFP a prequel, a sequel, and a reboot all in one to make it official
How are you really saying anything different than what I am saying?

You've been suggesting Fox made Mystique a key character only after Jennifer Lawrence got famous. Mystique was a key character before Jennifer Lawrence was hired.

Fox didn't make Mystique anything Vaughn/Goldman hadnt' already made her, and Singer didn't continue along a path that wasn't already laid out. Vaughn cast her because they thought she was a good actress and they needed one of those for the role they wrote. Singer stayed on that path because her importance was built in. Her being a star made that a no-brainer.

That's very different from your earlier posts where you suggest a) Fox was responsible for the direction and b) the direction went the way it did because she became famous.

They made her Charles' sister and Magneto's soulmate. (and Beast's crush). All of that was in the first movie. There was no way she wasn't going to continue to be a super-important character going forward. That was never not on the table. So long as the films were primarily interested in the Erik/Charles dynamic (and they are) Mystique was going to have a major role. She is how they measure themselves.


Let her walk, her performance in these movies have always been terrible. Not buying for a second that McAvoy and Fassbender wont return


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Then she left the room, and they looked at each other like, "Does she really think her character is as important to the films as ours? You should tell her. No, you."


Let her walk, her performance in these movies have always been terrible. Not buying for a second that McAvoy and Fassbender wont return

Fassbender's career is yet to really 'take off' in the sense that he can carry a film at BO solo, and he's pushing 40, so he will probably renegotiate for more $$ and be done with it.

'real' actors can no longer act like they are above 'dumb comic book' movies when comic book movies are more and more becoming critically acclaimed, breaking BO records, and claiming all the top spots for biggest gross/opening, etc. The only thing I can think is they all want to free themselves up to be available for a MCU gig... LOL

Then she left the room, and they looked at each other like, "Does she really think her character is as important to the films as ours? You should tell her. No, you."

real talk, Jackman probably took them aside and said something like 'hang onto this until u cant's no more, brehs!' XD
Then she left the room, and they looked at each other like, "Does she really think her character is as important to the films as ours? You should tell her. No, you."

Fassbender: "I will tell her if this Ass Creed thing doesn't work out."

Mcavoy: "Oh it's settled then."


If her not coming back means a break from the X-Men movies for a bit in cool with that. I love her ppersonality and she seems super chill but breaks are good.

Admittedly in my opinion characters/actors are great but the films have not all been memorable for me. X-Men 1 was my favorite. DOFP was awesome visually but the story/continuity stuff lost me.

Personally I think Hugh Jackmans's Wolverine persona saved some of the poorer films. Even his solo films weren't super remakable.

I don't know I feel something was missing. Maybe Apocalypse is that much better? Looking forward to seeing it.
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