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Joe Rogan's Podcast |OT|


awesome segment

pretty much all i did k-12 was swim for exercise, extreme breath holds were a normal thing

respect for pushing himself so far, 20 minutes is nuts
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Its funny people think David is an illusionist and not a legit wizard who practices magicks.
Good old 3rd Order.
Praise the Golden Dawn!
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what one man can do, another can do

there are no miracle people
Possibly, but that other man may not exist for another 1,000 years, or could be dead and never realized the powers.
The fact he can do so MUCH different things is simply amazing. And people legit think the dude knows high level magick.

His kid is already a clairvoyant.


Neighbours from Hell
The tricks are complex, but Blaine wows people so much I've always theorized because it's so hard to grasp that an ordinary looking guy can just be so knowledgeable about certain aspects of how things work. That's what so many of his non card tricks are. Just studying certain methods and techniques and learning how to do things that 99% of the world simply don't know.

I assume the ice pick thing is a fistula he developed in his hand that allows him to do it without blood. He mastered controlling his stomach and abdominal muscles to retain water and fish and he mastered the technique of breathing underwater. He's not just a magician he's an elite scholar is what he is. The dude just studies his ass off and learns shit and literally travels the world to learn how to do it.


Really enjoying the David Blaine chat. I’m so used to seeing him perform that this almost feels like a different person. Not used to seeing him be himself, so casual and open. Really fun listen.


Jada's BFF
I really don't understand how you can go from David fucking Blaine to female comedian. I get he loves comedy and comedians, but surely he could have conversations with these low tier guests off air. Just seems like such a waste when you have so much influence and you're so well contacted with so many other interesting people. Nothing insightful ever comes out of these comedian talks, it's just a lot of circle jerking.
I really don't understand how you can go from David fucking Blaine to female comedian. I get he loves comedy and comedians, but surely he could have conversations with these low tier guests off air. Just seems like such a waste when you have so much influence and you're so well contacted with so many other interesting people. Nothing insightful ever comes out of these comedian talks, it's just a lot of circle jerking.

Joe makes a ton of cash on YouTube. Why talk for two hours off air when you can record it and make $20-$50 grand a podcast. More people are watching now than ever due to Covid.


Jada's BFF
Joe makes a ton of cash on YouTube. Why talk for two hours off air when you can record it and make $20-$50 grand a podcast. More people are watching now than ever due to Covid.

It's not one or the other though, is it? He can have a high profile interesting guest on and also have his sleepy repetitive circle jerk comedian conversations he's passionate about in his own time, and those convos don't have to be 2 hours since it's a personal chat, not a podcast.


Rodent Whores
I really don't understand how you can go from David fucking Blaine to female comedian. I get he loves comedy and comedians, but surely he could have conversations with these low tier guests off air. Just seems like such a waste when you have so much influence and you're so well contacted with so many other interesting people. Nothing insightful ever comes out of these comedian talks, it's just a lot of circle jerking.
Different people like different things. It still gets high views. What's the problem?


Jada's BFF
Quality is subjective depending on what characteristics define quality to any random viewer.

You're right, everything is subjective. That also means all discussions are pointless, because everything is subjective so there's nothing to talk about,. Thankfully, humans are social creatures who like progress, so we can develop a common understanding of quality. That's why I gave you the McDonalds example. Most sane people know that isn't high quality food, despite it being popular. Where would you say this podcast ranks in quality compared to Elon Musk, David Blaine, Rhonda Patrick, Sam Harris and Tim Ferriss?


Rodent Whores
You're right,
This is correct

everything is subjective.
This is not correct

That also means all discussions are pointless, because everything is subjective so there's nothing to talk about,.
This is also not correct

Thankfully, humans are social creatures who like progress, so we can develop a common understanding of quality. That's why I gave you the McDonalds example. Most sane people know that isn't high quality food, despite it being popular.
Most sane people would know that an accurate judge of food quality would be taste and nutritional value, and while the former is subjective, the latter is definitely much more objective. Entertainment, on the other hand, is valued by how entertaining it is, and that is very subjective relative to nutritional value metrics.

Where would you say this podcast ranks in quality compared to Elon Musk, David Blaine, Rhonda Patrick, Sam Harris and Tim Ferriss?
As a piece of entertainment, I'd say that I laughed a lot more at the Nikki Glaser episode than the Patrick and Harris podcasts, which makes it rank high in that aspect. If I'm judging it primarily on how much I learned about a particular field, then those podcasts would be higher just based on the fact that each of those people are experts in their field. If the field I'm actually interested in is comedy, then the Nikki podcast was much more illuminating since she is an expert in that field.


