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Jon Tron Show - Reviews, Lists, Madness

I've said some things which I thought were funny because that's the sense of humor my friends and I will have in our privacy only to realize that no, it is not cool for most people and I immediately regret it. Shit happens. I won't hold it against Jon when I've done statements just as bad in different situations.


He apologized for some of the things he's said recently and explained that things like "PS Now is retarded" didn't seem offensive to him at the time but he'll stop using slurs like that since they offend people so much.

By "refreshing" I was referring to his view on PR and the hypocrisy pointed out by JesseCox when he mentioned certain journalists and developers he knows are extremely sexist in real life but defend feminism fervently in social media circles. Jon just wants to be the same person with his fans as he is in real life, and if people disagree with him and think he doesn't understand something, he wants them to tell him why he's being ignorant and to debate with him; instead of rushing to harass him repeatedly, sending death threats and calling him a sexist just for holding a different or misinformed opinion.

He basically just said that Mrs. Quinn isn't up to his standards of beauty such that she's not worthy of even being the subject of internet outrage. Women face all kinds of bullshit all the time, but this is the kind that really annoys me. The idea that a woman is judged first only by her appearance and that's the sum of her value. She's not worthy of being outrageous or a badguy or being argued over, because she's not up to my, Jontron's, high standards of physical beauty.

He wasn't referring to physical beauty, he was talking about character. Him and Zoe didn't get along very well.
There's nothing wrong with filing a complaint and that wasn't really the scenario that I was responding to. As I've said way earlier though, it probably won't amount to anything since none of this has had a visible change in Jon's viewership. If whatever Jon is doing at the moment is what's making money, then Polaris likely aren't going to get in the way of it. That's Business 101.

And I agree with you! I'm only talking about how people have the right to complain to higher-ups if something someone in their employ said offends them. If it sounds like I was calling you out, then I didn't mean it like that.
Aβydoς;127328258 said:
I'm asking for a lot, I know, but can someone make a recap of what the hell happened?
Did Jon screw up?

A few weeks ago he called the pricing of Playstation Now "retarded" someone told him he shouldn't use that word and then he made a joke about that person being "retarded". People blew up. Yesterday Tim Schafer re-tweeted Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes of Women in Games and Jon replied to him saying saying that each gender is objectified and he disagreed with the video, and Schafer. People blew up calling Jon a misogynist and calling him terrible things because it's okay to do it when you slightly disagree with someone apparently.. That's about the entirety of the story.
A few weeks ago he called the pricing of Playstation Now "retarded" someone told him he shouldn't use that word and then he made a joke about that person being "retarded". People blew up. Yesterday Tim Schafer re-tweeted Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes of Women in Games and Jon replied to him saying saying that each gender is objectified and he disagreed with the video, and Schafer. People blew up calling Jon a misogynist and calling him terrible things because it's okay when SJWs do it. That's about the entirety of the story.

First one was a pretty bad misstep, but I agree with the second stance he took, written like this.
That's not quite what happened, he also harassed someone who was already receiving death threats by posting pornographic comics about them and denying it afterwards.

I see that got dropped because it's much harder for fans to defend without coming out and saying people deserve harassment.
A few weeks ago he called the pricing of Playstation Now "retarded" someone told him he shouldn't use that word and then he made a joke about that person being "retarded". People blew up. Yesterday Tim Schafer re-tweeted Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes of Women in Games and Jon replied to him saying saying that each gender is objectified and he disagreed with the video, and Schafer. People blew up calling Jon a misogynist and calling him terrible things because it's okay when SJWs do it. That's about the entirety of the story.



I'm even starting to annoy myself with the volume of my replies, so I'll give it a break after this -- But here are my feelings on this for "apologizing for offending people"...

He basically just said that Mrs. Quinn isn't up to his standards of beauty such that she's not worthy of even being the subject of internet outrage. Women face all kinds of bullshit all the time, but this is the kind that really annoys me. The idea that a woman is judged first only by her appearance and that's the sum of her value. She's not worthy of being outrageous or a badguy or being argued over, because she's not up to my, Jontron's, high standards of physical beauty.

