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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
If you don't think this has been dramatically better than Stardust Crusaders I don't know what to tell you. Stardust Crusaders is... not very good, honestly, save for a few bits.

I marathoned Stardust Crusaders so it didn't drag for me. Didn't have to wait week by week. That's prolly why I like it the most so far.


I thought Stardust Crusaders was phenomenal all the way through, having an end goal really helped give the series direction and drive.

With Part 4 there just isn't that same level of adventure and excitement so far, I mean they have the bow and arrow, if they smashed it wouldn't that more or less be the end of the threat so far?
I know from people that the main villain hasn't shown yet or whatever but in Stardust Crusaders we knew who the main villain was from episode 1 and it really helped.

I still love the show but it's not beaten part 3 for me so far.

That's kind of why a lot of people like Diamond is Unbreakable though. It's like the Seinfeld of punch anime. It's more interested in having interesting encounters than it is having an ever escalating cast if sickos and badasses that leads to a final boss.

That's not to say they aren't in there though. It just has more to say than showing off how cool its fighters are.Look at this dumb rock? How about some Italian food. Weird baby yo. Etc.


This has been much better than Part 3 so far, and I actually really enjoyed that part. We just got a nice bonding episode between Josuke and Joseph. Stuff like this episode is something we got very little of in the previous parts. Part 4 just seems a lot more personal to me, and I like that.
Yep. Part 4's so nice. Less grandiose than prior parts, but that makes it just that bit more intimate, and hence engaging, in my eyes.

Look forward to waking up every Saturday for my 20 minutes of comfy Jojo Slice-of-life.

Most recent episode made me sad. It's all a bit tragic watching Joseph so senile.


Yep. Part 4's so nice. Less grandiose than prior parts, but that makes it just that bit more intimate, and hence engaging, in my eyes.

Look forward to waking up every Saturday for my 20 minutes of comfy Jojo Slice-of-life.

Most recent episode made me sad. It's all a bit tragic watching Joseph so senile.

I keep waiting for him to reveal it's all a practical joke :(


They altered the aftermath of the RHCP fight because it was dumb in the original manga.

Dude straight up murdered someone, threatened a fuckton of people (including an elderly man), caused a ton of damage, stole a BUNCH of stuff (5 billion yen's worth), and the manga has the gall to act like he has a shot of becoming a reformed rocker? No. Hell no.

Fuck outta here with that shit. Dude's clearly a sociopath.
That's Koichi narrating in the manga, it makes perfect sense for him to say that.


after realizing that we still don't know who the main baddie is...

this part really does feel a lot like Persona 4 currently hahaha

Guess Who

I thought Stardust Crusaders was phenomenal all the way through, having an end goal really helped give the series direction and drive.

With Part 4 there just isn't that same level of adventure and excitement so far, I mean they have the bow and arrow, if they smashed it wouldn't that more or less be the end of the threat so far?
I know from people that the main villain hasn't shown yet or whatever but in Stardust Crusaders we knew who the main villain was from episode 1 and it really helped.

I still love the show but it's not beaten part 3 for me so far.

I guess I don't care about the end goal. Like, sure, we knew Dio was the end goal for all of Stardust Crusaders, but Dio still seemed utterly irrelevant for the entire middle section of the story between the first and last few episodes. In a way it's worse, because the show is taunting you with the promise of Dio - who you already know to be a cool villain from part one - but blueballs you for nigh on fifty episodes with way less compelling fights against fodder enemies that exist for the sake of being fodder. I also don't think the characters were all that interesting. Kakyoin and Avdol bring almost nothing to the table, for instance, which really hurts the story because it's hard to be all that invested in them when they die. And so many of the fights, especially in the first half, are just so boring.

So far, the cast of Diamond is Unbreakable is much more funny and enjoyable to be around than the stoic hardasses of SC, and while the fights are fodder, sure, they're done in much more interesting and enjoyable ways. Rather than "here's some fodder enemy that doesn't matter just to kill time between now and Dio", it's "here's some crazy girl who's way too obsessed with Koichi with a crazy hair Stand!" and "here's some Italian chef that Josuke thinks is suspicious but actually he's just making great food that heals his patrons!" It gives the enemies nice characterizations and tells these more personal, smaller stories.

tl;dr, it's about the journey, not the destination, and DiU makes the journey way more enjoyable than SC ever did.
Joseph still has it in him. The good old OHH MYYY GOOODD, burst out laughing right there :lol
I loved how even though he's senile he still knows that when some weird bullshit is going on that can't be logically explained it's a fucking stand at work.
"Yo Josuke shit ain't right, it's an enemy stand."
"Shut up you old fool."



classic JoJo episode. Joseph remains the GOAT JoJo

I forgot what the star meant but it has something to do with DIOOOOOOOOOO




classic JoJo episode. Joseph remains the GOAT JoJo

I forgot what the star meant but it has something to do with DIOOOOOOOOOO


The star is just a birthmark. Every Joestar has it. Dio had it in Stardust Crusaders because he took Jonathan's body.


