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Jennifer Lawrence On Her X-MEN Future: 'Fox Should Be Terrified'

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Don't like these prequels/back in past movies, only bit I like is the wolverine part. Please make more xmen in the current future please.

D i Z

All three of those characters need to be dropped. They hold the X-men back from being what they could and should be.
Next movie should have no Xavier, Magneto or Mystique as story crutches

That or no Singer

New Mutants will have Xavier.
The 90s-set X-Men will likely not have Lawrence or Fassbender
Deadpool 2 will probably have Cable
Wolverine 3 might have X-23.
Gambit might have Rogue (maybe?)

Then there's X-Force still.

No word on whether Singer comes back, but I don't think he will.
New Mutants will have Xavier.
The 90s-set X-Men will likely not have Lawrence or Fassbender
Deadpool 2 will probably have Cable
Wolverine 3 might have X-23.
Gambit might have Rogue (maybe?)

Then there's X-Force still.

No word on whether Singer comes back, but I don't think he will.

What is he attached to coming up?


I thought she had nothing better to do than just sit home all the time and watch netflix or whatever.

Haven't seen Apocalypse, but she's been alright as Mystique but she's completely outclassed by Fassbender and McAvoy in the first two films.


Who does she think she is? I'd take the original Mystique over her any day. I honestly don't get her appeal. I feel like we're getting punk'd with every role she lands.
My friend who worked as a CG supervisor on the new Xmen and was on set, let me know that Jennifer Lawrence is extremely rude to the crew, and refused to wear any makeup this time so they had to CGI everything through the whole movie. Don't trust her PR persona. Seems like an ungrateful, fake person.


We don't care about them, we care about what we like and we don't like her.
I mean, pretty much. I think she's OK when she's not playing Mystique though.

Patrick Stewart was my Prof. X and Jackman has really come to embody the Wolverine role over the years, but outside of that? Eh.

I'd just rather they made good movies and rebooting seems like a perfectly reasonable decision for everyone right now.

Jackman is leaving anyways, right?

Build a universe off of Deadpool now. Fox got a fucking gimme with a franchise that they thought was gonna bomb. If they were smart, they'd back creators like that instead of Singer, and stars that can be embody a role and be a breakout character like Reynolds to lead the charge of the next generation of films. They have so many areas of mutants and teams to make into films, they don't even have to revisit the original X-Men team any time soon.
100% agreed. Deadpool's runaway success opens the door for a fresh (and lucrative) direction for Fox's superhero films.


X-Men already did recast for main characters sans Wolvie and nobody cared. Same will happen again. It's the brand and world that makes people come back, not the actors.


My friend who worked as a CG supervisor on the new Xmen and was on set, let me know that Jennifer Lawrence is extremely rude to the crew, and refused to wear any makeup this time so they had to CGI everything through the whole movie. Don't trust her PR persona. Seems like an ungrateful, fake person.

I got that impression that that's her personality when she pubically humiliated that reporter at that awards show.


Well that's an incredibly arrogant thing to say. I know mystique has been important in the last few films but she really, really isn't a vital character. To be honest though Jennifer Lawrence has seemed full of herself for a while so if that's the case I can see why she'd be saying this.


I don't like her, or the character (her portrayal). The fact she is the main face of the movie just puts me off watching it.


Fox shouldn't be terrified, they should be ecstatic.



Fox shouldn't be terrified, they should be ecstatic.


At this point I want Singer to finish off his X-Men series with the 90's X-Men flick and then move forward with Deadpool as the base for the XMCU moving forward. Colossus, Negasonic, and Wade were handled so well.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question: Has ANYONE actually been sold on seeing a movie based star power?

I mean, okay, MAYBE it's one thing if it's someone playing a lead character like Hugh Jackman or RDJ. But a supporting character like JLaw in this case? Nobody went to see X-men cause of you, darlin'.


Unconfirmed Member
Question: Has ANYONE actually been sold on seeing a movie based star power?

I mean, okay, MAYBE it's one thing if it's someone playing a lead character like Hugh Jackman or RDJ. But a supporting character like JLaw in this case? Nobody went to see X-men cause of you, darlin'.

Well it looks like that Thor Ragnarok will be the case for me, I didn't really like the first two thor movies, but the cast and crew looks really promising.
Question: Has ANYONE actually been sold on seeing a movie based star power?

I mean, okay, MAYBE it's one thing if it's someone playing a lead character like Hugh Jackman or RDJ. But a supporting character like JLaw in this case? Nobody went to see X-men cause of you, darlin'.
A lot of people watch things because of the people acting in them. Outside of interest in the plot/characters it's almost certainly the biggest reason why people would watch a movie. Why do you think they put the actors name on the poster in big letters?

And I think JLaw is much more of a pull than you think.

Can anyone that's seen Apocolypse tell me if she ever goes blue in the movie? I've always been lukewarm on her portrayal of Mystique, but if she really isn't going to bother putting on the make up then they should just cut the character. It's not like an X-Men movie needs a Mystique anyway.
Fox shouldn't be terrified, they should be ecstatic.


Yup, Deadpool didn't have any actors of note, except for Reynolds (who was box office poison up until that point) and it's the highest grossing X men film by far. The X men brand is strong enough that it'll do well regardless of whose in it.

At this point I want Singer to finish off his X-Men series with the 90's X-Men flick and then move forward with Deadpool as the base for the XMCU moving forward. Colossus, Negasonic, and Wade were handled so well.

Yup Deadpool made me realize how much I wanted a modern day X men film. Give me a modern day X men film with an ensemble cast (don't focus on 2-3 characters) and I don't care whose in it.


Yup, Deadpool didn't have any actors of note, except for Reynolds (who was box office poison up until that point) and it's the highest grossing X men film by far. The X men brand is strong enough that it'll do well regardless of whose in it.

Deadpool is a decade long, trying to get made, passion project in which the Director needed to blackmail the studio (using the internet) to get it green-lit, and the studio still ended up cutting 8 million of its already small budget because they didn't believe in it. I wouldn't put much stock into the X-men brand until we see how well X:A does. imo if all three actors left, with Jackman leaving after Wolverine 3. this franchise under fox is as good as dead (we are talking Fant4stic levels here), excluding Deadpool since now Fox will have the confidence to keep things cheap while raking in a good profit at worst. So if Jennifer Lawrence is telling the truth expect Fox to bow down.
But then you realize how important your year is, like how important three months out of your year is. I donÂ’t know. I shouldnÂ’t be that honest.

Oh boo hoo, three months getting paid a butt-load of money to have blue body paint put on you and frown at a camera.
I didn't even like Deadpool, so I have a serious shortage of fucks to give about the franchise. Stewart, McAvoy, McKellen and Fassbender are the only factors that keep me remotely interested, even then the focus on Jennifer Lawrence almost ruined DOFP for me, which is saying a lot given how good a lot of it was.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Don't like these prequels/back in past movies, only bit I like is the wolverine part. Please make more xmen in the current future please.

That's not gonna happen. Hallie Berry is "too good" for the movie unless Singer really butters her up, Jackman is "old."

The Quantum Break protagonist (forgetting his--Shawn Ashmore), and Anna would probably be the "new gen" for modern/original continuity along with Pyro from X-men 2: X-men United.
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