That shit is cutting, and it's very indicative of what kind of person this is, whether or not he tosses out a "sorry if you were offended" self-interest apology. I need more than that.

Honestly I think you're projecting at this point. Nowhere did Jon criticize Zoe's physical appearance. That's not what he was talking about. The reason he said what he did is because Jon actually worked with Zoe during Game Jam, and the tweet he did was clearly criticizing her character more than anything.

The reasons for that could be anything. It could be that Jon disagrees with her view points or it's just that he doesn't think what she did isn't worth blowing up to big proportions. Or maybe he was just criticizing her because he considers her to be stubborn, because the only history they have together is working together and arguing. As this topic has proved, some people are just really stubborn to argue with, Jon definitely being one of them, and sometimes you need to let people know when arguing with them is like arguing with a brick wall. That's hardly "cutting".

Retweeting the comic is another story of course but that didn't have anything to do with her physical appearance either.

And I agree with you! I'm only talking about how people have the right to complain to higher-ups if something someone in their employ said offends them. If it sounds like I was calling you out, then I didn't mean it like that.

Ah, gotcha. Sorry for the assumption.


Honestly I think you're projecting at this point. Nowhere did Jon criticize Zoe's physical appearance. That's not what he was talking about.

I saw "I met her, she ain't nothing worthy of starting a controversy over lol" -- to me that has a certain ring to it, but if there's a history and he meant something else -- so be it. but man, does that tweet sound bad to me.

Okay, I'm moving along now!
That's not quite what happened, he also harassed someone who was already receiving death threats by posting pornographic comics about them and denying it afterwards.

I see that got dropped because it's much harder for fans to defend without coming out and saying people deserve harassment.

Holy shit, but why?


it's kinda true tho. sometimes their reply are even worse than the "mysoginistic" ones

Reminds me of somethingawful where a mod and some weird little clique of dejected nerds started harassing a actual child because he was epousing George Carlin's views on comedy

Also, they lost and he made them look like imbeciles (disparaging a 13 year old's dick size and suggesting he present it to them was perhaps not the best course of action) but that's neither here nor there


That's not quite what happened, he also harassed someone who was already receiving death threats by posting pornographic comics about them and denying it afterwards.

I see that got dropped because it's much harder for fans to defend without coming out and saying people deserve harassment.

"Pornographic" is a strong word for what I saw.

Also, it's not Jon's fault that some people are sending out death threats.

Both jontron and Zoe are taking a personal beef against each other and blowing it up into some feminist argument bullshit. The two clearly dislike one another.
I saw "I met her, she ain't nothing worthy of starting a controversy over lol" -- to me that has a certain ring to it, but if there's a history and he meant something else -- so be it. but man, does that tweet sound bad to me.

Yeah, no. He even clarified in a further tweet he meant her attitude/personality, not her appearance. I recall in the articles about that Game Jam at the time, it was mentioned they butted heads pretty quickly.

After all this, I don't see why Jon is so demonized. I supported him through the "retard" thing because it was really a non-issue in my opinion, and I don't think he behaved as evil as people made it out he did during the Zoe Quinn incident although I can concede that retweeting that not as pornographic as I expected comic was in poor taste, which is actually most likely why he denied he posted a pornographic comic, he didn't see it that way.
Now there is this current situation where he hasn't made any malicious statements at all. He's only guilty of having an admittedly shallow opinion. That doesn't make him a woman hater or whatever people on twitter are claiming.

In the end, he's not a writer (clearly) or a PR representative. He just makes silly Youtube videos that I will continue to enjoy. Twitter, opinions, and e-fame can just be too deadly a combination I guess.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Aβydoς;127332530 said:
Holy shit, but why?
Do you think there's a "why" when it comes to Jontron? It's pretty obvious that he's the type who only thinks halfway through a lot of the things he says before he says them, if that.

