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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


But seriously where were these people during Ratt or Pearl Jam
Ratt was good though, so was Pearl Jam. I think Pearl Jam was great in showing that not all stand users want to fuck peoples shit up and Ratt was just fun. Jotaro barely even talks to Josuke and invites him to hunt down some stand using rats and gets near melted alive.


Ratt was super impressive for being animated solo-wise. I liked it because it reminded me of the creepy-horror aspects of Jojo, and I thought the contrast between Josuke and Jotaro was well-characterized.

I thought it was a classic.

But seriously where were these people during Ratt or Pearl Jam

Possibly letting things slide due to Josuke punching a plate of spaghetti and the novelty of Jotaro getting owned by a rat maybe?

Only episode I didn't really enjoy myself thus far was Janken boy because he was an annoying little shit and not in an enjoyable Shigechi kind of way.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Ratt was super impressive for being animated solo-wise. I liked it because it reminded me of the creepy-horror aspects of Jojo, and I thought the contrast between Josuke and Jotaro was well-characterized.

I thought it was a classic.

Yeah, Ratt was great. It went back to a bit of gothic horror, which was a nice throw back, Ratt was suitably menacing, it was the first real opportunity to see how Jotaro and Josuke interact for a sustained episode rather than brief encounters and so was a nice bit of character work, the fight and concept of the fight was interesting. It worked.

Pearl Jam, unlike Ratt, actually was filler, to be fair. But it was sufficiently good filler I didn't really mind. It played with your expectations enough to stay fresh the whole way through. jankenboy was utterly predictable from start to finish.

But seriously where were these people during Ratt or Pearl Jam

Ratt was fine. I was pretty vocal about disliking Pearl Jam. But that's because I fucking hate "people orgasm over food" anime scenes and episodes. I can only take so much "OOOOOOOOOHHHISSHIII UMMMMMAAAII SONNANNII UMMMAAAI KOTTO GA ATTANOKA??????!!!" "UMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

This thing with the dice is fun. Janken boy was godawful.
Where I was unsatisfied was Part 3, which was downright boring at parts. Definitely felt like there were a lot of episodes where it was so formulaic Araki was phoning it in. Didn't help it had the most boring Jojo by a country mile, either.

2>4>1>>>>3 is my feeling so far.

While I'm not going to argue that Part 3 has its problems, and some of the fights have some weird resolutions, I certainly never got the feeling that any part of SDC was phoned in. With its structure, it's not like he was obligated to write any of the fights. Plus I would go so far as to say that every SDC fight has something really memorable about it.


LOL people getting their underwear in a twist about people complaining about "filler". It's pretty obvious that "Filler" = doesn't meaningfully move forward the plot or character development in a meaningful way AND is boring. The Italian food episode didn't really move the story forward but it was super fun. The RPS episode didn't either but it wasn't fun or interesting (to me and other anime only watchers - I can't comment on how it comes off in the manga). The Alien episode didn't do much for me either (and unfortunately it seems they cut a lot of content that might have made the episode more fun).

I'll trust manga readers who say shit gets real in the last arcs but I kind of agree with Lumination - Part IV seems to be losing focus after the Kira encounter, not gaining it.

Yeah not exactly seeing it outside of the obvious 2nd pic and to a lesser extent the first.
The others look fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean they don't but ok :p

Anime, outsourcing, etc., has existed for how many decades now, worked on by human beings who are not perfect, and people still point things out like this is all new and never seen before.

God forbid people criticize things even if they know their causes. A lot of the art in this episode was wonky - who cares what the reasons are or if we know what they are?

This is great <3


The concept of filler in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure makes me chuckle.

A major part of the appeal has always been slice of the weird-life. I get the frustration that people have when they wait a week and the plot doesn't move forward but... well... in the manga, depending on what or when you're reading, these arcs took several weeks/months to get through in real time. Maybe they work better in the manga but I am curious to see how these people would have reacted to things like (names of the chapters that don't reveal anything but I'm hiding it anyway to be polite)
Shakedown Road or Milagro Man
in Jojolion that took 2-4 months to get through.