We never saw Josuke's birthmark in the manga, so it's a nice anime touch.

(We didn't see Jonathan or Joseph's either, but we saw them retroactively in the manga via DIO and Old Joseph. The anime fixed that.)


tl;dr, it's about the journey, not the destination, and DiU makes the journey way more enjoyable than SC ever did.

Maybe by the end of the series this will be apparent but so far the urgency in SC helped a lot, and I thought the stands in SC, while not as unique as DiU so far, were plenty fun and made more enjoyable by having to figure out how their stands worked.

Watching SC back to back probably slanted my appreciation of it though.


Not bad for a filler episode.


Stardust Crusaders is pretty much Lord Of The Rings with The Fellowship Of Jotaro's Mom setting out on a journey to defeat evil. Diamond Is Unbreakable is pretty much Twin Peaks x Seinfeld with the daily silly adventures of Josuke & the gang going on while there's an ominous mystery looming over the town. Comparing them is like comparing apple and oranges!

I think the reason DIU is hyped up majorly by manga readers is because it puts a lot more emphasis on character than the adventure. Whoever is the big baddie is going to have a ton more depth than Dio ever had.


I keep waiting for him to reveal it's all a practical joke :(

I don't know, based on this newest episode, it clearly seems like his situation was at least exaggerated before. Maybe he was acting or just depressed, but this episode shows him running without the cane, noticing the invisible baby, having no problems hearing Josuke, and even being smarter than Josuke at the end in order to find the baby. Really, Joseph was worse than this in some Part 3 episodes.
Joseph is just in a more proactive environment now. It's no wonder he got all vegetable like after 10 years of sitting around doing nothing. Guy just needs some motivation.


I don't know, based on this newest episode, it clearly seems like his situation was at least exaggerated before. Maybe he was acting or just depressed, but this episode shows him running without the cane, noticing the invisible baby, having no problems hearing Josuke, and even being smarter than Josuke at the end in order to find the baby. Really, Joseph was worse than this in some Part 3 episodes.

yeah he doesn't even look that old I mean it's only been a few years since stardust. I still think it's all a joke so Josuke will feel sorry for his old pop who is actually a cool geezer !!!!


never left the stone age
Stardust Crusaders is pretty much Lord Of The Rings with The Fellowship Of Jotaro's Mom setting out on a journey to defeat evil. Diamond Is Unbreakable is pretty much Twin Peaks x Seinfeld with the daily silly adventures of Josuke & the gang going on while there's an ominous mystery looming over the town. Comparing them is like comparing apple and oranges!

I think the reason DIU is hyped up majorly by manga readers is because it puts a lot more emphasis on character than the adventure. Whoever is the big baddie is going to have a ton more depth than Dio ever had.

It's living up to the hype for me, the main crew is pretty varied, they all seem to experience some growth every now and then, Josuke especially is shown to be much deeper than you'd expect thanks to his interactions with Joseph. Yeah the plot stands still at times, but I feel the characters don't, which is great. Character driven narratives can be every bit as good as plot driven ones.
I don't know, based on this newest episode, it clearly seems like his situation was at least exaggerated before. Maybe he was acting or just depressed, but this episode shows him running without the cane, noticing the invisible baby, having no problems hearing Josuke, and even being smarter than Josuke at the end in order to find the baby. Really, Joseph was worse than this in some Part 3 episodes.

Nah, he's got his good days and his bad days. Adventure brings him life. That and he was the focus this episode.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
According to the Wiki Timline, Stardust Crusaders started in 1988 and ended January 16th 1989.
So Diamond takes place 10 years after that.
I guess I don't care about the end goal. Like, sure, we knew Dio was the end goal for all of Stardust Crusaders, but Dio still seemed utterly irrelevant for the entire middle section of the story between the first and last few episodes. In a way it's worse, because the show is taunting you with the promise of Dio - who you already know to be a cool villain from part one - but blueballs you for nigh on fifty episodes with way less compelling fights against fodder enemies that exist for the sake of being fodder. I also don't think the characters were all that interesting. Kakyoin and Avdol bring almost nothing to the table, for instance, which really hurts the story because it's hard to be all that invested in them when they die. And so many of the fights, especially in the first half, are just so boring.