I'm reminded of some instances on Game Grumps where he'd use some pretty nasty, slur-ridden language with a half-baked "but Louis CK does this" defense to it, of course entirely missing the point that a thoughtful stand-up routine written to make the audience reflect upon the ways language works and evolves provides a completely different context to a discussion than just calling somebody a "cumfaggot" for no particular reason.

And he thinks he's owed some kind of "debate" on a subject he's clearly spent little effort informing himself on.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find a little amusement in seeing him getting raked over the coals for this kind of stuff.
LOL he's got Panorama Cotton too. Dude's showing off his big YouTube money.

He's also got a copy of True Sword & Lots Magic: Adventure Boy, dang that's rare.

Ugh. Sad to see we have an entire thread dedicated to this overweight poster child of the stereotypical gamer.

Really classy.

I can't say I agree with what Jon has been saying lately but things are escalating out of control here. To me, Jon doesn't come off as a guy actively trying to harass people online, he comes off as an ignorant man who can't keep his mouth shut sometimes. In any case, bringing up Polanski in such a discussion is in poor taste IMO. I still enjoy the guy's vids because he's hella funny, but I don't endorse his opinions on anything.

This isn't the first time I've seen Jon making an ignorant statement though. Do we know what kind of education he has received? All I know is that he used to be in some drama school.
Really classy.

I can't say I agree with what Jon has been saying lately but things are escalating out of control here. To me, Jon doesn't come off as a guy actively trying to harass people online, he comes off as an ignorant man who can't keep his mouth shut sometimes. In any case, bringing up Polanski in such a discussion is in poor taste IMO. I still enjoy the guy's vids because he's hella funny, but I don't endorse his opinions on anything.

This isn't the first time I've seen Jon making an ignorant statement though. Do we know what kind of education he has received? All I know is that he used to be in some drama school.

Yeah he's getting attacked with a lot of similar comments now, it's not great. The bolded here is a very accurate stance I think. Jon is not a bad guy, he's just stubborn and lately an act first question later type.

The Real Abed

Complaining about Jon's sense of humor is like complaining about George Carlin's sense of humor. Or Ricky Gervais. Or Daniel Tosh. If you find it offensive, it's not your kind of humor.

Jon, please put out a new video so people can start talking about it instead.


This is what I hate about this whole situation involving Jontron this is acceptable because of the slight disagreement on his part?

Yes, I consider it acceptable to mock an internet celebrity when you think they're acting like a complete and utter tool.

Before you draw parallels to Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn, it's probably worth pointing out that making fun of someone for their behavior isn't really equivalent to doxxing, death threats, and slurs.
Complaining about Jon's sense of humor is like complaining about George Carlin's sense of humor. Or Ricky Gervais. Or Daniel Tosh. If you find it offensive, it's not your kind of humor.

Jon, please put out a new video so people can start talking about it instead.

I like Jon's videos but please don't compare him to Carlin.


Yes, I consider it acceptable to mock an internet celebrity when you think they're acting like a complete and utter tool.

Before you draw parallels to Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn, it's probably worth pointing out that making fun of someone for their behavior isn't really equivalent to doxxing, death threats, and slurs.

except he does get death threats constantly on Twitter and real life, and he does get constant slurs thrown at him and while he hasn't been doxxed neither has Zoe Quinn because the "doxxed" numbers all lead to closed down businesses and such making it all fake.


except he does get death threats constantly on Twitter and real life, and he does get constant slurs thrown at him and while he hasn't been doxxed neither has Zoe Quinn because the "doxxed" numbers all lead to closed down businesses and such making it all fake.

Wasn't aware of any death threats, they just weren't a part of the supposedly heinous stuff you linked, nor were the slurs.

Maybe I didn't pick a great point of comparison, but I still think the tweets in those screencaps weren't unreasonable at all. It is not out of line to sarcastically tell someone that they've been acting like an ass.


Wasn't aware of any death threats, they just weren't a part of the supposedly heinous stuff you linked, nor were the slurs.

