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Jon Tron Show - Reviews, Lists, Madness

I don't get why you care about the private life of someone you've never met. Cheating isn't the crime of the millennium worthy of this discussion.

Guess what, I've cheated on a girlfriend and she never found out. Hang me for I'm the worst human being alive.

I can see why you'd want to think that.


Someone who cheats on their significant other with not just 1, but 5 others, deserves to be shamed. Call it what you want.

so people not only deserve to be shamed and harrassed by the whole internet for cheating on their significant other, but so urgent is the need to destroy them for their private behavior that we should shame them just based on the mere suggestion that they cheated in their private life (and, you know, the accusations of a recent ex are known for being completely impartial).

stop and listen to yourself.


It's sad to see gamers have become the equivalent of tabloid rags, gossiping about their celebrities' sex lives and prying for any juicy detail to spin into a scandal.

All of you nerds who honestly care about this "Quinnspiracy" shit, please stop trying to find interest in other people's personal lives and do something with your own. Their feelings won't do anything to enrich you.

As jim sterling said this could be an interesting conversation saved for later much later about dev/journo closeness. As for quin herself I found out what this even was rather late, and have an inability to have an opinion on it because I don't know anything. All I can give is the futurama nuetralman esque speach not saying anyone is lying

Quinnspiracy is a bit much though,

the implications of the situation are rather gross. And for a discussion outside of quin reserved for much much later
so people not only deserve to be shamed and harrassed by the whole internet for cheating on their significant other, but so urgent is the need to destroy them for their private behavior that we should shame them just based on the mere suggestion that they cheated in their private life (and, you know, the accusations of a recent ex are known for being completely impartial).

stop and listen to yourself.
Some people here are suggesting trying to fuck over Jons sponsorships because he doesn't agree with them and was mean, theoretically ruining his life when he's basically a guy making ends meet via YouTube. I'm not saying he's right but this comment kind of works both ways in the "stop and listen to yourself"


Some people here are suggesting trying to fuck over Jons sponsorships because he doesn't agree with them and was mean, theoretically ruining his life when he's basically a guy making ends meet via YouTube. I'm not saying he's right but this comment kind of works both ways in the "stop and listen to yourself"

I'm at a loss here. You think a woman having her private life taken apart and subsequently being harrassed based on an angry ex boyfriend's blogpost is the same as Jontron facing backlash for deliberately saying and doing dumbass, hurtful things in public?

How is that your logical connection?
Some people here are suggesting trying to fuck over Jons sponsorships because he doesn't agree with them and was mean, theoretically ruining his life when he's basically a guy making ends meet via YouTube. I'm not saying he's right but this comment kind of works both ways in the "stop and listen to yourself"

Part of being a public personality, especially one whose living wages are tied to it, is not being a knob. Just look at the shitstorms that ensue when someone like Jonah Hill or Mel Gibson make hateful comments. If you are at risk of losing your sponsors if someone lets them know about things you've said or done, that's something to consider before doing them.
I'd argue that the Quinn comic was actually literally harassment.

The comic was also making fun of the whole retard debacle he had before. I also don't know why people are still talking about Zoe, this has gone way past her. Patricia Hernandez put a disclaimer on two articles about her relationship to the game dev, which is a slap on the hand to me, but it shows progress.

Edit: Didnt mean to quote other person, how do I computer
I'm at a loss here. You think a woman having her private life taken apart and subsequently being harrassed based on an angry ex boyfriend's blogpost is the same as Jontron facing backlash for deliberately saying and doing dumbass, hurtful things in public?

How is that your logical connection?

No I'm saying that specifically attempting to ruin a guy's source of income when the sponsoring company is not affected by his opinion (as of now) because you disagree with him is an extreme. Harass him in twitter all you want I don't care.

And easy with the implications of me being stupid, I was only giving an opinion man no need for that.

Part of being a public personality, especially one whose living wages are tied to it, is not being a knob. Just look at the shitstorms that ensue when someone like Jonah Hill or Mel Gibson make hateful comments. If you are at risk of losing your sponsors if someone lets them know about things you've said or done, that's something to consider before doing them.

True. But what if the company has no issue with it but a bunch of people continue to complain that they won't purchase audio books because they give Jon some money for him to mention them in every video? What if they're forced to drop him because of all the specific backlash and threats of loss of clientele. If they drop him based on their own decision all to them.
True. But what if the company has no issue with it but a bunch of people continue to complain that they won't purchase audio books because they give Jon some money for him to mention them in every video? What if they're forced to drop him because of all the specific backlash and threats of loss of clientele. If they drop him based on their own decision all to them.

well, I mean... the point of advertisement is to sell product. If people aren't buying product because they don't support the person advertising it, I don't really see why the company would want to continue that kind of partnership.

I mean, that's shitty on a lot of levels, but it's also business. Business isn't charity.


No I'm saying that specifically attempting to ruin a guy's source of income when the sponsoring company is not affected by his opinion (as of now) because you disagree with him is an extreme. Harass him in twitter all you want I don't care.

I don't think we need assholes with megaphones saying stupid shit and slutshaming people. The world would get by just fine without them. I have no responsibility to make sure dumbasses get paid. If you depend on sponsors, then maybe consider not saying stupid shit in the first place?
I don't think we need assholes with megaphones saying stupid shit and slutshaming people. The world would get by just fine without them. I have no responsibility to make sure dumbasses get paid.
I can tell we're not going to look eye to eye on this you seem to be going to the completely opposite extreme of Jon's. My input in this particular discussion is gone.


