JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

It's a bit of a weird issue.

The first problem is that the names are trademarked...but it's more than that. Trademarks aren't like copyrights. You can't violate a trademark just by using it, you violate a trademark when there's a reasonable chance people would confuse the product with an official one.

Sega was able to call out Nintendo by name in their advertisements back in the day because there's no reasonable chance people would think the advertisements were endorsed by Nintendo. But those bootleg "Nintendo" systems from China can't be sold in most countries, because they're trying to be deceive people into thinking it's an official product.

So Crunchyroll and Viz shouldn't need to censor the stand names. There's no reasonable chance a pink muscle ghost is going to be confused with anything from Pink Floyd. But the legal system can't just assume that, Crunchyroll and Viz would have to prove it to them.

And that's the real issue. It would be easy to prove that Stand names don't infringe on trademarks, but the US legal system is long and expensive. Viz and Crunchyroll, tiny companies they are, would go bankrupt trying to fight musical giants. And that's the real reason Stand names have to be censored, they're legally fine, but we don't have enough money to prove it.

Thank you for the response. I'm going to call them by their real names when I watch the show, but at least I now know for sure that I am not mistranslating what i'm hearing.


JoJo was always villain of the week, only Parts 1 and 2 were short enough you never noticed.

Also Hamon/Ripple sucks and I'm glad it's dead.

Booooo this man

I would love if every later part would have one or two hamon users(and vampires, mummies, gods of fitness and whatnot). Caesar was able to manipulate bubbles and light reflection through it so a technique based system can make it less monotonous. Also I don't dislike master-apprentice relationships, and this would be a mean for them to return.


Not saying one thing is better than the other, my point was that coming from a perspective where I literally knew nothing about this show, it was really random how hamon was harped on for the first two parts and then *poof* gone. Whatever, I don't really care, the show is still sweet
Araki was right to drop Ripple and vampires. Even he agreed that he'd reached the limit of writing interesting stuff with Ripple. By the end of Part 2 it had pretty much just become a "whatever I need at the moment" power.
Araki was right to drop Ripple and vampires. Even he agreed that he'd reached the limit of writing interesting stuff with Ripple. By the end of Part 2 it had pretty much just become a "whatever I need at the moment" power.
Araki was probably running out of colors of the rainbow for Ripple/Hamon/Sendo techniques.


I will always argue that the lack of continuing Ripple as an extension of the stand is bullshit. As Joseph shows using both of his powers, combining them can have their uses and having crazy ass stands with interesting Ripple applications would have made for even more interesting fights.


Araki should have just said hamon and vampires were the byproducts of some unseen stands and tie everything up in a nice bow. Of course, that bow would be undone with the creation of the spin but still.

JoJo was always villain of the week, only Parts 1 and 2 were short enough you never noticed.

Also Hamon/Ripple sucks and I'm glad it's dead.

I liked Part 2 but I'm glad that Jojo discovered itself with Stands. Stands, to me, are the series and allow endless storytelling potential. Since their powers are often abstract Araki can create whatever ludicrous ability, and convenient weakness, without having to justify it with the universe's internal logic. Hamon was basically Hokuto Shinken from Fist of the North Star where its utility was stretched and stretched until it became implausible. If Araki wanted to create a fight where Disney characters came to life to fight and he was stuck with hamon, he'd have to write a convoluted explanation how the hamon created the illusion of malevolent Disney characters.


I just noticed than when Rohan was introduced, he needed people to read his manga in order to be able to use his stand on them, but now he just uses his stand on anybody whenever he wants. lol, when did that change?

I guess the answer is "Araki got tired of it"


I just noticed than when Rohan was introduced, he needed people to read his manga in order to be able to use his stand on them, but now he just uses his stand on anybody whenever he wants. lol, when did that change?

I guess the answer is "Araki got tired of it"

Afaik all he needs to do now is draw it mid air which is what he has been doing.


Corporate Apologist
Afaik all he needs to do now is draw it mid air which is what he has been doing.

I do believe they only show him doing it a few times, I think near the end he does just shout "HEAVEN'S DOOR" and that's that. It guess it was supposed to be implied that he drew it between frames of the manga though.


