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Joe Rogan's Podcast |OT|


It’s good he took responsibility and owned it. It’s also good that he explained the context, adressed that those were different times and that he would not do it anymore in the current climate.

But he shouldn’t have apologized. Never apologize to those freaks. They see that as a sign of weakness and will never stop until he is deplatformed by Spotify.

Joe Rogan is like the final boss in the game of cancel culture.
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advanced basic bitch
I still haven't listened to the Peterson interview but this nugget popped on my youtube feed. This is the kind of stuff I love to hear Peterson on. Not climate change. Ignore the shitty subtitles. "I defy you to find a depiction of a sexy chicken"

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Neighbours from Hell
I believe there are two camps of people who want to cancel Rogan. Those who legitimately think he's dangerous with the COVID stuff, but don't actually watch his show and their only exposure to him is their social media echo chamber sharing targeted clips, so they think all he does is push anti-vax conspiracies in every show.

And those who don't care about COVID at all and want to cancel him because he has people on his show they don't like. Like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc. The petty vindictive childish activist types. And those people will use any narrative to get him cancelled, because they look at it as a war they want to win so they can get little victories in their meaningless lives. So they'll hop on the COVID train as a means to an end, they don't actually care about it.

I can at least sympathize with the first group, because while they should do their own research, they were simply misled. But the second group are vile, and they cannot be allowed to win or it will have terrible consequences. That said, Rogan is immensely popular. Not just with his fans, but his guests. I've never heard a single person who's met him or who knows him say a bad word about him. So he will always have far more supporters than he does detractors. So there is no real risk to him getting cancelled.


I still haven't listened to the Peterson interview but this nugget popped on my youtube feed. This is the kind of stuff I love to hear Peterson on. Not climate change. Ignore the shitty subtitles. "I defy you to find a depiction of a sexy chicken"

That was probably the lightest moment of the whole 4 hours. Jordan has a knack for making me depressed. He’s basically a living Bloodborne character.


Joe's back to talking about fun stuff again. Thank God. Give the covid shit a rest.

You know the reaction will be “Joe just moving on like nothing happened talking about more crazy shit while people are dying from his misinformation. He has a responsibility to address it and failed. Remove his podcast.” I truly hope after all this he goes back to just ignoring the criticisms.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Another video on instagram. This time apologies for using a racist word years ago. Didn’t this start with misinformation?

Spotify is on thin ice with me. If they start censoring the podcast I’m out.

This stuff has been used against Joe for a long time now, and was always pointed at to characterize him as a terrible person. He’s not a terrible person, of course. Didn’t meaningfully affect him before, but now that negative sentiment has been building up over Covid it could be accelerant for cancellation. Better that he has something to address it. Especially the planet of the apes story, which is indefensible.





Man…watching this latest episode about near miss extinction level meteor strikes really puts things in perspective, something so many people lack In modern times.

”Well looks like civilization as we know it is over, but damn if it didn’t feel good to get Joe Rogan deplatformed!“.

Fucking clowns.


It'd be one thing if Joe wanted to apologize because he felt like he did something wrong. This just feels like it goes against everything he's talked about before though; context, the importance of humor, and not apologizing to the mob.

I mean how can you feel guilty seeing a video deliberately made to push bullshit?


Howard Stern made money off being a shock-jock and gave that up once rich enough. (vbeing tied to a label).

Joe Rogan isn't smart though, he says yes to everything and then no when the tide turns. It's only a matter of time that his amount of nodding and saying "yeah" to weirdos wears-out.

And for anyone thinking he did the spofity deal on his own? Lol. he is a product that was marketed, bought and marketed again.

Would you encourage your kids to listen to him or Ben Shapiro? They're just talking heads but would you want them to educate your child? YouTube is pretty popular with kids.
Joe Rogan isn't smart though, he says yes to everything and then no when the tide turns. It's only a matter of time that his amount of nodding and saying "yeah" to weirdos wears-out.
Unlike CNN or Fox News, Rogan doesn't hatefully disagree and confront everyone with an opposing opinion. He actively wants to learn why they feel that way, and have a lengthy conversation with them. You don't do that by telling people that they're wrong. Mainstream media has 24 hours to broadcast whatever conversations they would like, and they choose to spend that time on five minute segments where they constantly interrupt their "guests" while showing contempt for any view that isn't their own. This is why Rogan has 11 million viewers per podcast average, while cable news doesn't even come close, with the most popular conservative getting 3.2 and the most popular liberal (other than Rogan himself) getting 2.2.