I'm still pretty amused people take a vindictive blog post by an angry ex as gospel.

Maybe if there weren't all the Facebook chat screenshots and a video of him searching through his Facebook chat history, I dunno. Ya, if it was probably just the text, I wouldn't pay it much mind.

Then again, all it does is prove that an indie game developer cheated on her boyfriend, which is of no real concern to anyone except her, her ex-boyfriend, and the alleged cheaters.
I don't particularity care for what Zoe Quinn's accused of doing (cheating is disgusting and hurtful, period), but I don't know her, she's not my friend and I'm not about to date her...so I don't care. So many people are taking it *so* personally. Its bizarre. It's a private matter between two adults, and no one deserves to be publicly shamed for their behavior in a relationship. Its mind boggling how you can defend the ex. I can empathize with how he was feeling to an extent sure, but defend him and his actions? Noope.

That being said, jon tron makes me lol irl and i think hes a pretty cool guy.


Maybe if there weren't all the Facebook chat screenshots and a video of him searching through his Facebook chat history, I dunno. Ya, if it was probably just the text, I wouldn't pay it much mind.

Then again, all it does is prove that an indie game developer cheated on her boyfriend, which is of no real concern to anyone except her, her ex-boyfriend, and the alleged cheaters.

Exactly, I don't think anyone should give a fuck about her personal life. This is just tabloid nonsense.
I don't think we need assholes with megaphones saying stupid shit and slutshaming people. The world would get by just fine without them. I have no responsibility to make sure dumbasses get paid. If you depend on sponsors, then maybe consider not saying stupid shit in the first place?

I think it's odd that people in this thread believe they owe this guy an income.
JonTron isn't out of the norm, and that's why it's important to highlight. Most guys are going to dismiss feminist ideas out of hand because of the stigma that has been perpetuated in the mainstream. Terms like Rush Limbaugh's "feminazi", or exaggerated feminist characters on television shows reinforce this behavior and effectively marginalize completely valid, rational grievances feminists have with society.

Anita's videos aren't about censoring video games. They're about the fucked up ways we think about, perceive, and interpret the world around us. This affects both what video game players enjoy and what video game developers create.

The call for debate from Anita's detractors is disingenuous. What we need is for people to listen, to open their minds, and consider that their entire understanding on this might be inherently corrupted.

As a former right-wing religious zealot, I am thankful that I did not have the sphere of influence that JonTron enjoys when I spouted my ignorant diatribes. I am ashamed enough as it is.


If someone is an asshole, saying dumb shit from his big platform -- and you're watching his videos and subscribing to his platform -- you're complicit in all of this by giving him the platform.
I'm complicit in having him keep doing his JonTron videos, because that's what I consume.
I'm not subscribed to his Twitter, i'm subscribed to his YouTube, JonTron Show channel.

Beyond that, if people want to engage him on those issues on Twitter, they're free to do it.

I don't think these are comparable issues.

I didn't stop watching Polanski movies because he is (probably) a child molester, but my support of his movies isn't encouraging him to molest more children.

Supporting someone who uses his influence to be a hateful person with a large audience is only encouraging that behavior to continue.

With my views, i'm not supporting Jon posting trash on Twitter either.
I'm supporting the JonTronShow type of videos that i enjoy, which is what i'm specifically giving my views to, which don't contain anything close to what this issue is made of.


I'd actually go further by pointing out that ever since I originally learned that Polanski enticed a 13 year old girl into his house, got her fucked up, and then ass raped her (yes, ass raped) I made a very affirmative decision to never, ever support any of his work by buying a ticket or a copy of a movie or watching it from a streaming service.

But, yes, again, if you're subscribing to and giving views to this idiot -- you're complicit in all of it.

What? So we're going to drag people out into the public and put their private lives on trial, trial by internet, in order to decide whether it's a good idea to mock them and post pornographic comics depicting them while all of the internet descends on them? Just so we're clear, is that what you're saying our job is?
Man, I hope you never listened to a Michael Jackson song ever in your life time.


Man, I hope you never listened to a Michael Jackson song ever in your life time.

I've never purchased a Michael Jackson CD, album, song, merch of any kind, or have ever even been a fan of his. In fact, I don't even really see what the big deal is when it comes to his music. Never liked it. So -- Bad example. :)


I've never purchased a Michael Jackson CD, album, song, merch of any kind, or have ever even been a fan of his. In fact, I don't even really see what the big deal is when it comes to his music. Never liked it. So -- Bad example. :)

List of individuals who have signed (as of Oct. 7) the “Free Roman Polanski” petition organized by the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (SACD):

