Scalpers are not an issue. I’d argue the percentage of consoles bought by scalpers is minuscule.
The main issue is Sony, they need to get their shit together. They’re using scalpers as a scapegoat, the attacks should be directed at Sony, their stock is abysmal.
It may not be something Sony can even fix. Right now precious metals are both very high in price and exceedingly hard to obtain due to demand as everything uses them now. Environmental regulations makes extracting the raw materials costlier too. Even Microsoft with pockets as deep as any megacorporation on the planet can't produce units to meet demand. PC GPUs are constantly out of stock and even the Switch which uses about as much circuit and processor materials as a calculator can't keep supply up to the demand.
Blame the kung flu, blame politics, blame shitty manufacturing processes but Sony is just as much at the mercy of component availability as everyone else.