Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
oh yeah same VA for Okayasu in the games right
Todays episode was starting off and well and good with Jousuke actually finally deciding to happily involve Koichi in his life by offering him a once in a life time opportunity to come to his house. He even looked incredibly happy about it.
It seemed like it would be a perfect episode but then of course the writer once again proved for the third time in three seasons and this time at only episode three that he had to incorporate story elements that only bad writers would have. I give the anime countless chances and each time he just continues to stay the same. Surely the editor would have suggested to the writing team that you cant survive on writing bad anime?Really? Koichi doesnt even have a stand or did anything to even have to go through this type of pain. I hope he actually gets healing he deserves and that we avoid another Kakyoin type of situation
I'm not even talking about adding or removing characters. They added a store where they had left only black before, changed the timing and spacing of the characters appearing, changed blocks' layouts by switching around buildings, added visual effects, added trees, added lamps, fixed animation's nothing about spoilers or like the Roundabout endings.
I know!How can this show already be this good on episode 3, what the fuck.
It's because Stardust Crusaders was meh in comparison to the rest of the series. Still was a great show, but y'know. It's like Dark Souls 2.How can this show already be this good on episode 3, what the fuck.
his stand went limp so probably dead
I knew I wasn't crazy when I first saw episode 3's ending today!Episode 2 and 3 ED comparison. Don't read the comments if you're anime only, they have spoilers.
one of my favorite things about the Jojo game is things like every character having a hair insult for Josuke.
DIO was savage.
one of my favorite things about the Jojo game is things like every character having a hair insult for Josuke.
DIO was savage.
one of my favorite things about the Jojo game is things like every character having a hair insult for Josuke.
DIO was savage.
I'm convinced Jotaro just wants dolphin sex at this point. On another note good episode. While I was watching this I was amazed at how fluid the animation is for the show when you compare it to the first season. Some of the transitions used were really good.Jotaro didn't want any of that milf action.
This show is just great as always. David Pro is killing it.
Jotaro didn't want any of that milf action.
This show is just great as always. David Pro is killing it.
Jotaro didn't want any of that milf action.
This show is just great as always. David Pro is killing it.
i'm sure it's way past the Bizarre point having any naughty thoughts about his uncle's mother.
out of context it sounds even worse.[/QUOTE] it truly is always bizarre in Morioh.
But Joseph peeped his mom naked taking a bath...though yes I know he didn't know that at the time.i'm sure it's way past the Bizarre point having any naughty thoughts about his uncle's mother.
out of context it sounds even worse.
Hal Emmerich can't frown on anybody given his backstory.Just like my Japanese animes.
But Joseph peeped his mom naked taking a bath...though yes I know he didn't know that at the time.
But Joseph peeped his mom naked taking a bath...though yes I know he didn't know that at the time.
I wonder it will be a "twist" in a battle; "My friends are gonna die" *murderous intent* BAM! you have a stand!I bet he'll get a stand eventually just because of that opening, but I'm not sure this ordeal is going to be the moment for it. The bow and arrow was specifically said to awaken stands in people with murderous intent.
Wait wait wait, was the yellowish sky a manga thing as well :O? It is a very impressive and significant art direction that I was crediting David Production for!one of my favorite things about the Jojo game is things like every character having a hair insult for Josuke.
DIO was savage.
every time i think the latest power/stand can't be surpassed in cheapness or coolness, i'm proven wrong
Wait wait wait, was the yellowish sky a manga thing as well :O? It is a very impressive and significant art direction that I was crediting David Production for!
Most volume covers for each part that show the sky have it a solid flat odd color. Red, yellow, pink, orange etc.
In the official colored manga the sky is generally blue.
I don't think there's an official colored manga.
Did Lisa Lisa even know? What if they...banged?I can only assume Joseph being so into his mom before finding out is the JoJo's equivalent of Luke and Leia
She knewDid Lisa Lisa even know? What if they...banged?
Joseph was a perverted monster in youth and he was a perverted monster in old age. His seed should be wiped off the face of the earth.
...His seed should be wiped off the face of the earth.
iirc, they didn't really do much beyond the hidden space but even that has a plot hole since there's no time for him to get in there when the explosion happens. also, even if he did hide there, nothing was stopping him from killing Erina since, even as just a head, he'd have enough power to kill her.
time stopping wouldn't fit here since Dio doesn't get that power until 100 years later.
i guess adhering to the manga too much killed chances of them changing that detail. they could have bad Erina escape in something else like a box or something but they'd have needed to change a lot and probably was too much trouble.