Unlike CNN or Fox News, Rogan doesn't hatefully disagree and confront everyone with an opposing opinion. He actively wants to learn why they feel that way, and have a lengthy conversation with them. You don't do that by telling people that they're wrong. Mainstream media has 24 hours to broadcast whatever conversations they would like, and they choose to spend that time on five minute segments where they constantly interrupt their "guests" while showing contempt for any view that isn't their own. This is why Rogan has 11 million viewers per podcast average, while cable news doesn't even come close, with the most popular conservative getting 3.2 and the most popular liberal (other than Rogan himself) getting 2.2.

Has he ever back-tracked and apologized for his views yet still defend them?

11 million views is still as good as one when it comes down to content and who is viewing it, the world kinda has quite more than 11 million. Name the things he used his audience for to make the world better other than agreeing and nodding to absolutely anyone? He isn't impartial in the slightest. Just another 'just asking questions' interviewer.


11 million views is still as good as one when it comes down to content and who is viewing it, the world kinda has quite more than 11 million. Name the things he used his audience for to make the world better
His podcast has made tons of people have a career and start a podcast on their own, the topics he is interested in, from the JFK conspiracy, to aliens, to bigfoot, to atlantis to tons of other topics have gotten massive publicity because he brings it up and has guests talking about it.

He has also done a lot for things like diet and working out. As well as science.
Has he ever back-tracked and apologized for his views yet still defend them?

11 million views is still as good as one when it comes down to content and who is viewing it, the world kinda has quite more than 11 million. Name the things he used his audience for to make the world better other than agreeing and nodding to absolutely anyone? He isn't impartial in the slightest. Just another 'just asking questions' interviewer.

> Has he ever back-tracked and apologized for his views yet still defend them?

I think it's human nature when you don't agree with your own actions to EXPLAIN why you don't agree. To explain why you said what you said, and why you were wrong. And of course people will recontextualize that as defending your actions, especially if they're looking to find fault with you or your apology. But to answer your question, I don't really know. Of course, I'm not one of the people attacking him either.

> 11 million views is still as good as one when it comes down to content and who is viewing it

Tell that to the shareholders. But you're right that popularity doesn't make you correct, which I wasn't suggesting. I was just suggesting that he's found a larger audience than cable news, because people are sick of the hate and division from modern media.

> Name the things he used his audience for to make the world better other than agreeing and nodding to absolutely anyone?

I've never seen Rogan USE his audience, but I'd say he makes the world better in the same way any interviewer would, by interviewing people. By doing his job well. By introducing people to a wide range of opinions. By treating people with respect, and encouraging others to do the same. Have you ever listened to Joe Rogan's podcast beyond cherry-picked clips?

>He isn't impartial in the slightest.

I've never suggested as much, and I I've never heard him suggest that either.

> Just another 'just asking questions' interviewer.

I'd say that's better than a "just arguing in bad faith, constantly interrupting, and demonizing opposing viewpoints" interviewer BY FAR.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Less about Rogan himself and more about the state of Spotify for musicians from the perspective of Arcade Fire's Will Butler:

I enjoyed it and it echoes much of what's already be said--it's more and more difficult to make a living being a musician.


> Has he ever back-tracked and apologized for his views yet still defend them?

I think it's human nature when you don't agree with your own actions to EXPLAIN why you don't agree. To explain why you said what you said, and why you were wrong. And of course people will recontextualize that as defending your actions, especially if they're looking to find fault with you or your apology. But to answer your question, I don't really know. Of course, I'm not one of the people attacking him either.

> 11 million views is still as good as one when it comes down to content and who is viewing it

Tell that to the shareholders. But you're right that popularity doesn't make you correct, which I wasn't suggesting. I was just suggesting that he's found a larger audience than cable news, because people are sick of the hate and division from modern media.

> Name the things he used his audience for to make the world better other than agreeing and nodding to absolutely anyone?