Araki should have just said hamon and vampires were the byproducts of some unseen stands and tie everything up in a nice bow.
Araki did that! He retconned hamon and vampirism into manifestations of stand energy in an extra side chapter.

there's also a fan theory that the Pillar Men "modes" were stands
At some point the ripple became unsustainable as a storytelling device.

With the Pillar Men defeated, you've basically eliminated the No. 1 thing the ripple had any use against. And you can't really combine both the ripple and stands, because even the most basic of stands renders the ripple hilariously ineffectual.

Plus, if you're going to move towards more modern settings, with lower key scenarios such as Part 4, then I'm sorry but an ancient martial arts style with training arcs really has no place as a part of the narrative.

So yeah, RIP ripple/hamon.


Araki did that! He retconned hamon and vampirism into manifestations of stand energy in an extra side chapter.

there's also a fan theory that the Pillar Men "modes" were stands

Yeah, I remember reading that some bonus chapter in a SBR volume talking about how hamon and the stone mask were the same kind of 「energy」 or something but I don't know if I'd call that exactly the same. But yes, that chapter felt like him trying to make everything more cohesive in his universe.


dont post manga spoilers.gif

The chapter I'm referring to wasn't really a chapter, just a few pages of text with pictures where Araki talked about concepts in his series and how they related. It wasn't part of the narrative at all. It's as much a spoiler as those author blurbs on the cover are spoilers.

I'm sure it'll never appear in the anime in any form.

PK Gaming

Booooo this man

I would love if every later part would have one or two hamon users(and vampires, mummies, gods of fitness and whatnot). Caesar was able to manipulate bubbles and light reflection through it so a technique based system can make it less monotonous. Also I don't dislike master-apprentice relationships, and this would be a mean for them to return.

Part 7 delivers exactly what you're looking for. Can't elaborate for obvious reasons.


I wonder if after the pillar men were defeated if the hamon students just didn't continue training because of the that or if they continued...I mean being healthy that long has to be a positive in many respects.


I wonder if after the pillar men were defeated if the hamon students just didn't continue training because of the that or if they continued...I mean being healthy that long has to be a positive in many respects.
Straizo became the head of the hamon monastery, right? Didn't he kill everybody before beginning his plans to become a vampire?

So Joseph is literally the last person alive who knows hamon.


Joseph mentions her when he reveals to Jotaro the Joestars' feud with DIO and the birthmarks

And whenever he uppercuts people, he says her name.

No wait, that's just Heritage for the Future.



Specifically, the manga mentioned that Joseph talked to Lisa Lisa about the Joestar birthmark after finding about Dio's resurrection. So she was alive during SDC or died shortly before it began.

Jotaro mentions at the beginning that Joseph got shredded by Holly and Suzi for having an illegitimate child, and I can't imagine Lisa Lisa not taking that chance either, so she's probably dead by DiU.



I never understood you. You're in the manga OT but you haven't read Jojo....

Is Angriest Pat right? Is one really immune to Jojo spoilers due to how visceral your reaction will be once you actually experience what's been talked about? Because this scene indeed has been talked about in that thread.
I never understood you. You're in the manga OT but you haven't read Jojo....

Is Angriest Pat right? Is one really immune to Jojo spoilers due to how visceral your reaction will be once you actually experience what's been talked about? Because this scene indeed has been talked about in that thread.
I'm in that thread cause you guys are so fun. It's one thing to read a synopsis of Jojo and just a flat out completely different thing to see it unfold before your eyes. I knew about Shigechi's death beforehand but was still disturbed heavily by it. I also pretty much just stop reading certain posts midway so I don't absorb or get spoiled by entire things. I know of that scene, but I don't know the exact context, climax and weight of that scene. I'm now reading Jojo, just not at too fast of a pace. Might finish volume 5 of Phantom Blood today at least.


I'm up to the part where they're fighting the guy with two right hands in the desert. Definitely has picked up. I'm waiting for more character development from Jotaro because so far the sword guys has had the most growth

I got to say though, Ceasar's death was some of the best anime I've ever seen. They did a great job.
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