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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


'enry 'ollins
yeah, I don't doubt it, but geez. There's positive comments, sure, but all the discussions are "where's the plot" bullshit, and I don't expect to come here and actually talk about Jojo anymore.

Who wants to talk about interesting things like aliens being in Jojo when instead, you can be an ass and complain about "filler"? Bleh.
Discussing criticism isn't "talking about Jojo" lmao. Would you prefer if we all squee'd at how high Josuke jumped in those alien shoes!!!

I'm glad there seem to be people on both sides, and I know that the majority of us with gripes still love the show. I mean, if the show was bad, I'd just drop it and move on. I'm only here because I'm invested and I care. Responses like yours are so bizarre to me.
I think what we need is a good conversation starter.

So, what do you guys think? Is the alien actually an alien or just a bizarre stand user? Thoughts so far? Does Kira actually see women as anything other than hands attached to bodies? Who would win in a fight between 10 DIOs and 100 Josukes who got their hair insulted?


'enry 'ollins
I think what we need is a good conversation starter.

So, what do you guys think? Is the alien actually an alien or just a bizarre stand user? Thoughts so far?
Have we seen stands that transform the user yet? I'd like to think that the arrow bounced off since he's already a stand user, but I thought they mentioned recently that the only non-arrow stand users were DIO and the Joestars?

Also what is up with Kira's dad? Does he have a stand? Or is he really a ghost with convoluted magical photo powers...?


Criticism is fine, but "Where's the plot?" isn't criticism, it's bullshit. The response is always the same, "That's just how part 4 is.". It's the same argument, over and over again.

And it's even more frustrating when people say "filler". You guys called Shigechi filler, but whoops he wasn't, he was crucial to the plot! Why are you guys doing it again? Especially when we're trying not to spoil anything?


'enry 'ollins
...Maybe it's not the same people? Maybe this is the first time I've mentioned it re: Part 4? And if this happens so often with so many people, maybe there's something intrinsically wrong with how the story is formatted?


I think what we need is a good conversation starter.

So, what do you guys think? Is the alien actually an alien or just a bizarre stand user? Thoughts so far? Does Kira actually see women as anything other than hands attached to bodies? Who would win in a fight between 10 DIOs and 100 Josukes who got their hair insulted?

Can the Josukes heal each other or naw?


LOL people getting their underwear in a twist about people complaining about "filler". It's pretty obvious that "Filler" = doesn't meaningfully move forward the plot or character development in a meaningful way AND is boring. The Italian food episode didn't really move the story forward but it was super fun. The RPS episode didn't either but it wasn't fun or interesting (to me and other anime only watchers - I can't comment on how it comes off in the manga). The Alien episode didn't do much for me either (and unfortunately it seems they cut a lot of content that might have made the episode more fun).

I'll trust manga readers who say shit gets real in the last arcs but I kind of agree with Lumination - Part IV seems to be losing focus after the Kira encounter, not gaining it.

Not every episode needs to move the plot forward. There is value if wacky hijinks and, especially, character development (which Part 4 >>> Part 3). But if I'm not having a good time and the episode isn't moving the plot or character forward, its a bad episode that didn't need to exist. Ergo its "filler". Like I feel people who are being critical are being very clear about what they aren't liking.

Ok, so what would you say the plot is, exactly?
Have we seen stands that transform the user yet? I'd like to think that the arrow bounced off since he's already a stand user, but I thought they mentioned recently that the only non-arrow stand users were DIO and the Joestars?

Also what is up with Kira's dad? Does he have a stand? Or is he really a ghost with convoluted magical photo powers...?
All I can think of off the top of my head are Yellow Temperance and Oingo/Zenyatta's Khnum. I don't know if those count though, since they're more like disguises the user wears.

Some people were also born as stand users, like Polnareff and Avdol from part 3 to name some. Not every stand user was created from the arrow, it's just that the majority of stand users in part 4 are due to Keicho/Kira's dad.

I like to think he had stand power that was awakened after dying, binding his soul to a photograph. A ghost stand user, if you will.

Can the Josukes heal each other or naw?

I'll say they can, but DIO is fully aware of their healing ability too while the Josukes don't know the full power of Za Warudo.


^that's a spoiler, Mr. Smiley

Not every stand user was created from the arrow, it's just that the majority of stand users in part 4 are due to Keicho/Kira's dad.
Most of the Stand users in Part 3 got it from the arrow, too. Probably all the Egyptian God Stands were from the arrow, that's why Avdol didn't know about them.

