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Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show "later this year"

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When did anything like that appear on The Daily Show?
Fairly regularly. But I'm sure we will all be witness to some pretentious argumentative post of yours telling us how Stewart is a mental midget or something. Given the way you framed your response its apparent what your trying I set up.

But the fact is he brought on a lot of guests and was able to civily discuss, deconstruct and debate better then pretty much any other host on cable tv. No current anchor, not John Oliver, nor any other name I can think of could replace that. Because underneath the comedy was a very intelligent man that was as methodical in his preparation for big interviews as any great hard news interviewer.
John talked about this on his episode of Comedians in Cars. He straight up said he doesn't know when the end will be but he doesn't want to do the same stuff everynight anymore. He also said that he is finnaly in a place inside his head that when it happens he will be grateful and ok with it. You have to believe CC begged him to stay for one more election.

Dude wants out.

Serious loss to political commentary
This genuinely made me sad. I always liked history in middle and high school. I started watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report during my freshman year in college and just fell in love with both shows. I watched TCR for the laughs, but TDS was something else. Was it always funny? No. Has the past year been consistently "meh?" Yes. But even then, each episode either taught me something, got me to think, or made me reevaluate my own stance on certain subjects. That's something I can't say about any other show. I'm almost done getting a degree in Political Science and with only one class left to go, I can honestly say I learned more from Stewart than I did from half of my professors. This truly is the end of an era, for me at least.


So here's a fun thought:

I wonder how much The Daily Show is indirectly responsible for nurturing an interest in voting for the youth of America?
I'm not sure there is any evidence that it has turned out people to vote. I do think it would be hard to argue against the notion that Stewart and his late night tree didn't have a impact on a not insignificant group of people that otherwise wouldn't have shown an interest in politics.


Fairly regularly. But I'm sure we will all be witness to some pretentious argumentative post of yours telling us how Stewart is a mental midget or something. Given the way you framed your response its apparent what your trying I set up.
Well, since you've decided what my secret agenda and post will be for me even though I didn't say anything about Stewart, I guess I don't have a reason for even posting.

as methodical in his preparation for big interviews as any great hard news interviewer.
Now we're talking about midgets.


Colbert is going to be on CBS five nights a week, starting in September. He's been exceptional in everything he's ever done, so I still have hope that his election-related comedy will be pretty delicious.

Yeah I kind of hope he doesn't shy away from politics, for fear of alienating his new audience, because I would actually love to see out-of-character Colbert take a more political tone to the show at times then his predecessor.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
No.... No.... No fuckin way. My late nights will never be the same. Colbert stung but I've been watching Jon for nearly 2 decades.


Man, those are some big shoes to fill for whoever gets the gig next. The question is: Are they going to hire from within using one of the correspondents, or will they go with some other big name in comedy?


Well, since you've decided what my secret agenda and post will be for me even though I didn't say anything about Stewart, I guess I don't have a reason for even posting.

Now we're talking about midgets.

To be fair, your statement "When did anything like that appear on The Daily Show?" comes across as pretty smug. The conversations aren't as in depth as something you'd hear on say The Diane Rehm Show, but they're short format interviews. At least he was trying to bring civility and depth into the platform. That's more than you can say for almost any other show.


I really wouldn't be surprised if Stewart and Colbert come back and do a one-night-only election special on Comedy Central.


Good thing we have Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver to fill the void.

I like Stewart but his Schtick got a little tiresome. Jon Oliver's show is superior to the Daily Show.


I'm willing to bet that Stewart has been planning this for a long time. That's why Oliver got a shot, and Jason Jones and Sam Bee hosted when Jon was sick. They've been trying to test out the possible replacements.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Man, those are some big shoes to fill for whoever gets the gig next. The question is: Are they going to hire from within using one of the correspondents, or will they go with some other big name in comedy?

Honestly Comedy Central should just start airing repeats of whatever new shows they have. I'd rather not watch somebody hopelessly try to fill the shoes of Jon. It will never happen. Larry is giving it a solid effort but his show sucks and is nowhere near the level of Colbert.

Take the L Comedy Central ya'll lost.


I'm willing to bet that Stewart has been planning this for a long time. That's why Oliver got a shot, and Jason Jones and Sam Bee hosted when Jon was sick. They've been trying to test out the possible replacements.
In hindsight this seems to be the case.

Unfortunately only Oliver seemed to have really nailed it. Sam Bee and Jones was surprisingly flat most of the show. Though they had a couple moments that maybe could be built on.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
But who will make the 2016 election tolerable now?!?!

Oh no... Shit I just realized we are being robbed of 2016 candidate coverage. It was going to be so glorious too. Have you seen the clown shoes candidates republicans are throwing at the wall. Jesus.


Amazing television that got me interested in politics and news when I was in junior high.
Haven't watched regularly in a few years but I'll tune in before the end to say goodbye.
Show won't/can't be the same without Stewart, but I hope that he's created a strong enough legacy that it can successfully continue without him.
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