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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers

did anyone else feel that there was a HUGE missed opportunity with the ending? at the moment when you are
climbing the summit and about to die, you can see that the sides of the screen are glowing with white, like when a player is near... only it's glowing all around now. i personally thought that "holy shit, there are more other players near me! wow! where are they..?" and then nothing. they seriously could have made so that at the end you suddenly see like 20-30 or more other players (PS3 can handle that) climbing with you... i thought that would be the great ending people talked about, suddenly it wouldn't be a 1-2 player game but a real exodus of a large group of players all experiencing the same. would've blown my mind.

i dunno, maybe that's just me. but what was with the
glowing white all around the borders of the screen when climbing the summit, right before dying?
it gave me false hope :(


There's really no way to turn off the SixAxis' motion sensing camera control? =(
This is probably the only letdown of the game for me. I wish you could disable the sixaxis controls.
Well, not the only one. I was really hoping it would be 1080p, instead it's only 720p. I get it has amazing graphics, but I don't think it's so "technically advanced", so to speak. They could have gone with 1080p imho: MGS4 did that, didn't it? But that's just me being picky.

About the people complaining about other people behaviour: I think the first time you should just enjoy the Journey, not obsessing on exploring every little inch on the areas as you would on other games. That's supposed to be the second part of the experience, the trophies hunting. The first time I just sat back, relaxed, enjoyed the visuals, followed my companion, sometimes I even rushed things for him, I didn't want to alter the the flow of the journey, which is simply perfect. It has to be smooth, not full of slowdowns and exploration. Playing Flower lots of times surely helped, I already knew that it was all about the flow, and that exploration would come at the following runs. So I'm sorry to say, you approached the game with the wrong attitude (yes, there is a wrong attitude when the game doesn't work for you... and I'm not saying you're not supposed to not like it, that's a whole different thing. What you can't say is "I'm sure it's a great game but it didn't work for me", it's just you played it wrong imho).


I hope I'm not stirring up a shitstorm with the following statement, but I honestly can't understand how some can overlook the "shallow" (or rather, minimalistic) gameplay and then direct complaints at games with objectively more engaging gameplay and heaps of cutscenes/interaction-less moments.

In my personal case, I don't complain about either one. I look at each game on it's own, look at the type of experience it is going for, and consider how well that is accomplished and how enjoyable it was. Whether it is cutscene-heavy or not is irrelevant when taken out of context, what matters is how well it works in the actual game.

I find the bolded part of your statement to be rather illogical. I don't see why it is hard to understand that some people would prefer the player controlled minimalistic gameplay over cutscene heavy games with more fleshed out gameplay. These are two totally different things, I can easily see how some would like one but not the other. As I said though, I enjoy both types.

The minimalistic gameplay is part of the appeal. To get bogged down with more fleshed out gameplay and mechanics and more sophisticated goals would be to dilute the meditative-like feeling of continually progressing with only simple things impeding your progress.

Honestly, 99% of games are the other way, looking to engage the player to a high degree in one way or another, should there not be ANY games that stray from this?
well, i have to say it... my journey kinda sucked.

first of all, what is wrong with the sound?! the sound quality was completely messed up for me, and i couldn't enjoy any of the music because of it. the sound was just breaking up all the time, from beginning to end. like it was too loud or something. very annoying. and i haven't had this problem with any other game ever (playing ME3, Dark Souls and AC: Revelations now with the same headphones and everything sounds perfect). several restarts didn't fix the problem. wtf? i don't want to replay the game until i (or TGC) can somehow fix the sound issue... did anyone else have the same problem?

and the other players i met... ehhhhh. what is the rush!? why can't i explore in peace and enjoy the views without some impatient assholes trying to push me to move forward with their annoying chirping? i met 4 or 5 people and only one was patient enough to explore with me. but of course i lost him fast and he was replaced by another asshole :(

and worst of all, the thing that just ruined the experience for me... during the last glorious area where i was just about to fall in love with the game despite the sound issue and annoying other players (i was alone, phew!), i get fucking stuck in geometry for 10 minutes and can't get outside of a rock no matter what i do. and i wasn't trying to break the game or anything, i was just cruising around enjoying the beautiful sights... i did not expect that to happen in a game that has been supposedly polished to near perfection... and to happen at the worst possible moment, about 30 seconds from the ending. i had to quit the game and restart the entire level. totally killed the mood for me. next time do some proper QA please, at least make sure the last area/ending works. and damn the music there would've been soooo good had i not had the issues with the sound breaking up :(

probably an amazing game if it had worked properly, but it didn't for me. i'm still feeling bitter (as you can tell lol), because others had such a good time with it, but i didn't :(