Michael A. Russ Erika Abrams, Fatih Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodóvar, Gianni Amelio, Greta Amend, Wes Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Pascale Angelini, Yannick Angelloznicoud Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frédéric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Marie-Hélène Arnau, Stéphane Arnoux, Darren Aronofsky, Olivier Assayas, Alexander Astruc, Simone Audissou, Gabriel Auer, Zdzicho Augustyniak, Alexandre Babel, Vladimir Bagrianski, Lubomila Bakardi, Fausto Nicolás Balbi, Eleonor Baldwin, Jean-François Balmer, Alberto Barbera (Museo nazionale de Torino), Sylvie Bardet-Borel, Luc Barnier, Christophe Barratier, Ernest Barteldes, Carmen Bartl, Pascal Batigne, Anne Baudry, Henning Bauer, Tone Bay Juan Antonio Bayona, Xavier Beauvois, Liria Begeja, Matthieu Béguelin, Gilles Behat, Jean-Jacques Beineix, Marco Bellochio, Yannick Bellon, Florence Bellone, Monica Bellucci, Véra Belmont, Jacqueline Belon, Jean-Marc Benguigui, Djamel Bennecib, Saïd Ben-Said Luc Béraud, Jean-Pierre Berckmans, Jacob Berger, Christof Berger, Alain Berliner, Gael Garcia Bernal, Pascal Berney, Xavier Berry, Bernardo Bertolucci, Giuseppe Bertolucci, Jean-Marie Besset, Nico Beyer, Marlène Bisson, Arnstein Bjørkly, Lucien Blacher, Virginie Blanc-Brude Bard, Jean-Marc Bloch, Léa Bloch, Catherine Boissière, Anne-Sylvie Bonaud, Olivier Bonnet, Thierry Boscheron, Renata Bosco, Freddy Bossy, Jacqueline Bouchard, Louise Anne Bouchard Patrick Bouchitey, Cédric Bouchoucha, Paul Boujenah, Patrice Bourbon, Frédéric Bourboulon, Etienne Boussac, Katia Boutin, Elizabeth Brach Ian Brady, Jacques Bral, Sophie Bramly, Paulo Branco, Patrick Braoudé, Guila Braoudé, Edwin Brienen, Adrien Brody, Isabelle Broué, Max Brun, Merima Bruncevic, Bastien Brunel Anne Burki, André Buytaers, Emilie Buzyn, Anthony Byrne, Marco Cacioppo, Gerald Calderon, Monica Cannizzaro, Peggy Carajopoulou-Vavali, John Carchietta, Christian Carion, Henning Carlsen, Jean-Michel Carré, Esteban Carvajal Alegria, Lionel Cassan, Bryan Cassiday, Miss Catadler, Steve Catieau Mathieu Celary, Teco Celio, Muriel Cerf, Dabiel Chabannes, Thierry Chabert, Chagi, Jean-Yves Chalangeas, Daniel Champagnon, Christophe Champclaux, Georges Chappedelaine , Litseselidis Charalampos Yann Charbonnier, David Charhon, Fabienne Chauveau, Claire Chazal, Patrice Chéreau, Brigitte Chesneau, Marie-Christine Chesneau, Michel Chevalier, Mishka Cheyko, Catherine Chiono, Catherine Chouchan, Elie Chouraqui, Alex Cichy, Souleymane Cissé, Jean- Pierre Clech, Henri Codenie, Robert Cohen, Olivier Cohen, Catherine Colassin, Suzanne Colonna, Jean-Paul Commin, Andrea Concato, Anne Consigny, Alain Cophignon, Antony Cordier, Alain Corneau, Jérôme Cornuau, Bruno Coulais Guy Courtecuisse, Miguel Courtois, Antoine Courtray, Guillaume Cousin, Morgan Crestel, Rudyard Cretenet, Dominique Crevecoeur, Alfonso Cuaron, Estelle Cywje, Nicola D’Ugo, Frédéric Damien, Sophie Danon, Olivier Dard, Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Isabelle Dassonville, Sophie Davidas, Bruno de Almeida, Marion de Blaÿ, François de Lamothe, Hervé de Luze, Artus de Penguern, Valérie de Saint-Do, Virginie De Wilde, Christel de Wit, Olivier Debert, Viviane Decuypere, Guillermo del Toro, Alain Delannoy, Benoît Delmas, Michel Deloore, Jonathan Demme, Nicolaine den Breejen, Ruud den Dryver, Louisa Dent, Edwin Dervaux, Dante Desarthe, Romain Desbiens, Sophie Deschamps, Thomas Desjonquères, Alexandre Desplat, Chris Devi, Rosalinde et Michel Deville, Guillaume D’Ham, Christelle Didier, Kathrin DiPaola, Claire Dixsaut, Julien Doger, Catherine Doire, Xavier Dolan, Helen Donlon, Ariel Dorfman, Kristen Doty, Jean Douchet, Thierry Drean, Fabrice du Welz, Marina Duarte Nunes Ferreira, Danièle Dubroux, Marc Dufrenois, Martine Dugowson, François Duhamel, Sissi Duparc, Jean Dusaussoy, Daniel Edinger, Arne Eickenberg, Yaniv Elani, Gerónimo Elortegui, Elrem, Sam Enoch, Peter Lucas Erixon, Ernest, Ann Eyckmans, Nicolas Fagard Jacques Fansten, Joël Farges, Gianluca Farinelli (Cinémathèque de de Bologne), Etienne Faure, Pierre Antoine Faure, Maud et Romain Ferrari, Michel Ferry, Jean Teddy Filippe, Aurélie Fiorentino, Alan Fischer, Bob