Also what is up with Kira's dad? Does he have a stand? Or is he really a ghost with convoluted magical photo powers...?
Stands are a subset of psychic powers, so there's things like ghosts that are Stand-like, but not properly Stands.

So Kira's dad has a Stand that binds people to photographs, but the fact that he's a ghost isn't a direct Stand power.

Araki later retconned the Ripple as a psychic power related to Stands. That's why why Jotaro and Josuke have such great Stands, they inherited Jonathan's Ripple potential = Stand potential.
I think what we need is a good conversation starter.

So, what do you guys think? Is the alien actually an alien or just a bizarre stand user? Thoughts so far? Does Kira actually see women as anything other than hands attached to bodies? Who would win in a fight between 10 DIOs and 100 Josukes who got their hair insulted?
Well the last episode made it quite obvious he notices their necks.


Most of the Stand users in Part 3 got it from the arrow, too. Probably all the Egyptian God Stands were from the arrow, that's why Avdol didn't know about them.

Probably the only one who wasn't is Anubis, since his original user died 500 years before Stardust Crusaders.


Skimming the thread since I'm several episodes behind and see:


It's a shame that's what the show has become but I can at least drop it in good conscience knowing I'm not missing anything.

You don't deserve Jojo.


Also, the Stat page for Earth Wind and Fire just super cements to me that Mikitaka is an alien
which I've always thought anyways, because that's awesome.

Because it has "Stand Name??" and "Stand Master?" as the labels implying that "Hey this might be a stand but I don't know, this dude really seems like an alien."


Just finished Stardust Crusaders. It's double the length of S1 and S2 so there's some filler content in there I felt, the latter part of the season was better and more inventive. The ending episodes were satisfying and manly tears were shed.

I feel tingly about starting a new season tomorrow OH MY GOD!!!!


That whole scene where Mikitaka is screaming because of the alarm and then turns into fucking shoes is some peak JoJo

The voice acting in the anime makes it even weirder/better than the manga
He's definitely an odd duck, as he exhibits both human and alien traits. Really, I wouldn't be surprised that Mikitaka's true nature is purposely left to be ambiguous.
I do like how the arrow just bounced off of him like, "What the fuck is this thing? I won't even."
This is a recently translated comment that Araki made about the alien

He's a self-styled "space alien", but it's a mystery whether he's that, or a Stand user! Within the worldview of Jojo, aliens are just barely acceptable.
Here's more for the previous Part 4 Stands, so no spoilers

A stand that has the ultimate kindness. Star Platinum is kind of blackish, so I gave this one a contrasting color scheme. Josuke has an out-of-date appearance, but he keeps it that way on purpose.

I imagined a deviant lurking in the town. This one's another slime-type. The stand's design comes from ritual dolls and Jomon-era clay figures. I researched various sources to make it.

It's really strong, with no limit to its powers. If Okuyasu were smart, he'd be unstoppable (laughs). He's impusive and only sees what's right in front of him, so there are blinkers like you see on a racehorse to block the sides of its eyes and give it a narrow range of vision.

I think the idea for this came from G.I. Joe action figures and the like. Anyway, I wanted to make a stand unlike any other I'd done before. So, this stand is an entire army that emerges from a single soul.

A suspense story where you're trapped by a psychological attack, in Stand form. This extortion ability puts a lock on your heart. I gradually shrunk the host down so it would be easier to have him interact with Koichi.

At first, I gave made it look like an alien larva. Then, it would gradually grow to adulthood. Anyway, I wanted to draw Koichi's growth, so I designed it knowing it would change forms.

Did I ever have one of these dolls on hand? If anything, I was more interested in drawing how tricky its host was. Judging by the screw on its forehead, it might have been based off of the copy robot in Perman.

A horror that's close to you in your daily life. Like Misery, maybe? In shojo comics in the 80s, girls were objects to be longed for, but from the 90s on, there were more stories with strong girls in lead roles.

In its second stage, it's grown from a larva to a child. It's hands and feet are like... a raccoon, right? A standing raccoon.

It's a cooking stand, so I gave it a somewhat crazy appearance based off of tomatoes and Italian vegetables. The idea was, how can I create suspense using cooking as the theme?

When I saw the dinosaur with a strong headbutt from Kyoryu Daikiko, I thought, I like this guy! Also, the way he's strong despite being small might have been influenced by Frieza from Dragonball.

I made this one to draw a story about Joseph and Josuke, and that's all there is to this Stand. It's a Stand that turns things invisible, so is its physical form invisible as well, or does it just not have one?