Maybe be I'm a bad judge of this. Because I went through Duwang and the first Part 5 scanlations I may be much more forgiving toward Jojo... but I love this stuff just as much as plot progression. Mainly because I always felt that the characters and their interactions with each other or the world has always more important than the plots.


I think it's because people kinda need to binge watch Jojo part 4 to really get the atmosphere for Morioh. I can't imagine myself enjoying reading Part 4 if I didn't binge read it.

Otherwise, I have to disagree on the DiU losing "focus" because the "focus" itself is actually on the weird and whacky-ass characters of Morioh. Kira really shines through as he tries to adjust himself living the life as an ordinary husband lol.
I think the RPS kid/Mikitaka intro feels filler-y just because of how limited in scope the two were. The former had stakes but was focused entirely on Rohan, while the latter is just Josuke goofing off with his weird new buddy. I kinda felt the same way when I gave in and read ahead in the manga too. When things start to get some actual stakes and revolves around more characters things get interesting again.

Also the new OP is great, a lot better then the previous one.


Not every episode needs to move the plot forward. There is value if wacky hijinks and, especially, character development (which Part 4 >>> Part 3). But if I'm not having a good time and the episode isn't moving the plot or character forward, its a bad episode that didn't need to exist. Ergo its "filler". Like I feel people who are being critical are being very clear about what they aren't liking.
JoJo is like X-files in that it has "arcs". Some deal with the plot, while others don't. JJBA is different in that even the ones thatarent apart of the main myth arc have some baring.
JoJo is like X-files in that it has "arcs". Some deal with the plot, while others don't. JJBA is different in that even the ones thatarent apart of the main myth arc have some baring.

Most of the best X-Files eps don't have anything to do with the overarching alien stuff.
I'm not dissatisfied with Part 4 - I like it much more than Part 3! I don't think Part 4 has been bad for filler at all. jankenboy is the first time I felt like an episode just hadn't paid off in anyway. I just mentioned it because I'm a little wary of this new alien plotline, and I might not have been had it not been for jankenboy. Part 4's pacing has been really good.

I meant to say dissatisfied with the format, but yeah I should've been clear on that.

LOL people getting their underwear in a twist about people complaining about "filler". It's pretty obvious that "Filler" = doesn't meaningfully move forward the plot or character development in a meaningful way AND is boring.
I mean, a post above yours defines filler differently even though they enjoyed Pearl Jam, so clearly not obvious.

But it highlights why filler discussions aren't going to go anywhere, because of differening definitions and stark opinions on the very concept of it. Especially with how much subjective the term has gotten. I view filler as time consuming. Something that spends so much time on one thing when you know damn well from the get go nothing valuable will be shown or gained.

For me, once Josuke vows to protect Morioh from any threat, not a singular or group threat, and Part 4's slice of life format reveals itself, I'm hesitant to call certain arcs as filler when it's, I feel, the very point of the show despite having an actual main antagonist. If Janken Boy and Tonio happened in Part 2 or Part 3, an episode where Joseph out right stops his training to play RPS or the SD crew stops their journey to Egypt to eat Italian, I'd probably say that'd be filler. But in 4, its narrative goals, which were establish the first few episode, prevents me from doing so.

So I dunno, lets just move on I guess.


can we please stop with the "this is filler" discussions, it's just stupid

Which is why Cinderella was IMO the weakest encounter since it was a thinly veiled plot device (made more obvious by the fact that in the manga the arc took place just before the fight with Kira).
Araki's said that when he started Sheer Heart Attack, he didn't decide on using Cinderella as Kira's escape until later.