Fischer, Martine Fitoussi, Sebastian Fleischhacker, Joy Fleury, Michael Flynn, Hugues Fontenoy, Scott Foundas, Werner Fraai, Jean-Robert Franco, Stephen Frears, Patrick Frégonara, Marion Frelat, Thierry Frémaux, Marc Freycon, Nadine Fruchard, Sam Gabarski, Dominique Gadoin, Jean Francois Gaillard, René Gainville, Sara Gandolfi, Fernand Garcia, Matteo Garone, Yves Gasser, Tony Gatlif, Catherine Gaudin-Montalto, Jean-Marc Gauthier, Costa Gavras, Christiane Gehl-Gabadou Nathalie Geiser, Lizi Gelber, Isabelle Gély, Jean-Marc Ghanassia, Alain Gil, Véronique Gillet, Terry Gilliam, Christian Gion, François Girault, Stéphane Gizard, Nelson Gonzalez, Carlos Miguel Bernardo González, Charles Andre Gordeaux, Christophe Goumand, Michel Gras, Eric Gravereau, Martin Gregus, Dominique Greusard, Thierry Grizard, Serge Grünberg Philippe Gruss, Geoffroy Guerrier, Florent Guézengar, Marc Guidoni, Marta Gutowska, Mikael Håfström, Lesly Hamilton, Catherine Hargreaves, Ronald Harwood, Dimitri Haulet, Geert Heirbaut, Buck Henry, Nicole Herbaut de Lamothe, Thoralf Herz, David Heyman, Laurent Heynemann, Joshua Highfield , Patrick Hirigoyen, Dominique Hollier, Isabelle Hontebeyrie, Frédéric Horiszny, Andreas Horvath, Robert Hossein, Jean-Loup Hubert, Wendy Hudson, Allison Hull, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Gilles Jacob, Eric et Veronique et Nicolas Jacquelin, Olivier Jacquet, Just Jaeckin, Thomas Jahn, Olivia Janik, Nihad Christian Jarallah, Jean-Baptiste Jay, Anne Jeandet, Marie Jergan, Alain Jessua, Renate Jett, Sébastien Jimenez, Arthur Joffé, Pierre Jolivet, Kent Jones (World Cinema Foundation), Erik Jørgensen, Peter Josy, Florence Joutel, Rémy Jouvin Bessière, Alexandra Julen, Paola Jullian, Roger Kahane, Pierre Kalfon, Elisabeth Kalinowski, Michel Kammoun, Pascal Kané, Reena Kanji, Nelly Kaplan, Wong Kar Waï, Katylodola, Nicolas Kermel, Darius Khondji, Nathalie Kiener, Ladislas Kijno, Luc Kinsch, Muriel Kintziger, Richard Klebinder, Jonathan Klein, Harmony Korinne, Jan Kounen, Andrzej Krakowski, Chantal Krakowski, Sylvia Kristel, Hanna Kudelski Diane Kurys, Elzbieta Kusak-Majchrzak, Emir Kusturica, Irene Kuznetzova, Jean Labadie, Eliane Lacroux, Eric Lagesse, Michel Laigle, Stéphane Lam, John Landis, Claude Lanzmann, David Lanzmann, André Larquié, Pauline Larrieu, Jacques et Françoise Lassalle, Marc Latil, Carole Laure, Christine Laurent-Blixen, Pierre Laville, Emilien Lazaron, Eric Le Roy, Pierre Le Scouarnec, Fábio Leal, Vinciane Lecocq, Eric Lecocq, Patrice Leconte, Linda Lefebvre, Béatrice Lefoulon, Delphine Legros, Claude Lelouch, Ann Lemonnier, Julieta Lencina, Alain Lenglet, Gérard Lenne, Claudine Lenoir, Julie Lerouxel, Les Nanaqui, Larry Levine, Charlotte Levy, Lorraine Lévy, Pierre et Renée Lhomme, Katarzyna Lipinska, Marish Lippi Jean-Marc Loiseau, Jean-Claude Irving Longin, Marceline Loridan-Ivens, Nicole Lormeau, Joffrey Louis, Michael Louis Wells, Boris Loundine, Rachel Lowenstein, Catalina Lozano, Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski, Flore Luquet, Laurence Lustyk, David Lynch, Bania Madjbar, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Velipekka Makkonen, Laurent Malet, Tim Malieckal, Guy Malugani, Erling Mandelmann, Michael Mann, Alessandro Marcelli, Yvon Marciano, François Margolin, Joseph Marin, Jean-Pierre Marois, Tonie Marshall, Alain Martin, Sandrine Martin, Danielle Martinetti, Florent Martinez, Didier Martiny, Mario Martone, Thierry Mathelin, Christine Mathis, Esmeralda Mattei, Nicolas Mauvernay, Yannick Mazet, Christopher, Spencer et Claire Mc Andrew, Natalie Mei, Michelle Géranium Melman-Gory, Guillermo Menaldi, Mathieu Mercier, Muriel Mercier, Frédéric Mermoud, Nicolas Mesdom, Laura Metaxa, Allison Michel, Radu Mihaileanu, Anna Mikropoulou, Jean-Louis Milesi, Claude Miller, Lionel Miniato, Eric Miot, Bernard Mirgain, Annie Misserey, Nelly Moaligou, Jean - Marc Modeste , Mario Monicelli, Miguel Morales, Jeanne Moreau, Frédéric Moreau, Sarah Moreau-Flament, Gael Morel, Omayra Muñiz Fernández, Carmen Munoz, Stephanie Murat, Christian Mvogo Mbarga, Tim Myers, Anna N.Levine, Elisabeth Nègre Charles Nemes, Florence Nicolas, Juliette Nicolas-Donnard, Sandra Nicolier, Edouard Niermans, Rachel Noël, Rui Nogueira, Olivier