It's an ability that turns people into books, so I figured it didn't need a physical form of its own. For the characters that appear in Part 4, I tried to depict only their interactions with Josuke, without clearly defining whether they were allies or enemies, good or evil.

An idea I came up with because I wanted to draw the suspense of hunting rats. I just wanted to make it look like a tool. It's a bit of a fusion between a retro cannon and bones, to give it a creepy feeling.

Its design is a worker bee. If you look at its back, there's an abdomen. You've had those times when you're collecting coupons, and you wish you had just one more, right? I combined that with the image of bees collecting honey.

A cat and a skull... It's a simple design, but I really like it. The design of the gloves and belt are nice, too. When you consider a bomb-based ability, you can do just about anything, so it was tough to work with.

Around this time, everyone was talking about beauty shops and cosmetic surgery, so I thought I'd add an aesthetician. The appearance is a feminine silhouette plus beauty shop tools or a dentist.

Based off of Killer Queen's face, while giving off an aura like nothing in the world can break it... so, it's a tank. The dagger on its forehead represents an assassin, maybe?

It's got its own personality, so it's like a friend... It's the image of Koichi made into a stand. I thought, if you can turn sound into a physical object, you can do that with gravity, too.

The Stand's name comes from the Pink Floyd album Atom Heart Mother. The idea came to me because I thought it would be cool to have a cursed or haunted photo as a Stand.

I envisioned a guardian spirit protecting a young boy. The design might have come from the robots from Mr. Mitsuteru Yokoyama's manga or something like that. That's why it's got the rows of rivets and the mask over its mouth, and stuff.
I love the answers that end with questions. It's like Araki can't even verbally explain the reasons of how and why he does this shit. "It has hands like....a raccoon right?"


The more I read Araki's opinions and thoughts behind things, the more I like him. His stories, characters, and powers are wack-a-do nonsense, but he himself actually has an interesting and surprisingly grounded take on some things.


I appreciate how Josuke and Okuyasu have met, among other things, a kid with spikes for hair, three separate ghosts, and know a vampire-based mutant-dad, but still think aliens are too far fetched for them.

It's like how the Crusaders were like "Baby stand?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, KAKYOIN" when they met a supergenius orangutan who controlled a giant ship and read Playboy magazines a week or two earlier.
The more I read Araki's opinions and thoughts behind things, the more I like him. His stories, characters, and powers are wack-a-do nonsense, but he himself actually has an interesting and surprisingly grounded take on some things.

No idea how he managed to do all this on a weekly manga schedule. Like, where did he find time to watch movies, buy/listen to rock music, research everything, and then plot/write/draw a weekly manga. If you ask me...he wore the Stone Mask.
I appreciate how Josuke and Okuyasu have met, among other things, a kid with spikes for hair, three separate ghosts, and know a vampire-based mutant-dad, but still think aliens are too far fetched for them.

It's like how the Crusaders were like "Baby stand?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, KAKYOIN" when they met a supergenius orangutan who controlled a giant ship and read Playboy magazines a week or two earlier.

How can a baby be super smart and have a stand?! There are "smart" ADULT orangutans, so it can be understood that it can have a stand. But a baby with a developed brain AND is a genius? Nah
I am with the gang with this one i wouldnt have believed kakyoin either


Junior Member
This series has vampires, ancient Mayan warriors, ghosts...and that's not mentioning Hamon and Stands themselves. Safe to say that aliens are within the bounds of reason.

Btw I found it funny that Mikitaka exemplifies all the standard alien stereotypes.


Corporate Apologist
No idea how he managed to do all this on a weekly manga schedule. Like, where did he find time to watch movies, buy/listen to rock music, research everything, and then plot/write/draw a weekly manga. If you ask me...he wore the Stone Mask.

Well he did finally switch to a monthly schedule 6 months into part 7.


Junior Member
No idea how he managed to do all this on a weekly manga schedule. Like, where did he find time to watch movies, buy/listen to rock music, research everything, and then plot/write/draw a weekly manga. If you ask me...he wore the Stone Mask.
Or he practices the art of Hamon (which would explain why Araki looks so young).

Closer Two

A cat and a skull... It's a simple design, but I really like it. The design of the gloves and belt are nice, too. When you consider a bomb-based ability, you can do just about anything, so it was tough to work with.

Always been one of my favorite stands. Good to know even Araki looks at Killer Queen's design and thinks hell yeah man thats some good shit.
Well he did finally switch to a monthly schedule 6 months into part 7.

I know. There's been a few months where no JoJolion chapter comes out and the reason is that Araki is taking the month off to do research. Motherfucker I know you're just watching horror movies, don't kid me with that research line
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