Maybe I didn't pick a great point of comparison, but I still think the tweets in those screencaps weren't unreasonable at all. It is not out of line to sarcastically tell someone that they've been acting like an ass.

no alot of these people are just "sarcastically" doing it they legit think he's a piece of trash just because he disagreed with a Anita video.
except he does get death threats constantly on Twitter and real life, and he does get constant slurs thrown at him and while he hasn't been doxxed neither has Zoe Quinn because the "doxxed" numbers all lead to closed down businesses and such making it all fake.

of course death threats and the disgusting crap that some people say is terrible no matter what, but JonTron is being attacked for using retard, n*****s (can't even type it), and faggots, and for completely misunderstanding Sarkeesian's video and going after Tim Schafer for it. Zoe Quinn was attacked for having a sex life. Anita Sarkeesian was attacked for making a video saying beating women is bad.


except he does get death threats constantly on Twitter and real life, and he does get constant slurs thrown at him and while he hasn't been doxxed neither has Zoe Quinn because the "doxxed" numbers all lead to closed down businesses and such making it all fake.
Do you also believe Phil Fish faked getting doxxed?


of course death threats and the disgusting crap that some people say is terrible no matter what, but JonTron is being attacked for using retard, n*****s (can't even type it), and faggots, and for completely misunderstanding Sarkeesian's video and going after Tim Schafer for it. Zoe Quinn was attacked for having a sex life. Anita Sarkeesian was attacked for making a video saying beating women is bad.

No Zoe was attacked because of crap like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiWADnV8pmw anyway I'm going to leave the talk now just wanted to point my view and how crappy most of this is.
except he does get death threats constantly on Twitter and real life, and he does get constant slurs thrown at him and while he hasn't been doxxed neither has Zoe Quinn because the "doxxed" numbers all lead to closed down businesses and such making it all fake.
I've not seen any of these death threats, particularly stemming fromv this most recent debacle. Would you mind pointing them out?

Also, this comes across like shutting down any criticism of someone.

Sorry, maybe the bolded part wasn't needed.
It absolutely wasn't. It's a shitty generalization using a loaded term co-opted by jerks that also manages to ignore the several weeks of ongoing harassment, doxxing, and death threats that "SJWs" have been getting. Like, I'm honestly astounded that you act as though people who care about diversity or agree with Anita or whatever are some homogenous mob that thinks it it's OK to harass people while ignoring all of the targeted harassment going on against so many "SJW" people.
Wasn't aware of any death threats, they just weren't a part of the supposedly heinous stuff you linked, nor were the slurs.

Maybe I didn't pick a great point of comparison, but I still think the tweets in those screencaps weren't unreasonable at all. It is not out of line to sarcastically tell someone that they've been acting like an ass.

Yup. It's not hard.

Making fun of someone for an inherent trait like race, gender, sexuality, or disability is an assholish thing to do and makes you a racist/misogynist/homophobe/etc.

Making fun of someone for saying something stupid or assholish is fine. Jon chose to say those things.


I've not seen any of these death threats, particularly stemming fromv this most recent debacle. Would you mind pointing them out?

Also, this comes across like shutting down any criticism of someone.

Whole panel based on that subject and how they constantly get that same crap that others get all the time. So yes they get death threats, get called sacks of crap, are degraded into nothing by anonymous people just like people do with Anita and Zoe Quinn.
Whole panel based on that subject and how they constantly get that same crap that others get all the time. So yes they get death threats, get called sacks of crap, are degraded into nothing by anonymous people just like people do with Anita and Zoe Quinn.
Thanks, I'll give that a watch. I don't doubt he gets it, but I was actually curious because you said he got it on Twitter, and after seeing others talk about how much harassment he was getting, I figured I must be missing some really nefarious tweets. If it's YouTube comments, then I'm not surprised, just saddened.

It sucks that anyone in heightened position of public awareness gets harassment, and that women especially get it just for being a woman. Not even talking about Zoe or Anita, but from stories I've heard and things I've seen, it gets really bad in a way men don't often see it.


This is what I hate about this whole situation involving Jontron this is acceptable because of the slight disagreement on his part?