Nolin, Alejandra Norambuena Skira, Anna Nordahl, Fabrice Nordmann, Fabrice O. Joubert, Marc Obéron, Michel Ocelot, David Ogando, Mariana Oliveira Santos, Szentgyörgyi Ottó, Martine Pagès, Eric Pape, Vincent Pappalardo, Nadia Paschetto, Abner Pastoll, Alexander Payne, Guy Péchard, Nicola Pecorini, Richard Pena (Directeur Festival de NY), Lindsey Pence, Olivier Père, Suzana Peric, Vladimir Perisic, Jacques Perrin, Cesare Petrillo, Thomas Pibarot, Michel Piccoli, Arnaud Pierrichon, Stéphane Pietri, Anne Pigeon Bormans, Samuel Pinon, Claude Pinoteau, Jean Piva, Guillaume Pixie Michele Placido, Sabrina Poidevin, Agnès Catherine Poirier, Emmanuel Pollaud-Dulian, Maud Pommier-Samaan, Jean-Yves Potel, Stéphane Pozderec, Harry Prenger, Jean et Marie Prévost, Gilbert Primet, Stefanos Psaromiligas, Florence Quentin, Marie-Hélène Raby, Philippe Radault, Tristan Rain, Florence Raphaël, Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Joseph Rassam, Rolandas Rastauskas, Brett Ratner, Raphael Rebibo, Redha, Ben Omar Redouan, Carol Reid, Dusan Reljin, Jo Reymen, Laurence Reymond, Yasmina Reza, Christiane Rhein, Jacques Richard, Dominique Robert, Margarita Robski, Jean-Jacques Rochut, Christian Rogler, Yannick Rolandeau, Michèle Rollin Paul Rondags, Avital Ronell, Frank Roozendaal, Graciela Rosato, michèle Rossi-Ducci Elisabeth Roudinesco, Kontochristopoulou Roula, Laurence Roulet, Joshua Rout, Paolo Roversi, Didier Roy, Jacques Rozier, Charles Rubinstein, Isabelle Ruh, Martin Ruhe, Sonia Rykiel, Anita S. Chang, Esteban S. Goffin, Joaquin Sabina, Marc Saffar, Ludivine Sagnier, Gabriela Salazar Scherman, Walter Salles, Jean-Paul Salomé, Jean-Frédéric Samie, Marc Sandberg, Léo Scalpel, Jerry Schatzberg, Richard Schlesinger, Kirstin Schlotter, Daniel Schmidt, Georg Schmithüsen, Julian Schnabel, Pierre Schoendoerffer, Barbet Schroeder, J. Neil Schulman, Pierre Schumacher, Pierre-Alexandre Schwab, Ettore Scola, Luis Gustavo Sconza Zaratin Soares, Martin Scorsese, Carole Scotta, Steven Sedgwick, Andrea Sedlackova, Frank Segier, Michèle Seguin-Sirhugue, Guy Seligmann, Dominique Sels, Elis Semczuk, Lorenzo Semple Jr, Julien Seri, Joël Séria, Catherine Sermet, Olivier Séror, Ken Seton-Vyhnal, Sophie Sharkov, Boris Shlafer, Antoine Silber, Pierre Silvant, Charlotte Silvera, Noel Simsolo, Christophe Sirodeau, Philippe Sisbane Abderrahmane Sissako, Beatrice Sisul , Petter Skavlan, Romain Slocombe, Marcin Sokolowski, Loïc Sorel, Paolo Sorrentino, Valérie Soulier, Vassilis Sourapas, Yannis Stavrou, Roch Stephanik, Karen Stetler, Denise Stieglitz, Guillaume Stirn, Bernard Stora, Gérard Stum, Jean-Marc Surcin, Tilda Swinton, Piotrek Szymanek, Jean-Charles Tacchella, Radovan Tadic, Mickael Tanguy, Danis Tanovic, Bertrand Tavernier, André Techiné, Katie Teece Cécile Telerman, Harold Alvarado Tenorio, Marie-Ange Terrier, Alain Terzian, Christian Texier, Jean-Paul Thaens, Valentine Theret, Virginie Thévenet, Alexandre Thiery, Jacques Thivierge, Pascal Thomas, Jeremy Thomas, Marc Thomas Charley, Cyril Thurston, Giuseppe Tornatore, Serge Tosca Cali Tosca Serge Toubiana, Walter Toubin, Jean-Luc Touillon, Maurizio Trani, Daniel Treichler, Nadine Trintignant, Claire Tromeur Fernando Trueba, Julie Turcas, Mitja Tušek, Tom Tykwer, Alexandre Tylski, Stephen Ujlaki, José Antonio Valdés Peña, Kenny Valdisserri, Jaques Vallotton, Phil van der Linden, Betrand van Effenterre, Leopold van Genechten, Christophe van Rompaey, Dorna van Rouveroy, Elbert van Strien, Vangelis, Alessio Vannetti, Jean-Pierre Vaucouloux Lucília Verdelho da Costa, Christian Verdu, Jean-Pierre Vergne, Sarah Vermande, Maryana Vestic, Julien Veyret, Caroline Veyssière, Francesco Vezzoli, Régine Vial, Daniel Vigne Vivien Villani, Marta Villarroya Estruch, Marc Villemain, Jean-François Villemer, Daria Vinault, Verde Visconti, Alain Vorimore, Thomas Vossart, Gilles Walusinski, Eric Watton, Lioba Wehinger, Monika Weibel, Florian Weigl, Dominique Welinski, Wim Wenders, Raphaël Wertheimer, Andy Whittaker, Cornélius Wiijgers, Dorothée Wiijgers, Anaïse Wittmann, A Wolanin, Margot Wolfs, Peter Woltil, Arnaud Xainte, Steve Yeo, Likhem Young, Paule Zajdermann, Christian Zeender, Claudie Zehnacker, Fabrice Ziolkowski, Terry Zwigoff

