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Joran van der Sloot (remember this guy?) primary suspect in 21 year old's murder

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CrankyJay said:
Heh, I just did a Google search on "Peruvian Prison" and this is one of the images that showed up...

Have fun, Joran! :lol


That dude will be all up in Jordan's ass in about one month.


lawblob said:
I imagine Peruvian prisons are a nightmarish gulag. How fitting. :lol

I even got in-flight viewing for him on the way back.



SlipperySlope said:
Why would it be bad PR? Doesn't everyone want him to be beaten to death?

Because killer or not, he's a privileged white kid.

If he shows up tio court looking like he's being treated bad (which would be the norm in Peru) than it looks like Peru is ass backwards, even though it'd be only fitting for that piece of sh*t.

Mad Max

SlipperySlope said:
Why would it be bad PR? Doesn't everyone want him to be beaten to death?

Because it will make those countries seem like backwards places with a corrupt legal system/government? Which is important for countries like peru and chile, because they want/need to attract foreign investors, and since this case is kind of a big deal in the international media now they sort off have to make sure that nothing too bad happens to him, if they don't want to damage their image.

I mean everyone except for his mother probably wants him to get destroyed in some prison, but I don't think that's what will happen. (at least not until he's had some sort of trial)

@Inflammable Slinky

Being a businessman in a 3rd world country doesn't necessarily make him some sort of gangster, you could be right though, but I still expect that the goverment will at least try to prevent that from happening.
Mad Max said:
Because it will make those countries seem like backwards places with a corrupt legal system/government? Which is important for countries like peru and chile, because they want/need to attract foreign investors, and since this case is kind of a big deal in the international media now they sort off have to make sure that nothing too bad happens to him, if they don't want to damage their image.

I mean everyone except for his mother probably wants him to get destroyed in some prison, but I don't think that's what will happen. (at least not until he's had some sort of trial)

@Inflammable Slinky

Being a businessman in a 3rd world country doesn't necessarily make him some sort of gangster, you could be right though, but I still expect that the goverment will at least try to prevent that from happening.

But who'd really give a shit if he got beat up? Punk ass needs it. Hell, I'd donate money to have him publicly humiliated and fucked up. Turn it into a Pay Per View event. It'd generate millions.


What the fuck. So this guy is like a sociopathic serial killer? Wow, on the anniversary too... I mean, this guy was just asking to be caught. What a dumbass.
MMaRsu said:
Let's throw this fuck in a Peruvian jail for a long fucking time please.

Seing as they probably won't extradite him ( is that how you write it? :p ) to The Netherlands :D

<3 thank god they fucking caught him, I really hope he gets to eat some of that salad in there.

Locked up Abroad actually has a documentary about the jail in question.


The Dutch government will never extradite him - they want nothing to do with him. The prison in Lima, Peru where he'll end up is considered one of the worst in the world. No way in hell he surives in there.


MassiveAttack said:
The Dutch government will never extradite him - they want nothing to do with him. The prison in Lima, Peru where he'll end up is considered one of the worst in the world. No way in hell he surives in there.




polyh3dron said:
Didn't Sully mention something about a Peruvian jail in Uncharted 2 or am I mistaken...
Hah, Haven't played Uncharted 2, but you might be thinking of this:

In the first Uncharted Nathan says:

Nathan: Yeah, so unless you wanna end up in a Panamanian jail we should
probably handle this ourselves.

Nathan starts loading the gun.

Elena: Wh - What's worse?

Nathan: You obviously haven't been in a Panamanian jail.


MMaRsu said:
Let's throw this fuck in a Peruvian jail for a long fucking time please.

Seing as they probably won't extradite him ( is that how you write it? :p ) to The Netherlands :D

<3 thank god they fucking caught him, I really hope he gets to eat some of that salad in there.

Locked up Abroad actually has a documentary about the jail in question.


Damn the dark haired chick is cute. I'm heading to Peru to break her out.


Mad Max said:
I don't think so, he'll probably get beaten up a bit, but I still expect him to be treated better than most people there in prison. Because even though he deserves it that would be bad international PR for Chile/Peru.

I think it was mainly the lack of any hard evidence that helped him, because even if his father was powerful, everybody knew he was atleast involved in her disappearance.
bad PR? Greta/Nancy would throw a party if this guy got maimed in prison

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
this guy is going down :lol

oh yeah, he just denied that he killed her but admitted that he knew her.

dutch source http://www.nu.nl/binnenland/2262790/joran-van-sloot-ontkent-moord.html

apparently he speaks good spanish as well. Not bad, finding the time to learn yet another language in between all those murders.

