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Jeri Ryan asked by Husband to do Public Sex... (hotness!)

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Doth Togo

Ryan papers contain allegations he pressured wife for public sex


Monday June 21, 2004
Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO (AP) Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan pressured his wife, actress Jeri Lynn Ryan, to have sex in clubs while others watched, she charged in divorce documents released Monday.

The "Boston Public'' and "Star Trek: Voyager'' actress said she angered Ryan by refusing. She did acknowledge infidelity on her part, which she said took place after their marriage was irretrievably broken. (aka Shaquille O'Neal)

In the documents Ryan denied the allegations, saying he had been "faithful and loyal'' to his wife.

In a news conference held after the documents were released, Ryan repeatedly refused to comment on the allegations, saying his response in the court papers spoke for itself and that he would not discuss them again.

"It's not helpful for my son or for she or me to reopen this allegations,'' Ryan said. "I am sticking by the exact things I said five years ago.''

While Ryan has spent time in recent days attempting to shore up support among the party leadership, one Republican member of the Illinois delegation called for Ryan to withdraw as a candidate.

Ray LaHood, R-Peoria, said Ryan needs to quit the campaign for the good of himself, his family and his party.

"There's no way the people of Illinois are going to countenance this behavior from a Senate candidate from the Republican Party,'' LaHood said.

Ryan said he had no plans to withdraw.

"My intention is to stay in the race,'' he said.

Jeri Lynn Ryan charged during a custody hearing that Ryan took her on surprise trips to New Orleans, New York and Paris in 1998, and that he insisted she go to sex clubs with him on each trip.

She said that after going out to dinner with Ryan in New York, he demanded that she go to a club with him.

"It was a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling,'' she said. She said Ryan asked her to perform a sexual act while others watched, and she refused.

She said they left and Ryan apologized to her and said it was out of his system. But then, she said, he took her to Paris and again took her to a sex club.

She said she cried and became physically ill at the club, and her husband got angry with her. She said she could never get over that incident.

She also accuses him in the papers of being controlling and lying repeatedly throughout the proceedings.

"I did arrange romantic getaways for us, but that did not include the type of activity she described,'' Ryan said in the papers. ``We did go to one avant-garde nightclub in Paris which was more than either one of us felt comfortable with. We left and vowed never to return,'' he told the court.

He said he felt bad for their son that she would falsely accuse him and said she said she knew he had political aspirations.

In a statement released Monday evening, Jeri Lynn Ryan made no mention of the allegations, but said she now considered Ryan a good man and loving father.

Judge Robert Schnider of Superior Court in Los Angeles ordered Friday the unsealing of portions of the records.

The two had vigorously fought the public disclosure of the files since before Jack Ryan's win in the March 16 Republican primary. They have argued making them public would be harmful to their 9-year-old son, Alex.

The Ryans said they were "disturbed and angered'' by the decision but decided not to appeal.

Ryan had repeatedly assured GOP leaders the files contain nothing embarrassing enough to torpedo his bid for the Senate against Democrat Barack Obama.

Rumors about the documents' contents have been circulating since before the March 16 primary. Some of his GOP opponents raised them as an issue in that campaign, but Ryan won the primary handily.

Schnider said making the records public would prove harmful to the Ryans' son, and could prove embarrassing to the former investment banker and teacher. But he said the public deserved to know the contents

The Chicago Tribune and Chicago TV station WLS sued to have the documents released.

(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)





Doth Togo said:
She did acknowledge infidelity on her part, which she said took place after their marriage was irretrievably broken. (aka Shaquille O'Neal)

What the fuck, she cheated with Shaq? Jesus christ, the man's dick is probably as long as her arm. That just ain't right.


"The "Boston Public'' and "Star Trek: Voyager'' actress said she angered Ryan by refusing. She did acknowledge infidelity on her part, which she said took place after their marriage was irretrievably broken. (aka Shaquille O'Neal)"

No fucking way. Tell me Shaq didn't get at that. Please oh God tell me Sahq didn't get at that!!!!!!
Doth Togo said:
"It was a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling,'' she said. She said Ryan asked her to perform a sexual act while others watched, and she refused.

Republicans are closet freaks! Husband of the Year candidate.
Hahaha, the situation is quite funny, but irrelevant. Barack Obama was beating him 52-30 when the first polls were released and this will only worsen Ryan's chances. You heard it here first, Obama is gonna be the first black candidate to make a serious run at the presidency (after his 2 senate terms of course.)

evil ways

Error Macro said:
*actually reads part of the article this time*

Whoa, wait a minute. She was married to Jack Ryan? I didn't know that.

Is it so wrong for the man to ask for some kinky extra curricular activities from his wife? I mean, he spends most of his time defending the country from worldwide terrorism, he deserves it.


Unconfirmed Member
evil ways said:
Is it so wrong for the man to ask for some kinky extra curricular activities from his wife? I mean, he spends most of his time defending the country from worldwide terrorism, he deserves it.
It depends on which Jack Ryan you are talking about.

Ford gets what he wants. Ben Affleck and real life senator need not apply ;)
Look what Sen. Rick " Family Values Homosexuality Equals Bestiality" Santorum said about the scandal:

Several leading Republicans lambasted Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) yesterday for calling on GOP candidate Jack Ryan to exit the Illinois Senate race in light of sexual allegations made by his ex-wife.

“Congressman LaHood is out of line,” said Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, adding that “this is an allegation in a messy custody case.” He called the media “outrageous” for making more out of the case than, he said, it warrants.



Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I hate to be "that guy". But there is something about her that just doesnt do anything for me. Maybe it has something to do with that shitty character she played on Boston Public. I'd still love to see her get railed though heh.
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