So far, the cast of Diamond is Unbreakable is much more funny and enjoyable to be around than the stoic hardasses of SC, and while the fights are fodder, sure, they're done in much more interesting and enjoyable ways. Rather than "here's some fodder enemy that doesn't matter just to kill time between now and Dio", it's "here's some crazy girl who's way too obsessed with Koichi with a crazy hair Stand!" and "here's some Italian chef that Josuke thinks is suspicious but actually he's just making great food that heals his patrons!" It gives the enemies nice characterizations and tells these more personal, smaller stories.

tl;dr, it's about the journey, not the destination, and DiU makes the journey way more enjoyable than SC ever did.
Pretty much this, but I also felt the final destination itself was really disappointing. I hate to the shit up this thread with more SC critique, but the way the part kept hammering us over the head with "look how COOL and BADASS Jotaro is" and "DIO DIO HOLY SHIT LOOK DIO" really soured my experience with Part 3
Tragic P1 Dio >>> Overhyped Mustache-twirler DIO
. There was SOO much build up and urgency heading towards the final battle that for it to end the way it did really made Part 3 one of my least favourite parts.

At least most of DiU is honest about being monster of the week and doesn't try to mask that fact. Ah well, maybe SC aged poorly (but not poorly enough so we can treat it like a pseudo-period piece akin to Phantom Blood) so it must have been more revolutionary back then.
Jotaro vs DIO is amazing because DIO tries to crawl into a sewer for safety but JOTARO IS ALREADY THERE. Also Road Roller.

Plus it's preceded by Pet Shop of Horus, D'Arby and Vanilla Ice Cream.


Is there any part of Dio that's actually tragic? He's a born asshole troll and stays that way throughout his human life and can't wait to bump off the Joestars to inherit their fortune. The only thing the stone mask changes is amplifying his ability to troll people, up to and including swapping heads and bodies of animals and humans alike for no reason at all. About the only decent-ish thing he ever does is come to respect Jonathan's prowess as a fighter, which leads to the elaborate plan of decapitating him so he can take his body. He murders an entire boat full of innocents to do that, even.

Dio is capital E-V-I-L evil in part 1 and part 3. The only real difference is he gets shonen villain dumb more often in part 3.


Is there any part of Dio that's actually tragic? He's a born asshole troll and stays that way throughout his human life and can't wait to bump off the Joestars to inherit their fortune. The only thing the stone mask changes is amplifying his ability to troll people. About the only decent-ish thing he ever does is come to respect Jonathan's prowess as a fighter, which leads to the elaborate plan of decapitating him so he can take his body. He murders an entire boat full of innocents to do that, even.

Well, he wasn't very well treated by his father, was he? I can't remember specifics, but his father was a drunk. I can't remember what happened to his mother. It's probably not enough to call him tragic though.


Is there any part of Dio that's actually tragic? He's a born asshole troll and stays that way throughout his human life and can't wait to bump off the Joestars to inherit their fortune. The only thing the stone mask changes is amplifying his ability to troll people, up to and including swapping heads and bodies of animals and humans alike for no reason at all. About the only decent-ish thing he ever does is come to respect Jonathan's prowess as a fighter, which leads to the elaborate plan of decapitating him so he can take his body. He murders an entire boat full of innocents to do that, even.

Dio is capital E-V-I-L evil in part 1 and part 3. The only real difference is he gets shonen villain dumb more often in part 3.

I didn't get the impression that he was born evil. I got the impression that his ambition and personality was purely driven by his upbringing, or lack thereof.


DIO is the best.
Barring the three better JoJo villains, yes. :p

Also, Dio's upbringing - namely his shithead father - is what turned him cruel and heartless. Then again, the concepts of fate and destiny are real influences/presences in JJBA, so one could argue Dio entered the world born to WRYYYYYYYYYYY.


I didn't get the impression that he was born evil. I got the impression that his ambition and personality was purely driven by his upbringing, or lack thereof.

Speedwagon said it himself before Dio killed George. Dio isn't evil due to circumstance, he was born evil. His dad definitely played a part in this, but Dio is just a really bad man.