Did the person that made that even read most of those? Did you? Because a lot of them are so banal that it reads like he included every single tweet about the subject to pad out the image.

Seriously, one tweet in the middle is about standing with Jon Tron to get closer to his pet birds. There's a few nasty ones in there but a lot of those are not even close to harassment.

The Real Abed

I like Jon's videos but please don't compare him to Carlin.
Sorry, I'm just struggling to find a good comparison. The point was that he has a sense of humor that might be offensive. If you find it offensive, it's probably not for you. Not to say that he hasn't said things he shouldn't.

I just want things to go back to normal. Split all this talk out of this thread and leave this back to JonTron video discussion.
I've not seen any of these death threats, particularly stemming fromv this most recent debacle. Would you mind pointing them out?

Also, this comes across like shutting down any criticism of someone.

It absolutely wasn't. It's a shitty generalization using a loaded term co-opted by jerks that also manages to ignore the several weeks of ongoing harassment, doxxing, and death threats that "SJWs" have been getting. Like, I'm honestly astounded that you act as though people who care about diversity or agree with Anita or whatever are some homogenous mob that thinks it it's OK to harass people while ignoring all of the targeted harassment going on against so many "SJW" people.

Yeah, that's probably why I quickly changed it. I realized that it was a generalization and I already apologized for it. Glad you decided to write an entire paragraph about even after the edit and apology, this is my second apology for making a generalization that I've already edited and apologized for. Whoops, sorry I did that.


Sorry, I'm just struggling to find a good comparison. The point was that he has a sense of humor that might be offensive. If you find it offensive, it's probably not for you. Not to say that he hasn't said things he shouldn't.

I just want things to go back to normal. Split all this talk out of this thread and leave this back to JonTron video discussion.

this would be prefferable


LOL at the "men, too" argument. A buff dude swinging an axe and slaying monsters in a product marketed toward young males is not objectification of men. That's a power fantasy. Is there ANY basic logic on the Internet at this point?


Read 50 shades of grey (or pretty much any women erotica written ever).

In a lot of cases, the same guy who's a man's power fantasy will be a woman's sexual fantasy.

Or you're telling me that being a tall, handsome, powerful billionaire is not a "male power fantasy".

he posted a really disgusting comic depicting a real person who actually exists... how about if someone did that to your wife? or sister? or mother? what we say and do matters. people see it and hear it and it affects them.


I would've thought "man... what a dumbass" and leave it at that, it's just a picture, i've seen videos of people's head getting cut off, of ISIS mass murdering people, why would I, or my family for that matter, care what some guy on the internet, who we'll never meet and won't have any direct impact on our life, wrote about us?

(Also, I would never actually write that since using "dumbass" as an insult is ableist, and I wouldn't like to trigger anyone on twitter)
Yeah, that's probably why I quickly changed it. I realized that it was a generalization and I already apologized for it. Glad you decided to write an entire paragraph about even after the edit and apology, this is my second apology for making a generalization that I've already edited and apologized for. Whoops, sorry I did that.
You're right, that was unfair of me. I'm sorry.


Yes, I consider it acceptable to mock an internet celebrity when you think they're acting like a complete and utter tool.

Before you draw parallels to Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn, it's probably worth pointing out that making fun of someone for their behavior isn't really equivalent to doxxing, death threats, and slurs.

lol, so calling someone a neckbeard, fat, a guy who sucks on turds and so on... aren't slurs? Does the fact that the words aren't politically loaded make them fine?
Also doxxing - by going public with all this, they are public figures and they put asids the veils of anonymity, you can't dox a public figure.
Oh, and you also need to prove that Zoe was doxxed, in a post that doesn't include somewhere "The head mod of 4chan.org/v/".

Death threats - the only one that I would actually consider a threat, and not some dumbass flamers on twitter/youtube is the recent one with Anita (the one where someone actually cited her address), other than that, all of these threats mean nothing, that's how mad teenagers write, if you have a problem with that, write something about this, don't just go and say "that's how all misogynistic gamers are!".
The fact that they hate you, and that you are a woman, does not mean that they hate women, they only hate you.

