JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Slightly OT (due to part differences) but..OH MY GOD


maybe it's just me but unless it's a wrapper I don't want paper touching my foodstuffs :<


With the Pillar Men defeated, you've basically eliminated the No. 1 thing the ripple had any use against.

And you can't really combine both the ripple and stands, because even the most basic of stands renders the ripple hilariously ineffectual.

Part 3 ignored it in order to make Joseph weaker, but Hamon could easily knock down normal people unconscious and once it's even used to control the body of of a woman in part 2. There was also the solidified projectiles.

If the Hamon stuff hadn't been limited to a few vampire-related events in Part 3, Hermit Purple easily could have been a decent offensive Stand, rather than just support.
Speedwagon's smoldering abs. Remember that?
SPEEEEEEEEDWAAAAAGOOOOOONNNNNN-KUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!! Not to mention the frog punch, Dire's stupid fucking split attack, Dire thinking it'd fucking work on Dio, Dio's animal best friend hybrids, jack the motherfucking ripper leaping out of a god damn horse neck Danny...well yeah...Part 1 as "tame" as it is is still some weird shit.
Omg, people are gonna be reacting to that shit in the Toonami thread soon haha
I've been keeping up with that and yeah I can't wait for them to witness the first fight between Dio and Zeppeli and Dio's epic fucking pose while blocking that shit cracks me up. Then you get Dire and Led Zeppelin being fucking zombies and Bruford being an ancestor of Yukako Yamagishi.
Yup, one of my favorite parts. The manga has freaking Jann Hammer in there as well if you read Dan Hamar that way, there was another one I mentioned in the manga thread as well...oh yeah freaking Jeff Beck.


The DST stuff is making this happen even later in the night for me, bah. I'll have to start watching in the morning if I don't want to die from sleepiness.


I've been power watching this show, and I predict I'll be caught up in about 2-3 weeks. Can any of you recommend cool shows like this? Mature-ish action anime


I'm not but I want to buy in bulk since I trade in games I don't want to make games cheaper :p

(It was a weak attempt to make a joke about TLG never coming out)

I've been power watching this show, and I predict I'll be caught up in about 2-3 weeks. Can any of you recommend cool shows like this? Mature-ish action anime

I wish I could. Jojo is so unique in so many ways that I feel that although the influence is there noone has ever attempted to do anything that even comes close to the special blend of seriousness/drama/absurdity on display in Jojo.

Wammu chain posed into 20 nazis before eating them through his finger to resurrect two other Aztec fitness gods.
Diamond is Unbreakable 34

This didn't look as good as last episode but it wasn't to the level of episodes before it. But there was one shot that was fucking A+.


KQ in Kira's shadow ready to kill at a moments notice, but when you get a shot of Kira Hayato can't see KQ because he can't see Stands

Even though the scene with Kira at the end is great the girl was off model almost the entire time and ruined it a little. The scene really shows just how psychotic Kira is in a Norman Bates or Patrick Bateman way. I also like the Hayato/Kira thing as a side story as a kids horror story. "My dad is not my dad!" and he can't tell the police or his Mom because no one would believe him. Its a nice fit into this suburban story.

Next week is BITES ZA DUSTO and we're finally here. 2016 isn't all bad.

About the Hayato shower scene, if you've ever seen Dragon Ball or Mobile Suit Gundam then you should know that its a common thing.


I've always loved the conclusion of the Cheap Trick fight. So cool that they actually went back to that alley. Such an awesome episode. I've been waiting for that bathroom scene. Kira is fucking RIPPED.


I've always loved the conclusion of the Cheap Trick fight. So cool that they actually went back to that alley. Such an awesome episode. I've been waiting for that bathroom scene. Kira is fucking RIPPED.

So is Hayato oddly enough >_>
Oh and Kira is in Kawajiri Kosaku's body, so Kira likely did more justice to the body :p


So is Hayato oddly enough >_>
Oh and Kira is in Kawajiri Kosaku's body, so Kira likely did more justice to the body :p

Kira only took Kosaku's face. It's still Kira's body, but based on Kosaku's dead body at the end of Sheer Heart Attack, Kosaku is just as ripped.


Jotaro summons his stand just so he can open a door.

I could think it's so that he hides his own fingerprints from the area of a potential crime scene (even though he left them all over the place anyways before he left), or I could think it's just because he can't be bothered.

Also, crafty kid. I like it.
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