Got no video but my colleague was laughing his ass off, apparently they interviewed a dutch judge/politician (hazy on details) on tv and he said with a completely straight face but obviously laughing eyes

'unfortunately we don't have any extradition treaty with peru so he will unfortunately have to serve the time in Peru if convicted.'

Good shit, he'd be out in around 8 in the Netherlands and he's staring down the barrel of 25 in Peru, which I imagine is longer than the life expectancy there.

Also, his mums reaction
"'Wat is dit nu weer?'

translation 'WTF'


catfish said:
this guy is going down :lol

oh yeah, he just denied that he killed her but admitted that he knew her.

dutch source http://www.nu.nl/binnenland/2262790/joran-van-sloot-ontkent-moord.html

apparently he speaks good spanish as well. Not bad, finding the time to learn yet another language in between all those murders.

Got no video but my colleague was laughing his ass off, apparently they interviewed a dutch judge/politician (hazy on details) on tv and he said with a completely straight face but obviously laughing eyes

'unfortunately we don't have any extradition treaty with peru so he will unfortunately have to serve the time in Peru if convicted.'

Good shit, he'd be out in around 8 in the Netherlands and he's staring down the barrel of 25 in Peru, which I imagine is longer than the life expectancy there.

Also, his mums reaction

translation 'WTF'

He probably speaks good Spanish because he grew up in Aruba.

Oh and:



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
At the very least, I hope he has a fair trial...which is unlikely. Even though he seems pretty slimey, I'm not okay with the idea of having another Eric Volz situation. That isn't justice.


Xeke said:
Why don't the Dutch have real punishment for crimes again?

Whaa? He was never convicted here because there wasn't any evidence.

However I agree that dutch law's are too soft about most things, and too anal about other things ( fucking parking tickets, smoking in bars etc ).

I hear shit about kids beating on old people etc and it just makes me want to fucking kick some of those kids asses.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Serial killer gets caught 5 years to the day of his first known murder. Wow. The real world is much weirder than fiction.

I hope there is a hell and that him and his dad end up there. Fucking pricks.


MMaRsu said:
Whaa? He was never convicted here because there wasn't any evidence.

However I agree that dutch law's are too soft about most things, and too anal about other things ( fucking parking tickets, smoking in bars etc ).

I hear shit about kids beating on old people etc and it just makes me want to fucking kick some of those kids asses.

Like that 13 year old Moroccan kid who tried to rape a 91 year old woman in an Amsterdam retirement home. The kid was caught because the old lady could identify him (he'd been round her door a couple of months before asking her to pose for him naked) So the police already knew about that little prick. The cops had also retrieved blood samples (the 91 year old woman had resisted her young attacker fiercely), DNA and fingerprints from the scene of the crime. And then you read that that little *#$@ denies all allegations despite all evidence to the contrary because he maintains he was supposedly at koran school all day. And his @$@$ parents say that the poor kid was framed by the 91 year old rape victim.



The Chileans drove Van der Sloot across the border to a Peruvian police station, where dozens of people awaited his arrival. Police set up a perimeter to keep the crowd away from the suspect as he walked about 100 feet from the car to the station, but the protesters were angry and pushed forward.

Police kept them away from van der Sloot but could not stop the loud and steady rain of obscenities they shouted. He was taken inside the station for processing. From there, he is to be taken to the nearby town of Tanca and then flown to Lima.

Welcome to Peru. Enjoy your stay.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
elrechazao said:
Other than his admission on video, you're right, nothing at all. :lol

There is still no evidence that any crime was even committed. No body, no blood, no tape of her even being abducted. I mean it is pretty damning, but that just isn't enough...that's like 1/10th of the evidence against O.J. If they went to trial with just that tape, he would have moonwalked out of that courtroom a free man. No doubt.





His prison name will be VAN DER SLUT.

You'd better do as them and evolve/transform/adapt... or die a painful death, you f*cking piece of sh*t.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
not sure anyone cares, but this dude basically is FUCKED.

so far

* blood on his shirt from her
* video of him an her entering his room and him leaving
video here
* He's going to Peru's Castro Castro prison where the rapists and murders go. If you have money, you can get your own cell, others sleep in the hall :lol
* the whole blackmail of Natalies mum means he's totally owned.
* the peruvians released the footage of him getting processed :lol
vids of processing

oh yeah, he's on suicide watch...


Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Can't wait to see the resolution of this story after he's been sent to prison and made a bitch.


catfish said:
not sure anyone cares, but this dude basically is FUCKED.

so far

* blood on his shirt from her
* video of him an her entering his room and him leaving
video here
* He's going to Peru's Castro Castro prison where the rapists and murders go. If you have money, you can get your own cell, others sleep in the hall :lol
* the whole blackmail of Natalies mum means he's totally owned.
* the peruvians released the footage of him getting processed :lol
vids of processing

oh yeah, he's on suicide watch...