Unconfirmed Member
Aside from the reused animations at the end, I'm surprised people are calling the visuals of the new OP "lazy". Obviously I can't spoil anything here, but there seems to be way more references to people and events (more subtly) than the Chase OP and even CNBT (if you don't count the character portrait montage). A lot of the symbols and art designs are way more deliberate than people give it credit for.

Most of the people saying that probably haven't read the manga and are unaware of what the hints symbolize, or just missed the hints. Some of them are really subtle, and others are well hidden, like Mikitaka on the side of Rohan's house.


I don't feel like Janken Boy was a filler, it served to show a little more of Rohan personality (which despict being a "good guy" he was still a jerk) and that Kira's father was capable of even using a kid to protect his son

Besides, it was cool to have an episode centered in other character that wasn't the joestars, okuyasu or koichi.

That's the big charm of DIU, in each episode they build "the lore" of Morioh, so in that sense, I never have feel that in this part has been an filler


it's another neat parallel, if you think about it

Kira has a dad who's always been there for him and loves him, Okuyasu's dad was a shitty person, and Josuke's dad accidentally left him alone


Not as deep as he thinks
One of the reasons why I enjoy watching part 4 is that we get slice of life episodes that still have stand users who we don't know what their intentions are. They could be good or bad, and I feel like the characters having their own motives fleshes them out a lot more than the enemies in stardust crusaders. It feels like you're connected to Morioh and these characters living in it, which is IMO what diamond is all about.

I get the complaints about pearl jam or janken kid, but I personally enjoyed those episodes. They might have not advanced the plot by a lot like the Kira episodes, but they did serve a purpose IMO even if it's not straight up in your face. They're mostly subtle.


Skimming the thread since I'm several episodes behind and see:


It's a shame that's what the show has become but I can at least drop it in good conscience knowing I'm not missing anything.
Skimming the thread since I'm several episodes behind and see:


It's a shame that's what the show has become but I can at least drop it in good conscience knowing I'm not missing anything.

You say you're several episodes behind right?

You have no idea how much has actually happened. This filler discussion started after one episode, to give you an idea.
I'm pretty sure Narag is trolling, since that's too well timed not to be a shitpost

Considering what's gone on in this thread it's getting hard to tell for me. Everyone is looking for every reason to bad talk stuff :( I mean I'm not gonna tell people to stop hurting my feelings or some shit, but it gets depressing to read the thread and half the time it's either "bad animation" this or "where's the plot" that.



yeah it pisses me off too, I was hoping we'd be over it by now but nooooope

edit: and for what it's worth, this is the most negative DiU discussion out of all the sites I've been to. It's irritating to go read people say "the animation was a bit iffy, but the episode was great" and then come here to a wall of no-fun-allowed
yeah it pisses me off too, I was hoping we'd be over it by now but nooooope

edit: and for what it's worth, this is the most negative DiU discussion out of all the sites I've been to. It's irritating to go read people say "the animation was a bit iffy, but the episode was great" and then come here to a wall of no-fun-allowed

I've seen far harsher. Most of the talk here is still positive.


yeah, I don't doubt it, but geez. There's positive comments, sure, but all the discussions are "where's the plot" bullshit, and I don't expect to come here and actually talk about Jojo anymore.

Who wants to talk about interesting things like aliens being in Jojo when instead, you can be an ass and complain about "filler"? Bleh.
Yeah I think you might be reading too much into some of the criticism. Lots of the critical ones here still enjoy what they're seeing, apparently.
Considering what's gone on in this thread it's getting hard to tell for me. Everyone is looking for every reason to bad talk stuff :( I mean I'm not gonna tell people to stop hurting my feelings or some shit, but it gets depressing to read the thread and half the time it's either "bad animation" this or "where's the plot" that.




Then talk about it! That's the point of a discussion thread, to actually discuss the show. The thread is nothing but complaining and people counter-complaining. and people like me complaining about the complaining.


RPS Kid gave us more Rohan. Why the fuck are you all complaining?


Rohan's the best.
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