I would delete it and redownload it. Something could have been corrupted in the download or install.


well, i have to say it... my journey kinda sucked.

first of all, what is wrong with the sound?! the sound quality was completely messed up for me, and i couldn't enjoy any of the music because of it. the sound was just breaking up all the time, from beginning to end. (

Sorry to hear that! Sound is a huge part of the experience. I think you should reinstall.

Here is good news though...your first proper playthrough will be just about as enjoyable as it would have been had it been proper the first time. That's just how the game is, IMO.


Do you guys roll around the floor while playing?

I wish I could turn up the sensitivity of the Sixaxis so it's more usable.
I would delete it and redownload it. Something could have been corrupted in the download or install.

uhh, stupid me. for some reason i didn't even think to try and reinstall. damnit :D

i'm afraid if that doesnt fix it though, i will just not be able to fully enjoy the game.. it's gotta work, it has to.


This game is such as amazing, amazing, amazing experience. It's a 2-hour tour de force masterpiece.

I'm not one who likes to get sappy and all that, but man this game touches me like no other game has.

4th playthru.

Right away I met someone in the second stage, we started constructing bridges, but once the bridge complete, (s)he sat down and ........ disappeared before my eyes. I was like, ok, that's disappointing. Then I walked to the beginning of the bridge, then suddenly this new little fella jumped out of the cage. I was like cool! new partner! expecting nothing more.

But this new little fella turned out to be really loyal, (s)he stuck with me thru thick and thin. There were many times we could've lost each other, but every single time one of us waited or came back for the other.

In some of the fast pace/chaotic scene, it's easy to lose your partner, if you or your partner don't care for each other, you won't wait for the other, you just move on and keep doing your own thing. Near the end, my challenge and probably his/her challenge too is not to finish the game, but to finish the game together.

I tried to track his/her movement in the last stage, it's chaotic, glaring stage. It's so difficult, then I finally lost my partner, I couldn't track him/her. I was sad and disappointed, since it's sooooo close to the end. I ascended. At the top cliff I looked, couldn't find him/her..........but then I looked again, there (s)he was standing near the edge, waiting and looking for me. I was excited to see him/her, I chirped like crazy and so did (s)he. and we kept on chirping as we walked towards the light.

This game is a metaphor for life. You meet people along the way. the ones that don't care will abandon you when things get rough. But then there are very few people that do really care and will stick with you till the very end, no matter what.

This game is just one amazing experience


Just finished it. I know download game has no chance to be at least nominated for GTOY, but it would be nice.
But of course no, it doesn't have guns

Garcia Hotspur

Neo Member
I'm sure it's been covered, but does anyone else find it funny that even such a masterpiece has fallen victim to a simple proof-reading error?

Not an invitation to pick apart the grammatical errors in this post, wise guys.



Finished my first Journey last night, what an amazing experience! In total I had 8 companions, but it only felt like 3-4, perhaps I just never met some of them. I was with the same person for the final push,
huddling together, darting from cover to cover to avoid the monster. But when we got above the clouds and the final climb to the summit, I lost him/her somewhere, and had to finish alone. I waited, went back down and looked around, tried to find them before I went on, but they were nowhere to be found. I felt bad finishing without them, it seemed like we'd been through so much in such a small amount of time. Kudos to thatgamecompany for making me actually care about a co-op player, especially one that I had no idea who they were.

Definitely going to play through again, though I would like at least one Journey to be solo. For those that say they are playing single player and not co-op, how do you do this? Is there an option somewhere I missed, or are you just disconnecting from the internet when you play?


Felium Defensor
Finished my first Journey last night, what an amazing experience! In total I had 8 companions, but it only felt like 3-4, perhaps I just never met some of them. I was with the same person for the final push,
huddling together, darting from cover to cover to avoid the monster. But when we got above the clouds and the final climb to the summit, I lost him/her somewhere, and had to finish alone. I waited, went back down and looked around, tried to find them before I went on, but they were nowhere to be found. I felt bad finishing without them, it seemed like we'd been through so much in such a small amount of time. Kudos to thatgamecompany for making me actually care about a co-op player, especially one that I had no idea who they were.

