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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law

Stuff like the Talking Dead appearance (his first one)? He set that up himself, WWE did nothing for it. He even made a comment about it, that they never advertised it or promoted it or anything. They only ever make an effort to push Cena for all these talkshows and whatever. Any time they get him on one you usually get a whole video package about it.

Even though Punk is most certainly a better interview than Cena, who always comes off like a scripted corporate robot, that's apparently what they think "sells" the company, though I think the last new viewer Cena brought that didn't still have their baby teeth was probably circa 2006.
I remember him on Jimmy Fallon. He's been on various morning shows. Here in Chicago there's always talk about him at the local events in the paper. I'm not sure if WWE set this stuff up or not but they certainly gave him the platform the transcend the sport which he seems to be taking full advantage of. He's not John Cena. But really probably the 2nd man since the rock to be able to leave the wrasslin bubble.

Edit: oh and Lesnar. And I guess Batista will too.


How did CM Punk not get a huge push? He got an amazing push. Not everything has to be the Cena push. He may not have gotten number one position booking, but he was given some ridiculously good stuff to work with. Isn't the MITB angle and the pipebomb part of it all?

Let's not use Cena then. CM Punk isn't even comparable to Batista in the first 6 months of 2005, and that was Batista coming off being a mid-carder as a rookie.

I never said he didn't get a push. I said "the world's biggest push", that is, WWE's superpush they only give to guys they want as top guy. Look at the booking for Punk from MITB 2011 to Wrestlamania 28 and say that's the best they could have given him. I don't know what might have happened, but that's because they never even tried. Maybe it wouldn't have worked out, but maybe it would have. I expect it would have worked better than Sheamus or Lashley, or Del Rio or Miz or whatever other goon they tried to push to the top.

Again, another potential huge star handed to them on a platter, and they settle for making him "number two". They say they're hurting for stars but they botch pretty much all of them.

And that "it's a good thing..." makes no sense, because a major part of why Punk quit was because WWE dropped the ball on him and never gave him the chance to be the number one guy.


How did CM Punk not get a huge push? He got an amazing push. Not everything has to be the Cena push. He may not have gotten number one position booking for years on end, but he was given some ridiculously good stuff to work with and certainly had everything positioned around him those first few months. Isn't the MITB angle and the pipebomb part of it all?

Let's not use Cena then. CM Punk isn't even comparable to Batista in the first 6 months of 2005, and that was Batista coming off being a mid-carder as a rookie.

In hindsight, looking at how CM Punk quit, it's actually a great decision WWE didn't give him that number one spot.

Lets look at how they were booked:

Batista: Rumble 2005: Wins the Rumble
Wrestlemania: Wins the title from HHH in the main event
Backlash: Defended the title against HHH
Vengeance: Defended the title against HHH in HIAC

Punk: MITB 2011: Beat Cena for the title
Summerslam: Beat Cena, but loses the title to ADR
Night of Champions: Loses to HHH ( was put in a awful storyline with Kevin Nash during this time)
Hell in a Cell: Loses in a three way for the title
Vngeance: lost a tag match against Miz and R-Truth (partnered with HHH, Punk took the pin)

Their pushes are not even comparable, one won the rumble and the title in the main event of Mania, the other lost on four straight PPV's after winning the title


Lets look at how they were booked:

Batista: Rumble 2005: Wins the Rumble
Wrestlemania: Wins the title from HHH in the main event
Backlash: Defended the title against HHH
Vengeance: Defended the title against HHH in HIAC

Punk: MITB 2011: Beat Cena for the title
Summerslam: Beat Cena, but loses the title to ADR
Night of Champions: Loses to HHH ( was put in a awful storyline with Kevin Nash during this time)
Hell in a Cell: Loses in a three way for the title
Vngeance: lost a tag match against Miz and R-Truth (partnered with HHH, Punk took the pin)

Their pushes are not even comparable, one won the rumble and the title in the main event of Mania, the other lost on four straight PPV's after winning the title
Let's look at this another way, since I'm tired of this discussion.

Batista headlined Wrestlemania, three months into his push, and ended up being the biggest Wrestlemania of all time, and it took Donald Trump, Floyd Mayweather, and The Rock in the following years to beat him.

Vengeance did 429,000 buys, the biggest non-big 4 PPV buyrate WWE had since then.

Dah Animahl.

Six weeks, and Brotista returns. Six weeks.
Let's look at this another way, since I'm tired of this discussion.

Batista headlined Wrestlemania ended up being the biggest Wrestlemania of all time, and it took Donald Trump, Floyd Mayweather, and The Rock in the following years to beat him.