That's a good chunk of good cinema you're gonna miss on, frankly.

Tough just to be clear, i respect the personal decision to do so, just don't think enjoying one's creation also implies supporting their life choices or opinions.
Don't get why this is even a thing. she cheated so what its more about her bullshitting her way into success using the bullshit gaming journalism and jontron was sensible said she was wrong in her ways and what she did to achieve her status and that's it what am i missing here that is so bad?


Maybe if there weren't all the Facebook chat screenshots and a video of him searching through his Facebook chat history, I dunno. Ya, if it was probably just the text, I wouldn't pay it much mind.

Then again, all it does is prove that an indie game developer cheated on her boyfriend, which is of no real concern to anyone except her, her ex-boyfriend, and the alleged cheaters.

The bigger issue is the allegation that she tried to convince her bf that he had a mental illness, so that she could cover up the affairs, because she didn't want it to ruin her credibility as an activist. I would say because she's an activist, and people support her financially based on these things, her being a hypocrite should damage her credibility with regards to her activism. I would think her supporters would want to know that they are funding an activist for mental health, who has no problems trying to cause someone to have mental health issues if it benefits her (that's actually quite disturbing).

But in terms of her making/selling games, yeah who cares. Even if you morally think she's a terrible person for cheating, that really has no impact on the game industry or you as a consumer. It really has nothing to do with any of us (as you said, it's between the bf and her). But I do think some of his allegations beyond just the cheating is pretty damaging to her credibility as an activist. Just me though.

Then again, it's not like she's an elected official where you have a right to know (as you elected them and they have a responsibility to you). Activism is a free enterprise, and people give up their money freely to who they want. So while I think her followers might want to know she's a fraud when it comes to the things she preaches (allegedly), I'm not sure that's something they have a right to know either?


I'd actually go further by pointing out that ever since I originally learned that Polanski enticed a 13 year old girl into his house, got her fucked up, and then ass raped her (yes, ass raped) I made a very affirmative decision to never, ever support any of his work by buying a ticket or a copy of a movie or watching it from a streaming service.

But, yes, again, if you're subscribing to and giving views to this idiot -- you're complicit in all of it.

What? So we're going to drag people out into the public and put their private lives on trial, trial by internet, in order to decide whether it's a good idea to mock them and post pornographic comics depicting them while all of the internet descends on them? Just so we're clear, is that what you're saying our job is?

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound? So just because I enjoy JonTron's video I'm now a misogynist? Go.Fuck.Yourself.


That's a good chunk of good cinema you're gonna miss on, frankly.

Tough just to be clear, i respect the personal decision to do so, just don't think enjoying one's creation also implies supporting their life choices or opinions.

It's too much work to actually read and internalize that whole list, so as a practical matter, it's not really possible to make sure I don't support any of their work. That said, if I see and hear someone actually supporting him, like when Whoopi did (who I previously liked), I'll probably cut them off, like I did with her.

THAT SAID, there's still a big difference between raping a child and signing a petition to free him because you're in some twisted show business club that looks out for its own. One is far worse than the other.


I'll see what I can do!
Welp this is getting out of hand lol. Now we're accusing folks who enjoy totally unrelated works of sharing his views?

This has reached "if you eat Chic Fil A you are against gay marriage" levels.


Welp this is getting out of hand lol. Now we're accusing folks who enjoy totally unrelated works of sharing his views?

This has reached "if you eat Chic Fil A you are against gay marriage" levels.

Except no one (that I've seen) has said that. We're having so many problems with reading comprehension in this thread that I don't think it's productive anymore to try and go on.
Except no one (that I've seen) has said that. We're having so many problems with reading comprehension in this thread that I don't think it's productive anymore to try and go on.

You'd need to forgive me if what you said about us being complicit if we subscribe to him could be taken as such, it wasn't exactly elaborated so reading comprehension is slightly an issue.

You seem to be resorting to insults to undermine man, take a chill pill.


You'd need to forgive me if what you said about us being complicit if we subscribe to him could be taken as such, it wasn't exactly elaborated so reading comprehension is slightly an issue.

You seem to be resorting to insults to undermine man, take a chill pill.

if someone has a platform from which he says nasty things, and you subscribe to his platform, you are complicit in him having a platform. That's the only thing I said. I never accused anyone here of sharing any of his views.
if someone has a platform from which he says nasty things, and you subscribe to his platform, you are complicit in him having a platform. That's the only thing I said. I never accused anyone here of sharing any of his views.

Then it's my mistake. The wording was murky and a wrong assumption was made. My bad.


THAT SAID, there's still a big difference between raping a child and signing a petition to free him because you're in some twisted show business club that looks out for its own. One is far worse than the other.