Neighbours from Hell
This episode was fucking great. Nikki Glaser is awesome. She's hilarious, she's sexy, she talks about taboo shit. I love when she's on. I'll take Whitney, Nikki, Bridget Phetasy, Jessimae Peluso over 90% of the male comics he has on.


Jada's BFF
Most sane people would know that an accurate judge of food quality would be taste and nutritional value, and while the former is subjective, the latter is definitely much more objective.

Well you originally gave the blanket statement: "quality is subjective" and now you've suddenly changed your argument to say that quality can sometimes actually has some elements of objectivity.

This is not correct

This is also not correct

What are you doing here? I was following your reasoning to it's logical end and you've just dismissed it by saying "not correct bro". Care to elaborate?

Entertainment, on the other hand, is valued by how entertaining it is, and that is very subjective relative to nutritional value metrics.

As a piece of entertainment, I'd say that I laughed a lot more at the Nikki Glaser episode than the Patrick and Harris podcasts, which makes it rank high in that aspect. If I'm judging it primarily on how much I learned about a particular field, then those podcasts would be higher just based on the fact that each of those people are experts in their field. If the field I'm actually interested in is comedy, then the Nikki podcast was much more illuminating since she is an expert in that field.

You’re judging the quality of different episodes based on on how well it satisfies your purpose for consumption, like entertainment value and educational value. That's not what quality is. Quality is independent of your particular feelings of satisfaction. I could be watching Jake Paul vlogs for entertainment and may find them entertaining, but it doesn't mean they're of high quality, nor have I fooled myself that they are – they're just a guilty pleasure (I swear!) and I’m just that retarded. As well as this, there are endless examples showing the disassociation between personal satisfaction one gets and actual quality, people can recognize things as being low quality regardless of how well it satisfies their purpose for consumption, so there must be some universal way determining the quality of things independent of subjective values. I can give some examples of some more objective universal characteristics can fall under "quality": production value, dependability, originality, creativity, utility, constructiveness, consistency – these are all independent from how much it satisfies your original purpose for consumption and allow you to more objectively look at things. This is why reviews exist and are useful in helping people decide and they aid in progress.

When I look at this episode, I think it’s pretty low quality, it lacks originality – Joe always has these sorts of guests on, creativity – has the same conversations, dependability – talking about shit they don’t understand like how Covid is spread (great for a casual off air l chat with a mate, useless for a podcast), constructiveness – I’ve already heard a lot of this shit and there more potent forms of entertainment and comedy in other formats if I were looking for that. Those are just my opinions (and rushed examples for the purpose of this discussion) on the quality of things, it’s up for discussion and I can change my mind about the value of it, even if it doesn’t change how I feel. There is quality then there is your subjective preference which has no relationship to quality. You can like whatever you want to like, I won’t judge you for it, but don’t masquerade around like that makes it high quality in and of itself so you can shut down others pushing for better and wanting to constructively discuss quality, because that's exactly what you did.
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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
It's not one or the other though, is it? He can have a high profile interesting guest on and also have his sleepy repetitive circle jerk comedian conversations he's passionate about in his own time, and those convos don't have to be 2 hours since it's a personal chat, not a podcast.

I'm sure there are a certain amount of business decisions that go into picking some of the guests for his show, but Joe's at a point where he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and does so regularly with his guests whether it's to indulge his curiosity, give someone he finds interesting a platform in front of a large audience to help them succeed (which seems to be a big thing for him, as he likes to see people do well), or just having comedian friends come on for a chat. At this point, viewers / listeners have a good idea what to expect and are okay with passing on episodes they aren't interested. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there with no interest in hunting, for example, that skip episodes focused on that who simply think, "Oh well, I'll wait for the next one." Same for comedian guests, people not interested will skip the episode, and Joe knows that, but he's doing what he wants.


Rodent Whores
Well you originally gave the blanket statement: "quality is subjective" and now you've suddenly changed your argument to say that quality can sometimes actually has some elements of objectivity.
I didn't change anything. "quality is subjective" was a general statement. I later elaborated what that means with specific examples because you didn't get what I was talking about. There exists different elements of subjectivity and objectivity on a spectrum depending on whether or not the metrics you are measuring are quantifiable, or merely opinion.

What are you doing here? I was following your reasoning to it's logical end and you've just dismissed it by saying "not correct bro". Care to elaborate?
Not correct because you are restating my position incorrectly.

You said:

You're right, everything is subjective. That also means all discussions are pointless, because everything is subjective so there's nothing to talk about,.
Which is an inaccurate summary of what I said.

I said:

Quality is subjective depending on what characteristics define quality to any random viewer.
Which does not mean that "everything is subjective and therefore all discussions are pointless". If I really thought all discussions are pointless I wouldn't be having this, what do you call it? - "discussion" with you right now.

