Damn, I thought Hayato was done for. What a crazy smart little shit.
I like how he kept a video camera in the bathroom JUST IN CASE.
Damn, I thought Hayato was done for. What a crazy smart little shit.
Kira with the rl truth"What an awful year."
I wish I could. Jojo is so unique in so many ways that I feel that although the influence is there noone has ever attempted to do anything that even comes close to the special blend of seriousness/drama/absurdity on display in Jojo.
Wammu chain posed into 20 nazis before eating them through his finger to resurrect two other Aztec fitness gods.
She's a ghost so it didn't bother me. It's weird how noticeable it is though. Maybe the blu-ray will fix it.Kira was right. This was an awful year. There was some "eh?" animation this episode. Was it just me, or did anyone else notice that when Reimi says her first line, her mouth doesn't move at all?
Best part of the episode easily.Lmaooo Jotaro uses Star Platinum to open doors for him.
No wonder that lazy bum can't stop time for shit now
Aw, they cut the scene where Cheap Trick calls all the take out delivery places on the phone so they all come to Rohan's house.
Considering it directly leads to Koichi's arrival and Cheap Trick's defeat I don't see why they'd ever cut it anyways...then again they did cut the ending of the Superfly fight.It was either that or the dog/cat scene being removed....sadly I'll take the delivery scene removed.
Why was the added Jotaro scene even there anyways it's not like it added anything
Considering it directly leads to Koichi's arrival and Cheap Trick's defeat I don't see why they'd ever cut it anyways...then again they did cut the ending of the Superfly fight.
Speaking of cuts, I noticed they also took out Kira talking to the hand going like "oh alright, you can stay with me until we get to the house~"
Why was the added Jotaro scene even there anyways it's not like it added anything
Man Koichi is a little dick.
Like I understood why he didn't believe Rohan because of plot reasons but really, this man calls you up and says he is being attacked by an enemy stand when you know you are all being targeted (and Koichi even says there are enemy stands after them). But no, don't believe him. He won't show you his back or the stand because then he will die APPARENTLY.
It just grated me the wrong way.
Rohan: I'm being attacked by an enemy stand.
Koichi: Where is it?
Rohan: It's on my back. If I show you I will die.
Koichi: I don't believe you, show it to me.
Feeling's mutuali got kinda teary eyed when i saw "Bites the Dust, Part 1". god its been so long.
The last entire screen needs to be cut out of context.
Wasn't pleased with the Jotaro scene, makes no sense he'd be investigating her in particular so he had no real reason to be there.
Don't worry, Kira. 2017 is looking pretty solid.Jojo gets it.
The two people Kira killed had already been reported missing before they were killed because the girl ran away. Jotaro was investigating that.So how did Jotaro find that apartment again? That scene wasn't in the manga so I'm utterly confused as to what clues led him there.
So how did Jotaro find that apartment again? That scene wasn't in the manga so I'm utterly confused as to what clues led him there.
Man imagine if Part 4 sets in the present day, then Hayato can just easily stream all his video live on youtube or something and he won't need to worry about the evidence getting destroyed.
I'm not sure it makes much sense anyway. Why was he even interested in those two? They were "missing"? Before they even got killed? Despite the fact the girl was still in touch with her mother? Whah?Why was the added Jotaro scene even there anyways it's not like it added anything