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Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show "later this year"

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Well that sucks. End of an era.

Thankful we'll still have John Oliver, though I wish he could be on more than once a week.
There's only one person for the job.



Skme may say this is alarmist but this is actually true.

I can't say how many people in my life first saw through the bullshit of American media and politics thanks to Stewart. My last three steady girlfriends all got hooked on the Daily show because I loved it and before that they were either confused but raised in a conservative household or were apolitical.

I mean seriously, it's practically common knowledge that there is an entire population of people that get their news through the Stewart late night tree.

The daily show was a gateway to piquing interest into politics in a way nothing else had for young people.


However, this will be a chance for HBO to fill the void and bring Oliver to a nightly show instead of a weekly, if they want to.
Considering the grind Colbert detailed for the regular day at the Colbert Report, if Stewart is doing that kinda thing daily I can see why he has had enough at this point.
They should get the black woman on the show to do it. Maybe Asif...

In fact, it might need a format change after such an epic loss... maybe a panel or something with all the correspondents?

Still processing this.... I wanted Jon to go out like Johnny Carson.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
They should get the black woman on the show to do it. Maybe Asif...

In fact, it might need a format change after such an epic loss... maybe a panel or something with all the correspondents?

Still processing this.... I wanted Jon to go out like Johnny Carson.

Have you watched Wilmore?



Stewart is a exceptional jack of all trades, a better package than Colbert, Oliver, or anyone else.
im sorry but no one can rival the way Stewart can debate with some of the most tested political thinkers in America.

Maybe I should of said no one can conduct an informative debate as well as he can.


I'll bet that some in the GOP are celebrating tonight.

Particularly among younger voters, Stewart (and Colbert) moved the needle.


I had this feeling he was going to leave.

I wonder how the show will play out from here. Will they end the show and replace it with a new one? Will they keep it going and have a new host? Who would be the new host? Will it change the format of the show again and become less serious and more like Kilborns run.


this is catastrophic for late night

colbert, craig, and stewart all gone within a year

fuck me the 2016 election is gonna fucking blow

So here's a fun thought:

I wonder how much The Daily Show is indirectly responsible for nurturing an interest in voting for the youth of America?
What!? No way! I thought he still had a couple more years! Goddammit. It's a television staple. I'm going to have a damn hard time believing anyone could replace him. This is one of the first times that celebrity/entertainment news has seriously upset me.


im sorry but no one can rival the way Stewart can debate with some of the most tested political thinkers in America.

Maybe I should of said no one can conduct an informative debate as well as he can.
When did anything like that appear on The Daily Show?


Didn't see this coming any time soon per se but this is far from surprising. I stopped watching regularly about a year or two ago but I still have a lot of respect for the man. It's a good thing Last Week Tonight is a thing now. John Oliver learned from the best and is a worthy successor - even if he's on HBO.


So people have joked about Brian Williams in this thread, but what if it's the opposite?

What if NBC is tapping Stewart to replace Brian Williams?

He's trusted by a generation of people much younger than the average viewer age currently watching NBC, CBS, ABC, or Fox News. Stewart himself probably wants to go "straight" since the comedy of the Daily Show has been the least important part for a long time. Williams is pretty much gone now.

Total long shot I know, but hey, maybe?
Fuck >_<

Both Colbert & Stewart gone. Truly an end of an era. This really sucks. Thanks for all the incredibly great work Jon, you deserve all the time in the world now.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Without his lifelong friend, John could not be brave. So John, that mighty anchor, sadly slipped into his cave.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
This is good news for him. Can you imagine doing this show daily for weeks for months for years for decades?

Let him go. Let him goof off with movies or just go chill. He did his time.


He has had an incredible career on the Daily Show, so I can totally understand wanting to move on, but not having him for the coming election season is going to hurt. Best of luck to him, and god help whoever tries to replace him.


No bald cap? Lies!
Goddamn. It's too soon. I'm not sure who could replace him and not dramatically change the feel of the show. There's plenty of funny people who could do the satirical news shtick, but I'm much less confident they can find someone who can balance out the funnies with actually insightful commentary and useful information as well. Much less have the interview skills he does and at least be able to challenge some guests and go toe to toe.


Aasif Mandvi, Jessica Williams, and maybe Sam Bee. Are some great ideas.

When John Oliver took over that summer, I felt fine about Stewbeef leaving. But with Last Week Tonight being great in its own right...

The true end of an era. If it all goes to shit, at least I have a "back in my day" story to tell.
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