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Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show "later this year"

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In hindsight this seems to be the case.

Unfortunately only Oliver seemed to have really nailed it. Sam Bee and Jones was surprisingly flat most of the show. Though they had a couple moments that maybe could be built on.

Yeah. And with that thought going, it makes my wonder how CC managed to lose Oliver, since his take of the show was very strongly received. They should have locked him down.

Alright, but I think she's the best correspondent on the Daily Show currently. And it'd be nice to see a woman helm the show for a change.


What if they just used all the hosts and did a roundtable thing.. the opening monologue can just go back and forth like weekend update...


I'm disappointed, but the writing was on the wall. I figured he'd be gone soon after the hiatus he took and after Stephen leaving.


It's kind of surreal to see Colbert and Stewart both leave CC within a year of each other. They were both staples of late night tv and satirical political commentary.




Jon Stewart and subsequently Colbert really helped me get a handle on what was important in American politics. I haven't watched either one of them regularly for years but it's still surprising to hear.


Yeah. And with that thought going, it makes my wonder how CC managed to lose Oliver, since his take of the show was very strongly received. They should have locked him down.
I do wonder if Oliver could actually succeed longterm at the Daily Show though. last week is great and all but a lot of it has to do with the writing and Oliver's charisma.

I just couldn't see Oliver having a tussle with Bill O'reilly, Donald Rumsfeld, Tucker Carlson or destroying a Jim Kramer on the air.

What sets Stewart apart from even Colbert is his passion for politics and strengthening public discourse coupled with his intellect, his confidence to be confrontational to guests in a polite way and his humility.

Just don't think that can be replaced. So i think whoever replaces him is bound to not be able to match the peaks of the daily show. At least to me because I valued that part of his show a lot.


ok I could take Stephen Colbert, but BOTH now? I don't even care about politics per say as to why I enjoyed this show, this shit was hilarious to see how dumb our politicians are on a daily basis. I'm not really sure who can replace that unique brand of fire-hot and hilarious political criticism whilst also balancing the occasional need to elevate the seriousness of a subject with well reasoned talking points. Jon Stewart could do that, balance the tough times (recently the non-indictment of Eric Garner is a good example) with the gut splitting humour. Not sure who else can do it as adept.

Fuck, John Oliver is a great substitute but they need to make the show at least 3 times a week now :(


Hodgman wouldn't work.

I have no idea who would host the show. So much of the show is him. For as much as the writers get credit it was when the writers weren't there(writers strike) the show shined the most.

I think he definitely could. He's sharp and funny, super smart and can interview really well.

I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't up to him wanting to go for it.


Thank GOD. Maybe now this asshat can stop polluting people's minds with his toxic rhetoric and lies.


Hereby defined as

"Any time he makes my insane and self-evidently nonsense political views seem like the intellectually infantile gibberish it actually is."
I could definitely see Jason Jones being offered the position if they want someone internal. External, Tiny Fey or Amy Poehler could both be good picks, as well.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at the calls for Rob Riggle. Stewart's subtlety is what made the show shine. Riggle has absolutely no ability to pull that off.


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.
Please explain.

Zero chance, it was a drive by post.

Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.


Oh wait, you're serious.



Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

God, please tread carefully.

I want you around for Election Night 2016. You seem like a fun poster.


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

Jon Stewart always points this out, though. Not sure who or what you're trying to troll here.
Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.


Nah. Far too easy.


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

LOL at the calls for Rob Riggle. Stewart's subtlety is what made the show shine. Riggle has absolutely no ability to pull that off.

He seems like the only one aggressive enough to keep up the hard hitting nature of the interviews, though.

Just let me dream, ok?


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

I.. uh... yeah... mhmm, well, okay.


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

OK, I'll bite. Care to share one solid example of what you're referring to exactly?


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

That rake, you are about to step on it.


Man, liberals have nothing but butthurt when you point out that their beloved comedy show is just that and NOT an actual news source. But please, go ahead and continue to delude yourselves with that nonsense while those of us who can recognize it for what it is continually laugh our asses off at you.

People asking you for examples is "butthurt"?
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