Definitely going to play through again, though I would like at least one Journey to be solo. For those that say they are playing single player and not co-op, how do you do this? Is there an option somewhere I missed, or are you just disconnecting from the internet when you play?
For solo just disconnect/not sign in on PSN I believe. Either should work.
Great game. Awesome way to incorporate co-op. I felt like I was playing with others that were also new to the experience. And in the end discovered that had I played with no less than 8 other players.


Hm I'm not getting the background to show up with the Journey theme, downloading it through the PS3 browser. Icons work fine.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Man, I would love to play this game, but I don't have a PS3. Any chance this would ever come to the PC like on Steam or something? If not I'll have to settle for watching youtube vids and playthroughs. I really like the art style of the game.


Man, I would love to play this game, but I don't have a PS3. Any chance this would ever come to the PC like on Steam or something? If not I'll have to settle for watching youtube vids and playthroughs. I really like the art style of the game.
It's a Sony IP so no. It will not make it to the PC.
I suspect that watching videos of play throughs will not even remotely come close to the experience of actually playing the game.


I just finished my second online playthrough, and while I only got two companions during my first, this time I had a whopping eight, even though I had counted three. The
white robe
is really a game changer, but not a game breaker, that's quite impressive. I'm also glad that my final companion and I didn't get separated during the final climb. We managed to remain within chirping distance while enjoying the ride... If you're reading this, th33ph, kudos from Grandben!


Man, I would love to play this game, but I don't have a PS3. Any chance this would ever come to the PC like on Steam or something? If not I'll have to settle for watching youtube vids and playthroughs. I really like the art style of the game.

As beautiful as the art, it doesn't do justice the experience you feel in the game


Reluctant Member
Love the theme, m0dus. Can't wait to try it out for myself. I like the theme they gave well enough but yours is more elegant.


Neo Member
Just picked up Flower and flOw from the store; £3 and £1.99 seemed like a fair deal. Pretty smart of Sony to put those two games on sale this week. I can't wait to jump into Flower later on tonight, hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as I did Journey!

EDIT: m0dus, those themes look incredible! Will absolutely be using those.


Finished my fifth Journey today. Met a companion in the desert.
I could see from his robe that I was more experienced, but I tried not to guide him to all secret stuff. I just chirped when he passed some scarf-enhancing symbols.

He seemed really happy with that help... chirping away.... and again we stayed together all the way to the end.

Before I met this guy, I met another White Robe.... and we both ignored eachother alltogether. Both 'knew' that wouldn't be fun at all.
So I am afraid that in the future, when there are more Whites than Reds, the co-op might lose its charm

Also.. really n00bish but... how do I get that awesome theme? Do I go to that address with my PS3 browser?


I can't get over how phenomenal this game's OST is. Both the epic tracks and the slower paced ones are spellbinding.

My favorite track in the whole game may be when you first get
down to the caves. I love standing in that patch of light and just listening. Very slow, moody, heart twinging music.
. This piece faintly reminds me of a different game's OST, but I just can't recall what it is.


Also.. really n00bish but... how do I get that awesome theme? Do I go to that address with my PS3 browser?
Put it on a USB stick.

Somebody translate!

Google Translate: "Felt that to play the Journey. Rare game with high cost performance of "excitement", rather than the cost performance of "kill time". Only games like this, I want to play a lot of people. "

So basically he loved Journey. Says it's a rare game where the value lies in the quality of the product and experience and not in the amount of time it kills.


Somebody translate!

our lord and savior Google Translate says:

"Felt that to play the Journey. Rare game with high cost performance of "excitement", rather than the cost performance of "kill time". Only games like this, I want to play a lot of people."

Should be easy to figure out from there. Incredible praise from Ueda.


Before I met this guy, I met another White Robe.... and we both ignored eachother alltogether. Both 'knew' that wouldn't be fun at all.
So I am afraid that in the future, when there are more Whites than Reds, the co-op might lose its charm

yeah that's what I'm afraid.

Its better off if everyone has the same color, stay in the same class. I, for one, won't change color
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