His facial expression going into the hotel/room and getting out is the fucking same! This guy has no soul!


Water is not wet!
Cryptozoologist said:
Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Can't wait to see the resolution of this story after he's been sent to prison and made a bitch.
i have to agree with this. Prison is a horrible place that is a necessary evil but its hard to feel sympathy for serial killers like this. Good job Chile (and Peru & Interpol) for catching this piece of shit.
I highly doubt he's a serial killer, he's just used to getting his way and when the females rejected him because his false charm really hid a total lack of personality or anything redeeming at all, he couldn't take it and killed them like the complete pussy he always will be.

A "playboy"????? ahahahaha, no, usually those guys can get girls without their right hand man being a daterape drug.

Fucking loser.


Water is not wet!
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
I highly doubt he's a serial killer, he's just used to getting his way and when the females rejected him because his false charm really hid a total lack of personality or anything redeeming at all, he couldn't take it and killed them like the complete pussy he always will be.
If he hadnt already murdered a third person, its within the realm of possibility that a third was on its way. Especially considering the date of Ramirezs murder was the 5th year anniversary of Holloways disappearance. Seems somewhat ritualistic or commemorative to me.
water_wendi said:
If he hadnt already murdered a third person, its within the realm of possibility that a third was on its way. Especially considering the date of Ramirezs murder was the 5th year anniversary of Holloways disappearance. Seems somewhat ritualistic or commemorative to me.

Many psychologists or criminologists will tell you of this anniversary stuff but I don't buy it though it is quite a peculiar coincidence.

Either way, whatever he is, he won't be for long and the sooner the better.

It's tough to say I am glad he killed again because I am not but he would have never been held accountable if he didn't so I am happy he finally has a reality check and will suffer.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
I highly doubt he's a serial killer, he's just used to getting his way and when the females rejected him because his false charm really hid a total lack of personality or anything redeeming at all, he couldn't take it and killed them like the complete pussy he always will be.

A "playboy"????? ahahahaha, no, usually those guys can get girls without their right hand man being a daterape drug.

Fucking loser.

Killed more than two people on two seperate occasions, not out of self-defense or as an act of war. That makes him a...

Serial killer.

Reasons why he did it don't affect whether or not he's a serial killer... Serial killers have different reasons for killing.
A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people[1][2] over a period of more than thirty days, with a "cooling off" period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.[3][4] Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.

From Wiki.

I don't care what he is really or what technicality, he's a major league scumbag and being fascinated with the circumstances is not worth mine or anyone's time because murderers don't deserve any interest.
ImperialConquest said:
Killed more than two people on two seperate occasions, not out of self-defense or as an act of war. That makes him a...

Serial killer.

Reasons why he did it don't affect whether or not he's a serial killer... Serial killers have different reasons for killing.

Which third person did he kill by the way??


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people[1][2] over a period of more than thirty days, with a "cooling off" period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.[3][4] Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.

From Wiki.

I don't care what he is really or what technicality, he's a major league scumbag and being fascinated with the circumstances is not worth mine or anyone's time because murderers don't deserve any interest.

Two that he has been caught for. Who knows how many more.
WanderingWind said:
Two that he has been caught for. Who knows how many more.

Well technically you can't say he falls in line with that silly and pointless term.

I mean, YOU could be a serial killer for all we know but we don't for sure.


There is still a
very small
possibility that the guy is inncocent!


De Telegraaf also claims that the body of Stephany Flores was found as the result of a tip from 35-year-old poker player Elton Garcia. He was staying in the same hotel as Joran van der Sloot and played poker with him and Stephany Flores. According to Elton Garcia's police statement, when the Dutchman failed to appear for an appointment he began to worry and asked the hotel management if he could look in Joran's room.
The dutch Telegraaf also reports that the other poker player was staying in the same hotel. He claims that he knew Joran van der Sloot only casually from playing poker at the same table although Joran's mobile telephone number was in his cell phone. He didn't put the number in his cell phone "consciously", whatever that means. The reason that he asked hotel management to open the room, was that he was worried they had been kidnapped.

He is not considered a suspect, but the can't leave the country.

(His claim about knowing him only casually is contradictory to the fact that he had an appointment with him for dinner, but maybe something got lost in translation?)

It could be a crime of opportunity. Maybe he recognised Van der Sloot and figured that if he killed the girl when Joran left the room for a short time, and take the money and jewels, the guy's reputation would be enough to get him convicted.

Photo of the mysterious poker player, who is a naturalized Uruguayan, originally from Albania:


Dutch source: http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/article6875260.ece?pageNumber=2
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