Also, Great Days performed by ALL the JoJo OP artists was a fantastic way to end the season. I need a copy of that song.
Sweet Christmas....It was all of them!
All?! I thought it was only the first three.
What a satisfying ending. I'd like to do a binge rewatch of DIU this weekend to see how it feels not waiting week-to-week.
All?! I thought it was only the first three.
Is it really ALL of them or just the Part 4 singers?
The official Twitter credits the singers as 富永TOMMY弘明/Coda/橋本仁/城田純/和田泰右/Jeity/ホシノタツ/青木カレン/ハセガワダイスケ
...with that many I believe that yeah it is ALL
The official Twitter credits the singers as 富永TOMMY弘明/Coda/橋本仁/城田純/和田泰右/Jeity/ホシノタツ/青木カレン/ハセガワダイスケ
...with that many I believe that yeah it is ALL
I've been anime only so far but I think I might actually start reading part 5 and onwards. Waiting weekly and dealing with manga readers teasing and spoiling shit was painful.
lol, unfortunately Part 5 is probably the worst one to start on that due to the iffy translation. Just wait it out.
Stray Cat just wanted to live a quiet life.
Bonus Stray Cat. he did nothing wrong
And he'll actually get that quiet life.Stray Cat just wanted to live a quiet life.
lol, unfortunately Part 5 is probably the worst one to start on that due to the iffy translation. Just wait it out.
Maybe it was added in later releases, but the name wasn't mentioned there originally, at least. I believe it was revealed in JoJo A-Go! Go!.The post-script in the manga was way more vague and only covered a few characters and said that the baby was named Shizuka Joestar
Gooodbyyyyeee Jojooooo :'(
How many times can you compliment Koichi in the stopped time?
Oh so the one on the far left is Joseph.
How many times can you compliment Koichi in the stopped time?
No. It's Jotaro. The purple wrestler guy is Star Platinum. It's because Jotaro was more of a detective in this one.
A thing from the scene with Koichi's mom and sister you might've missed -- the girl Yukako saw coming out of Cinderella is holding hands with the biker that beat up Hazamada!
Everybody's happy! (joy py yoropiku ne)Ship...sailed???