That being said, I really like Dio. He's not my favorite villain (Part 4's villain claims that position) but he's super iconic and entertaining.


I didn't get the impression that he was born evil. I got the impression that his ambition and personality was purely driven by his upbringing, or lack thereof.

I don't think he was born evil, but he never even considered taking another path in life. He wanted to be the guy that kicked dogs to death, steal first kisses and plot the murder of the people that felt bad for his situation.

Honestly, that's a lot of the fun of the character: he is so outwardly showy with his evil that you wonder just how far he'll take it when he should be doing something smart instead. He's not deep, but goddamn it if he isn't entertaining.


Dio is the best with being so god damn moustache twirling. I personally didn't like P3 much at all, it dragged on way too long and encounters felt very similar time after time. It just sort of become procedural of everyone eating shit then Jotaro being super cool and saving the day. Everything in Egypt was great, but the rest of the premise lacked urgency because we really weren't given a reason to care about Holly nor the goals of the side characters who were each respectfully boring and uninteresting.
There are tragic elements to Dio but I really don't think there's enough for himself to be tragic. Pretty sure that as long as he was the son of Dario Brando he'd be a dick even if not necessarily EVIL.


Really surprised how some feel part 3 isn't fuck balls amazing.

Maybe it's just longtime manga readers opinion but as far as the anime goes Stardust Crusaders was my favourite shonen show alongide Hunter x Hunter.


Really surprised how some feel part 3 isn't fuck balls amazing.

Maybe it's just longtime manga readers opinion but as far as the anime goes Stardust Crusaders was my favourite shonen show alongide Hunter x Hunter.

It probably plays better on the page, but the pacing for a few of the fights got really wonky. Did Telence D'Arby REALLY need to be 2.5 episodes long, especially with how much lamer that encounter plays out compared to his older brother?


Really surprised how some feel part 3 isn't fuck balls amazing.

Maybe it's just longtime manga readers opinion but as far as the anime goes Stardust Crusaders was my favourite shonen show alongide Hunter x Hunter.
I watched part 3 week by week and I really enjoyed it.

I have criticisms that a lot of the cast is under utilized like Avdol, Kakyoin, And even Dio but I love it. The good outweighs the bad and I always have a laugh or two almost every episode. I don't think every fight is super memorable, but overall it is awesome!

Also Dio vs Jotaro is the coolest tug of war battle of wits ever.
He was hiding in the sewer already.
He stopped his fucking heart just to trick Dio.
He didn't stop time fast enough and now Jotaro blew a hole in his head!
The only way that fight could have been better is if Polraneff and Joseph did a little bit more and if they again played Soni Chi no sadame like they did for the Kars fight. Just to book end the vampire trilogy.
It probably plays better on the page, but the pacing for a few of the fights got really wonky. Did Telence D'Arby REALLY need to be 2.5 episodes long, especially with how much lamer that encounter plays out compared to his older brother?

It should have been 10 or more. Just D'Arby all day every day.

The whole point of Part 3 is for Araki to talk about different locales, have fun with horror movie plots, and have a merry band of assholes go around beating up people. Also, an evil baby is humiliated and a man shows his top class cherry tongue skills. It's a fucking goofy ass road trip where Araki gets to see what ideas work and what don't while having his characters interact with each other. Polnareff and Kakyoin communicate about underwear in hand signals in a life-threatening situation, Polnareff can't find a toilet without almost dying, and an old woman is enraged because Pol is a nice guy meanwhile she wants to murder him hard.

A dog fights an evil bird. An old man cheats at video games. Two brothers with somewhat useful powers managed to defeat themselves pretty much on accident. Jotaro is humiliated, beats a man half to death and gives him a receipt.

Part 3 is amazing.


Not as deep as he thinks
Jotaro giving him the receipt is so fucking amazing. Seriously. The anime did that scene justice so much.
It probably plays better on the page, but the pacing for a few of the fights got really wonky. Did Telence D'Arby REALLY need to be 2.5 episodes long, especially with how much lamer that encounter plays out compared to his older brother?
D'Arby the gamer was the longest fight in the manga besides DIO, so, uh, kinda overly long there too tbh


I accumulated the last three episodes thinking that the RHCP fight would be a three parts fight.

I was glad seeing that they did it in only two, and it didn't feel rushed in any way.

Now I think that DP can do DiU in 39 episodes without cutting any important stuff.
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