Entertainment, on the other hand, is valued by how entertaining it is, and that is very subjective relative to nutritional value metrics.
I know that, which is why I said that very same thing.

As a piece of entertainment, I'd say that I laughed a lot more at the Nikki Glaser episode than the Patrick and Harris podcasts, which makes it rank high in that aspect.
What is entertaining to me might not be entertaining to others. Obviously, in this thread, both DragoonKain DragoonKain and I have explicitly stated how entertained we were by Nikki. You weren't as much as we were. Subjective opinion. I've never doubted this.

You’re judging the quality of different episodes based on on how well it satisfies your purpose for consumption, like entertainment value and educational value.
Yes, which is a perfectly fine way to judge entertainment. Others might have different criteria. That's fine too.

That's not what quality is.
It is if you want it to be, depending on what your measure of excellence is.

Definition of quality
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a : peculiar and essential character : nature her ethereal quality— Gay Talese
b : an inherent feature : property had a quality of stridence, dissonance— Roald Dahl
c : capacity, role in the quality of reader and companion— Joseph Conrad

2a : degree of excellence : grade the quality of competing air service — Current Biography
b : superiority in kind merchandise of quality

You’re judging the quality of different episodes based on on how well it satisfies your purpose for consumption, like entertainment value and educational value. That's not what quality is. Quality is independent of your particular feelings of satisfaction. I could be watching Jake Paul vlogs for entertainment and may find them entertaining, but it doesn't mean they're of high quality, nor have I fooled myself that they are – they're just a guilty pleasure (I swear!) and I’m just that retarded. As well as this, there are endless examples showing the disassociation between personal satisfaction one gets and actual quality, people can recognize things as being low quality regardless of how well it satisfies their purpose for consumption, so there must be some universal way determining the quality of things independent of subjective values. I can give some examples of some more objective universal characteristics can fall under "quality": production value, dependability, originality, creativity, utility, constructiveness, consistency – these are all independent from how much it satisfies your original purpose for consumption and allow you to more objectively look at things. This is why reviews exist and are useful in helping people decide and they aid in progress.
You are using your own tastes to arbitrarily pick and choose what metrics define quality for yourself. That's fine. I also didn't say that how much something satisfies your own purpose for consumption is the only metric of quality. It's whatever you want that is contextually relevant to the subject being analyzed. As you said, things like production value, etc are also measures of quality. This is the same reason why someone can say that Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is a high quality movie because of its production values while another person can say that Transformers 2 is a low quality movie because the story is shit, and they'd both be correct.

When I look at this episode, I think it’s pretty low quality, it lacks originality – Joe always has these sorts of guests on, creativity – has the same conversations, dependability – talking about shit they don’t understand like how Covid is spread (great for a casual off air l chat with a mate, useless for a podcast), constructiveness – I’ve already heard a lot of this shit and there more potent forms of entertainment and comedy in other formats if I were looking for that. Those are just my opinions (and rushed examples for the purpose of this discussion) on the quality of things, it’s up for discussion and I can change my mind about the value of it, even if it doesn’t change how I feel.
According to my definition of quality, your assessment that this is a low quality episode is perfectly acceptable. I'm not sure what your contention is now.

There is quality then there is your subjective preference which has no relationship to quality.
Everything you listed about how you define "quality" in relation to this episode was subjective too. A person who has never seen JRE before would probably think this is a very original, creative, and constructive episode relative to you. Joe even said during the episode that he's sorry for repeating certain things so much, but they only sound repetitive to regular watchers. It's not perceived the same by everyone/everyone judges quality using different criteria = subjective.

You can like whatever you want to like, I won’t judge you for it,

but don’t masquerade around like that makes it high quality in and of itself so you can shut down others pushing for better and wanting to constructively discuss quality, because that's exactly what you did.
How am I shutting down discussion when my first response to you was a question? That sounds more like I'm trying to get insight into your train of thought (which I was). Lighten up, dude.
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Neighbours from Hell
Reminder that Spotify starts Sept. 1st. I wonder if Joe’s first Spotify episode will be in his new Texas studio. It’s not exclusive to it til the end of the year though.



Whitney Cummings is a stand up comedian, actress, writer, and producer. Check out her new podcast “Good For You” on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Annie Lederman is a stand up comedian. She is also the host of “MEANSPIRATION” podcast on All Things Comedy.
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Neighbours from Hell
I like both of them a lot. Of course it gets downvotes from the nutty JRE fan crowd because it's two women and one of them spoke out against D'Elia.

Not even an hour long either, this has to be the shortest episode in many years.
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