Oh, it also seems (according to the video that Dugna posted) that Jontron is also getting death threats.
Seems like everything's even now.
lol, so calling someone a neckbeard, fat, a guy who sucks on turds and so on... aren't slurs? Does the fact that the words aren't politically loaded make them fine?
Also doxxing - by going public with all this, they are public figures and they put asids the veils of anonymity, you can't dox a public figure.
Oh, and you also need to prove that Zoe was doxxed, in a post that doesn't include somewhere "The head mod of 4chan.org/v/".

Bank accounts aren't public. For starters.

And wait, being a "public figure" means everyone is entitled to know your home address, personal phone numbers, personal e-mail... what?? Actually, maybe we should start with what you think "doxxing" is.
Do you think there's a "why" when it comes to Jontron? It's pretty obvious that he's the type who only thinks halfway through a lot of the things he says before he says them, if that.

I'm reminded of some instances on Game Grumps where he'd use some pretty nasty, slur-ridden language with a half-baked "but Louis CK does this" defense to it, of course entirely missing the point that a thoughtful stand-up routine written to make the audience reflect upon the ways language works and evolves provides a completely different context to a discussion than just calling somebody a "cumfaggot" for no particular reason.

And he thinks he's owed some kind of "debate" on a subject he's clearly spent little effort informing himself on.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find a little amusement in seeing him getting raked over the coals for this kind of stuff.

I did notice this when he reviewed some games (Nuts & Bolts review was funny but he literally played for half an hour and decided the game sucked the moment he put it into the Xbox) but I didn't notice this regarding important matters.
Kind of disappointing because I like the guy and I think that, in his show, he's capable of getting the point across even if you don't agree with him at all (again, the Nuts & Bolts review).


This is what I hate about this whole situation involving Jontron this is acceptable because of the slight disagreement on his part?
Most of these are very mild.

But anyway, it's kind of weird to see people lump "retarded" together with slurs like "faggot" or even "nigger".

Especially if those same people are willing to throw slurs like "moron", "dumb", "idiot" etc around.

Even if you factor in the evolving nature of language, those words are "ok" to use just because people can get away with it, their meaning hasn't really changed (they refer to a person with a supposedly normal mental development, acting like someone without a lesser mental development).

Even on GAF the word "retarded" isn't considered that taboo at all (just the first thread i found with a search).

Not saying is a word that should be thrown around carelessly, but ultimately, the weight of a word is decided by cultural context-- because there is no real logic separating "retard" from the other synonyms mentioned above-- and as someone who doesn't have English as native language, i find it weird to see it lumped together with slurs that seem to carry a much greater weight to them, and have much greater implications.

EDIT: Added quote, so it doesn't look like my post is out of nowhere.


Bank accounts aren't public. For starters.

And wait, being a "public figure" means everyone is entitled to know your home address, personal phone numbers, personal e-mail... what?? Actually, maybe we should start with what you think "doxxing" is.

Where did anyone post Zoe Quinn's home address?
Or Anita's?
Show me a source that, again, doesn't have anything to do with "The head mod of 4chan.org/v/ ", since that hack/dox was obviously fake (the numbers had nothing to do with her).

Would you call that a dox?

edit: I didn't mean to make that a link to /v/, how can I write something like this without it turning into a link?


What a hypersensitive, overblown load of rubbish.

The guy acted like a normal guy. He's done nothing wrong. People got offended by what he's said or what he's done? Good for them. But not his problem.

Keep on trucking, JonTron.

The Real Abed

What a hypersensitive, overblown load of rubbish.

The guy acted like a normal guy. He's done nothing wrong. People got offended by what he's said or what he's done? Good for them. But not his problem.

Keep on trucking, JonTron.
Hear hear!

Can a mod please please just split this thread right at the post where I brought it up a few pages back? This thread needs to be about JonTron's videos. Not this silly debate.
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