Is the tag editor the only way to create tags on the PS3?
Can't I import PNGs?
My only interest in the PC version is that it'll be hacked to add Yappie Feet, and someone will figure out how to import custom tags.
Still excited to get it on PS3 today though!
from what game is Yappie Feet from? i dont have it on my hdd
I had played the same level seven times, instructed to follow a rival gang in order to tag their backs and chase them off my gang's turf. After an hour of chasing, and missing grinds, and being knocked over by the faster skaters, and colliding with level geometry and watching giant pieces of the stage disappear and reappear in the distance I had almost taken the other team out, only to miss a grind. I watched my jump sail past the rail and I rolled into the level exit. My skater was recovering, and refused to respond to my inputs. As I exited the level without completing it, I had to let my controller go at high velocity, in the direction of the floor 10 feet away. That wasn't where I stopped playing, but at that point, I was finished with Jet Set Radio HD.
Tony Hawk has a platinum, the HD PSN one
Yeah, that's a potentially interesting point. We'll find out for sure with the PC release, of course, but it's true that a lot of older titles were not built to be displayed properly at higher framerates. I'm not sure how much of the original engine was changed for this port but that might not have been a quick and easy fix.It's the expectation given that it's a Japanese game more than a few years old. Reworking the game for 60fps isn't trivial with games build around fixed time step.
Indeed. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.I would feel super jipped if the 360 version ran at 60fps while the PS3 ran at 30, often dropping with a lot of activity. That wouldn't be acceptable.
First 12 minutes of gameplay of the HD version - (720p youtube quality)
edit..might be best to mute this guy.
Is this what passes for reviews now? No mention of the music, no mention of the control options that disable the camera centring and then this.
So basically he found the game too difficult or more likely he was a bit crap at playing it and declared it rubbish. I'll admit going back to games from 10 years ago can be painful, we don't realise how good controls are now or how streamlined games are but that level whilst difficult is fine. Games can have difficulty, they don't need to be the next COD where you are pulled through a story with little worry about failure or restarting a level.
I think people could argue that how do i know this isn't a terrible game having not played it. Well so far no one has said its a bad port, most have said its great but its the same game from 10 years ago. And whilst JSR did have some problems even then its still a great fun game to play. Its obvious most reviewers think this should play like THPS when its nothing like that. Its a platformer, not a skate boarding game.
Not to be a total apologist or implying that JSR is perfect (it isn't) but really, you have to understand it and get in the right mindset to enjoy.Is this what passes for reviews now? No mention of the music, no mention of the control options that disable the camera centring and then this.
So basically he found the game too difficult or more likely he was a bit crap at playing it and declared it rubbish. I'll admit going back to games from 10 years ago can be painful, we don't realise how good controls are now or how streamlined games are but that level whilst difficult is fine. Games can have difficulty, they don't need to be the next COD where you are pulled through a story with little worry about failure or restarting a level.
I think people could argue that how do i know this isn't a terrible game having not played it. Well so far no one has said its a bad port, most have said its great but its the same game from 10 years ago. And whilst JSR did have some problems even then its still a great fun game to play. Its obvious most reviewers think this should play like THPS when its nothing like that. Its a platformer, not a skate boarding game.
So basically he found the game too difficult or more likely he was a bit crap at playing it and declared it rubbish.
I'm starting to think this became some kind of trend in general when looking back at old games. Somehow these journalists seem to take into account they are looking at old games which obviously have old controls schemes that may not translate well into the present. The thing is, in most cases people didn't struggle with these control schemes nearly as much as these journalists do. What seems to me is they either have some unrealistic expectations regarding these HD releases or just aren't willing to make the extra effort to get used the controls.
They are 2000's videogames re-releasing in 2012.
One interesting thing I'm seeing from this video is that AF appears to be disabled or reduced in the 360 version. It's tough to make that call from a Youtube video but it's looking like that might be the case. Such a difference could indicate that the 360 version DOES run at a higher framerate. :\
Duuuude.... He's standing (posting) right over there....You also have to keep in mind that Arthur Gies is an idiot. He's great for unintentional comedy, not so great for good reviews. He seems to take joy in announcing to the internet that they are going to hate him when he releases reviews. This is videogame journalism.
Eurogamer loves Jet Set Radio HD:
No way. I like the game, but I'm not dropping that much money.Eurogamer loves Jet Set Radio HD:
Now all we need is Digital Foundry Face-Off...
Will you also buy the 360 version if it turns out to be the superior version?
Can you buy increments of 10 in the PSN store? Or just charge 9 euro's to the card? I have a PSN + 30 day trial, that will give me access and the discount right?
Yup, you should be fine. PSN just uses normal money currency, no space bucks.
This game is going to force me to finally finish my Combo cosplay.
No way. I like the game, but I'm not dropping that much money.
I'm assuming this isn't a buy once, get it for both ps3 and vita situation.
I so need to jump on this ASAP. I've been listening to this nonstop the last few days.
I almost jumped on it just to confirm the performance for people here. The fact that it was selling for a bit less on PS+ also convinced me.I'm surprised "Mr Framerate" jumped on the first version available, and didn't wait to see how things panned out performance wise.
Trust me, I'm as tempted as anyone to pick up that PS3 version right now, but I'm gonna wait it out and see how that 360 version turned out before making my final decision. My days of buying games twice is over.
The DC version slows down quite a bit (just played it last weekend).I took a chance and grabbed the PS3 version last night, Bravia be damned. Was happily surprised to find that it can indeed be forced to 1080p. The framerate is solid and smooth, but contrary to what at least one other person said eariler in here, the game itself does stutter and hang occasionally. I don't recall the DC version doing that, but that was at least a decade ago.
It's tough going back to these demanding mechanics. "If you want to grind on that rail, then you'd better land directly on it. None of this 'close enough' bullshit." Took me almost an hour to complete the damn tutorial (i.e. 50 tricks in a row.)
Can you buy increments of 10 in the PSN store? Or just charge 9 euro's to the card? I have a PSN + 30 day trial, that will give me access and the discount right?
Just checked the EU store. No sign of it. Has the EU store updated today yet? Not sure how i can check.
If it has.
I'm doing the tutorial. Does this game stall a bit sometimes for anyone else? :/ I just play and it stops for a fraction of a second and picks up. The music doesn't stop, just the gameplay.
I'm on PS3.
Also this tutorial sucks.
Yeah, that what's I was referring to in my previous post. It's not frame dropping, the software itself hangs. Sometimes it happens mid-jump, grrr. It doesn't happen often enough to be a big deal to me though.
Ooof. Yeah, that's it. I guess it's not just me. I'm really bummed out by this because it's really annoying and the game is awesome otherwise. I don't remember it stalling like this on Dreamcast. I hope Sega fixes this ASAP because it seems to be a great port otherwise.
Uhm how often does this happen man
Like every 20 - 30 seconds. Sometimes more.
Like every 20 - 30 seconds. Sometimes more.
Damn. I was going to say maybe once every two minutes or so. I'm probably underestimating.