Here's a few names you may know:
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (21 grams, Babel)

Pedro Almodovar (The skin i live in, All about my mother)

Woody Allen (Manhattan, Annie Hall)

Wes Anderson (Royal Tenenbaum, Hotel Budapest)

Guillermo DelToro (Pan's Labyrynth, Pacific Rim... P.T.)

David Lynch (Twin Peaks, Mullholland Drive)

Wim Wenders (Wings of Desire; Paris, Texas)

Monica Bellucci (Matrix, Malena)

Giuseppe Tornatore (New Cinema Paradiso)

Bernardo Bertolucci (Last Tango in Paris, Last Emperor)

Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Goodfellas)

Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton, I am love)

Michael Mann (Heat, Thief, Collateral)

Alfonso Cuaron (Children of men, Gravity)

Alexandre Desplat (Tree of Life, Birth)

Very different, of course, like there's a big difference between signing a petition in support of a child rapist and saying stupid shit on Twitter about a scandal like the one we're talking about here.
I'm not defending JonTron, as i said i don't care about the guy outside of his videos (which is my whole point, really) but if you can close an eye on the people on that list, i'm sure you can fathom people enjoying his videos, yet not agreeing with his views, still enjoying his videos.


Here's a few names you may know:
Very different, of course, like there's a big difference between signing a petition in support of a child rapist and saying stupid shit on Twitter about a scandal like the one we're talking about here.

You'll have to forgive me, again, as I've clarified a couple of times already, my statement on Polanski was a self-contained response to someone else who invoked him. Total sidetrack. I had absolutely no intention of comparing Polanski's actions to Jontron's actions.
I was always OK with JonTron, never really found him funny but never had a reason to hate the guy.

As far as his comments go, he's pretty damn stupid. I don't take too much insult to it cause sadly a lot of people with those dumb views existed. No, men and women are not an equal ground when it comes to who is shitted on the most. Jon is just regurgitating stupid male teenager shit on how "we have it just as bad!". Nope, girls are far and beyond have worse representations in the medium. I'm not even a fan of Anita or whatever her name is and her videos, it's blatantly obvious and i feel like her videos exist cause of people like Jon not realizing things outside of their own bubble.

So yeah, don't dislike the guy still. I use offensive words myself for comedic purposes but at least I have the common sense to know when and where. And Jonny boy here has been acting like a shitbag all over with this.

On an unrelated and dumber note: Maybe this is why he left/got kicked out of/whatever game grumps. Doesn't Arin always say he's a feminist or something? This is probably where shit started.


Here's a few names you may know:

Very different, of course, like there's a big difference between signing a petition in support of a child rapist and saying stupid shit on Twitter about a scandal like the one we're talking about here.
I'm not defending JonTron, as i said i don't care about the guy outside of his videos (which is my whole point, really) but if you can close an eye on the people on that list, i'm sure you can fathom people enjoying his videos, yet not agreeing with his views, still enjoying his videos.

That's a disappointing list of people. I can only hope they don't have all the facts and are just supporting "their fellow filmmaker." The details on what went on are really completely fucking disgusting and nobody who knows them and calls themselves a human being could support that piece of shit.


yeah I was like "man this must be a good one" until I showed up :(

Yep same here.
With that said he approached his opinion wrong and the linking to the comic wasn't a good idea.
But I can't say that this series of events is going to change my mind on watching his videos. It actually just makes me wonder why both sides are so hung up on what she may have or may not have done. I'm reading through all of this and I can't understand why we aren't just done and haven't reached a middle ground.


That's a disappointing list of people. I can only hope they don't have all the facts and are just supporting "their fellow filmmaker." The details on what went on are really completely fucking disgusting and nobody who knows them and calls themselves a human being could support that piece of shit.

Double standards much? Why can't both be terrible, stale and bad?
Huh? You're not understanding my posts. Both ARE bad, yes indeed. But in order to use the "men, too" argument as some kind of counter to the issue would require an actual example of objectification of men. A power fantasy is not it. It's practically a non-sequitur.

In other words it's like someone saying "Boy, women are not portrayed very well in games..." and then someone else saying "Well, I had oatmeal for breakfast." If you can find an example of male game characters being hyper sexualized in order to appeal to female audience, and then blatantly marketed as such, then yes, by all means, that would be a great example of "men, too."

And both would be bad.

(Though I would argue that one or two examples in the face of decades of it done to women is hardly much of a counter point.)


That's a disappointing list of people. I can only hope they don't have all the facts and are just supporting "their fellow filmmaker." The details on what went on are really completely fucking disgusting and nobody who knows them and calls themselves a human being could support that piece of shit.

Agreed. But since we are on the topic of supporting people that believe or support in terrible things (sorry to jump into the conversation randomly)...

How practical is this? Realistically speaking, almost everything you buy probably has some tie back to something you don't support. Is the idea that, the stuff you DO know about, you have an obligation to not support that?

I always have a hard time with this. Take Chic Fil A for instance. I understand that one could say that by going there and giving them money, that money is essentially going into the hands of a person/company that will then turn around and use that money to support something you vehemently oppose. But realistically speaking, your money goes into paying the people that work there as well, or pays the bills that keep the lights on. It's not as if 100% of your money is going directly to support a cause you don't like. It's a complex system where a lot of people rely on said money.

