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John McCain: 'I don't give a damn – no waterboarding' under Trump

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Senator John McCain of Arizona, chairman of the armed services committee, said on Saturday that any attempt to bring back harsh tortures such as waterboarding, which simulates drowning, would quickly be challenged in court.

“I don’t give a damn what the president of the United States wants to do or anybody else wants to do. We will not waterboard. We will not do it,” McCain said to applause during a panel discussion at the Halifax international security forum.

McCain, who was tortured as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War, said extreme interrogation techniques are banned under US law and the Geneva conventions.

Waterboard me if old.
This won't influence anything; Trump doesn't take opinion from losers.

Why would Trump listen to a guy that got himself captured?

I don't know this Norm guy personally but a thread this week informed me that I should dislike him. Piss off norm.


It's complicated. He was against it but he also rejected a bill that would have banned waterboarding by the CIA citing the reason the other provisions he couldn't agree with.

yeah it was some fencesitting bs because he was running for president.

the one thing you would think he would never back off of, he almost did.


Then don't freaking block Obama's SC appointee jackass

McCain only cares about things he is personally invested in or affects him. Because he was tortured as a PoW he can empathize with other captured prisoners. But that empathy doesn't extend to other things, which is why McCain does not care about a supreme court nominee.


I don't know this Norm guy personally but a thread this week informed me that I should dislike him. Piss off norm.
It's a joke, he's directly referencing a quote from Trump on McCain. This is why nobody should talk about politics online, it gets so heated people can't even make a goddamn joke without people flipping out.


Water boarding methods just got 10 minutes longer

How about opinions from military that wasn't captured? #winner

Failed McCain is not willing to do what it takes to make America great again. Sad!


Trump's been saying this for a long while. Why did you support him to begin with, you weak-willed fuck?
The party of family values has no spine. It's what you get when you get a congregation of people who think they should only care for themselves.


McCain is automatically vindictive to anyone who wins the Presidency. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not == but this is one of the few topics he doesn't speak out of both sides of his mouth on. Too bad he pissed his moral authority away when he nominated Palin.
Actions speak louder than words. His words mean nothing after spending the last several months bending over and taking it from Trump just so he could look good for reelection.
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