I've never seen Rogan USE his audience, but I'd say he makes the world better in the same way any interviewer would, by interviewing people. By doing his job well. By introducing people to a wide range of opinions. By treating people with respect, and encouraging others to do the same. Have you ever listened to Joe Rogan's podcast beyond cherry-picked clips?

>He isn't impartial in the slightest.

I've never suggested as much, and I I've never heard him suggest that either.

> Just another 'just asking questions' interviewer.

I'd say that's better than a "just arguing in bad faith, constantly interrupting, and demonizing opposing viewpoints" interviewer BY FAR.

Appreciate your detailed response. I have actually watched full episodes but eventually it got tedious as he talks circles around himself. He's a rich Pseudo-intellect. A rich one but still one.

Maybe I'd do the same given the chance, I've done worse for less.

The fact he even inspires civil debate is great even though I don't like him.


Lol, a solicitor or lawyer? You ever buy anything bigger than candy? haha.
What a hell, is that what you were talking about? of course he used a lawyer, who questioned that? because of your weird-ass views and nonsensical arguments, I honestly thought you were about to explain how Joe Rogan was hired by a shadow government or something to make podcasts for Spotify.


All I can think when I hear about this entire '' controversy '' is just..


Holy fuck how do people have the energy to constantly create and engage with internet drama like this, people are so obsessed with it.
A sane human beings reaction to hearing '' this e-celeb said a bad word '' should just be '' ok, I don't fucking care ''.

And then it turns into this entire thing where people get mad at that reaction and there is counter-outrage and on and on it goes.


advanced basic bitch
The Peterson thread is closed so I can't post there but I know there is a fair amount of crossover. Peterson has Sam Harris on his podcast today. I just listened to it and found it very stimulating. It's fascinating to hear two people who are well versed in the human mind but from different perspectives. It's a good listen. No conspiracy or climate/covid shit.


The Peterson thread is closed so I can't post there but I know there is a fair amount of crossover. Peterson has Sam Harris on his podcast today. I just listened to it and found it very stimulating. It's fascinating to hear two people who are well versed in the human mind but from different perspectives. It's a good listen. No conspiracy or climate/covid shit.

This should be a good listen. Sam's almost always on the mark IMO, should be an interesting conversation.


Sam Harris talking about Joe, a guy he considers a friend

Sam’s take is spot on as always. I agree with the criticism of Joe for the COVID shit, on the necessity of apologies and being accepting of them, how it’s actually brave to offer a sincere apology when you feel it’s necessary due to the risks of doing so now, and just how stupid the hysteria and other bullshit society has allowed to fester is.

Always level headed and insightful.
So the other thread was locked, was it locked due to it being redundant cause this one exists? Or was it locked because it was getting too spicy political? What are we allowed to talk about here, I don't want to fuck around and get this thread locked as well eh


Gold Member
It’s good he took responsibility and owned it. It’s also good that he explained the context, adressed that those were different times and that he would not do it anymore in the current climate.

But he shouldn’t have apologized. Never apologize to those freaks. They see that as a sign of weakness and will never stop until he is deplatformed by Spotify.

Joe Rogan is like the final boss in the game of cancel culture.

Really? He shouldn't have apologized? Under what context is it acceptable to refer to a black community as planet of the apes? As a POC, am I a freak for taking offense to these comments? When incidents like this happen over, and over, and over again throughout your life, it takes it's toll. I've been a fan of Joe Rogan's for a long time and I think he's a phenomenal talent, but the comments that he made are so vile and unequivocally seeded in racism that I simply can not bring myself to tune in to him anymore. I never called for him to be cancelled, but I don't understand your admonishment of people who are. And the same old apologies get issued; "oh I'm sorry this was ~10yrs ago. I've since grown from this..." Ten years ago, Joe Rogan was well into his 40s. Ten years ago, it was 2012. Everyone in America is/was well aware that comments like this are racist, full stop. I'm in my 30s and I've been the victim of racism from 8 yrs old. At what point do apologies become hollow? Or should I always take them at face value?

But I do sincerely apologize for being such a snowflake on this matter. I promise to do better.


Lil’ Gobbie
let us never forget that the only person that has ever and will ever silence Rogan is himself when he sold out to Spotify
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