So in a practical sense, does it really make sense to boycott them?
If we really start to consider where our money is going and tho whose hands then the world becomes a shitty place because we won't always agree how the money is spent. You may not agree that person X might use the money for Y cause, but the Z service you always use eventually has that money go to... shit I ran out of cool letters. "letter" cause, but you don't really care for said cause but it may cause just as much if not more harm.
Of course they don't owe him. Doesn't give them a right to sabotage things for him though.

Jon is in the public eye. And just like anyone in his or a similar position, you have to watch what you say lest you alienate a portion of your fanbase. If they want to let his sponsors know that they won't be watching anything related to him or the sponsor because of it, then they are completely in the right. This is like, Public Relations 101.


I don't really understand why people are still talking about Zoe Quinn's sex life here. That was never the issue most people had with her.

Regarding Jon's recent tweets, I really recommend people check out the VOD of his recent podcast with TotalBiscuit (it should be on Polaris' youtube channel soon). He explains his actions really well and I thought their perspective on all this were really refreshing and interesting.


I don't really understand why people are still talking about Zoe Quinn's sex life here. That was never the issue most people had with her.

Regarding Jon's recent tweets, I really recommend people check out the VOD of his recent podcast with TotalBiscuit (it should be on Polaris' youtube channel soon). He explains his actions really well and I thought their perspective on all this were really refreshing and interesting.

I'm sorry to keep getting baited into this, but what sort of refreshing or worthwhile perspective allows for one to behave like this? He's a pig.
I'm sorry to keep getting baited into this, but what sort of refreshing or worthwhile perspective allows for one to behave like this? He's a pig.

If he's such a pig and if you despise him as much as you seem to then...why are you even in this thread? People are here because they enjoy his videos and think he is humorous. Then over the last 3 pages of the thread I see your avatar pop up every other post to tell people how they're wrong because they have chosen to watch this guy's stuff as entertainment. There are a ton of people who agree with you on Twitter and I'm sure a lot of them would be willing to have a discussion about he's the worst person in the world or whatever. The rest of us are just here to enjoy Youtube videos and laugh at a goofy guy that's making them. Take it somewhere else man.


If he's such a pig and if you despise him as much as you seem to then...why are you even in this thread? People are here because they enjoy his videos and think he is humorous. Then over the last 3 pages of the thread I see your avatar pop up every other post to tell people how they're wrong because they have chosen to watch this guy's stuff as entertainment. There are a ton of people who agree with you on Twitter and I'm sure a lot of them would be willing to have a discussion about he's the worst person in the world or whatever. The rest of us are just here to enjoy Youtube videos and laugh at a goofy guy that's making them. Take it somewhere else man.

someone else invoked his recent tweets again, and said his perspective is actually "refreshing". I can't resist that, it's a weakness of mine -- so I must know what is so refreshing about this guy's perspective? what could that possibly mean? I don't even understand how one can defend this guy. And if you can't, stop trying to and stop bringing it up.


Jon is in the public eye. And just like anyone in his or a similar position, you have to watch what you say lest you alienate a portion of your fanbase. If they want to let his sponsors know that they won't be watching anything related to him or the sponsor because of it, then they are completely in the right. This is like, Public Relations 101.

There's nothing wrong with filing a complaint and that wasn't really the scenario that I was responding to. As I've said way earlier though, it probably won't amount to anything since none of this has had a visible change in Jon's viewership. If whatever Jon is doing at the moment is what's making money, then Polaris likely aren't going to get in the way of it. That's Business 101.

I complain about Pewds all the time and think he is pretty much trash of the lowest common denominator. That said, he's the most subscribed person on YouTube and rakes in mad cash for screaming into a microphone. It's easier for me to accept the idea that whatever he does doesn't fall into my interests. At least in Jon's case he does a much better job not letting his dubious qualities shine through in his videos.

I'm sorry to keep getting baited into this, but what sort of refreshing or worthwhile perspective allows for one to behave like this? He's a pig.

The same VOD also contains him apologizing for having offended people by the way.
someone else invoked his recent tweets again, and said his perspective is actually "refreshing". I can't resist that, it's a weakness of mine -- so I must know what is so refreshing about this guy's perspective? what could that possibly mean? I don't even understand how one can defend this guy. And if you can't, stop trying to and stop bringing it up.

Anyway...all those things you just said weren't me. But, why do you feel the need to force your opinion on to other people, some people like him and you don't. Is it so necessary in your life for you to make sure that everyone has the exact same opinion as you. So much so that you have to linger in this thread until someone says something "nice" about Jontron and then you jump all over them pulling in videos from 5 years ago while telling them they're wrong. It's all opinions, get do something else. Find a new Youtube person to watch. It's going to be okay if everyone doesn't have the same opinion as you, that's why they're opinions.


The same VOD also contains him apologizing for having offended people by the way.

I'm even starting to annoy myself with the volume of my replies, so I'll give it a break after this -- But here are my feelings on this for "apologizing for offending people"...

He basically just said that Mrs. Quinn isn't up to his standards of beauty such that she's not worthy of even being the subject of internet outrage. Women face all kinds of bullshit all the time, but this is the kind that really annoys me. The idea that a woman is judged first only by her appearance and that's the sum of her value. She's not worthy of being outrageous or a badguy or being argued over, because she's not up to my, Jontron's, high standards of physical beauty.

That shit is cutting, and it's very indicative of what kind of person this is, whether or not he tosses out a "sorry if you were offended" self-interest apology. I need more than that.
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