Vengeance did 429,000 buys, the biggest non-big 4 PPV buyrate WWE had since then.

Dah Animahl.

Six weeks, and Brotista returns. Six weeks.

And no fucks will be given...
Well, that's just not true.

Obviously, I care. So already, you've been proven to be a liar. Don't be like this. Don't be a CM Punk.

Are you seriously looking forward to Batista returning? What about his previous return got you the slightest bit interested in more 45 year old shrunken Batista?


So not worth it
Congrats on a job well done

Thanks. Not there yet by a long shot, still another 20 pounds to go I'd reckon before I'm done.

I am however at the point where all my clothes are over sized and I'm wearing belts on everything, so yay. :D


Batista man. No doubt he will bring about at least a handful of worthy Gifs upon his return.
Not the best guy in the ring, but he entertains me.
Are you seriously looking forward to Batista returning? What about his previous return got you the slightest bit interested in more 45 year old shrunken Batista?

Roided up Batista did nothing for me. I like this new Batista. I like that people seem to hate him. He's got charisma. At least as much as Reigns does, and he's more fun on the mic.


I think they've probably learnt their lesson with Batista, no point in taking a 45 year old shrunken Tista' who can't wrestle and playing him 100% straight. The Guardians of the Galaxy previews seem surprisingly positive about him so when he does come back they should really just focus on him being an entertaining character.


WWE.COM: And when you do come back, are the WWE fans going to cheer you or boo you?

BATISTA: They might cheer me for a minute or so. [Laughs] They’ll boo me. I don’t know, I’m the guy they love to hate and I don’t mind playing that role. It’s a good thing. I have more fun in that role, it’s my comfort zone, I know how to be that guy. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes I want to do stuff that I know would get them excited, I know would get them amped up, but I have to tone it down because I don’t want them to like me. And sometimes I think they lose sight of that. It’s like, “Oh, Batista, you got old, can’t do this anymore, can’t do that,” and it’s like, “Yes I can!” But I’m not gonna give it to you, because I know that you’ll cheer me. And I don’t want you to cheer me.

I think we're gonna get at least a few more memorable moments.
I don't understand how WWE didn't treat him well.

I caught up on 2010-2014 recently so got to see his run consistently, and CM Punk was treated well for most of that time. I think the only occasion that made me question what happened was that brief fued with Triple H and Kevin Nash. That didn't make sense. Other than that though, he was given it all. How's a dude going to complain when he's booked to beat Cena several times, gets a program with The Rock of all people, a program with Brock Lesnar when he's only on limited appearances, gets a 434 day title reign, and a program with Undertaker at Wrestlemania after he's coming off only having matches with DX for 4 years?

He didn't become a huge star because this era is shit and there is only so far anyone goes, which in his case was still far below Joan Cena.
Look at the list of feuds, though. He lost to ALL of those part timers, and rumor was he was going to lose to another one again. It was just a string of being taken advantage of for being a good hand.
Me too. I enjoyed him a lot and think he'll be great to have in the mix again.

Why would you NOT want him around?

Because he's a shell of his former self. He's 45, gasses in a few minutes, and is only back to promote a movie. The WWE needs to move away from bringing back these oldtimers


Batista will either be entertaining and the fans will love him, or he will be super annoyed by the fans and we shall be entertained by his annoyance.

Win/win for me.


The whole Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins thing is so dumb. Despite getting a chair to the back by Rollins, Reigns couldn't give a shit.

I can see it that way, but you can also see it in the way that he's gone beyond that petty shit to focus on the thing everyone should be focused on: The world title.

Maybe he should cut a promo on the subject. Or better yet, someone else can for him.

And we'll still be entertained. Not seeing the problem.

I can see the benefits to Batista singles matches based on his last run. If I'm watching it after the fact, I can skip it and if it's live, my bladder won't be as full shortly after it starts. Win-win.
Roided up Batista did nothing for me. I like this new Batista. I like that people seem to hate him. He's got charisma. At least as much as Reigns does, and he's more fun on the mic.

Just because he literally takes the oxygen out of the room by huffing and puffing and sucking it all up because he's completely gassed doesn't mean he has charisma. It just means he has poor cardio.


Decided to watch an old Smackdown from 2000, 2001 or something.

The wrestling was inferior, both in time for the match and in what they did. It wasn't in HD...

But damn, did I enjoy it more than today. Announcers were better (despite still being with us), more mature content,

Unsure if it's just nostalgia or it was just better (for me) back then.


Are you seriously looking forward to Batista returning? What about his previous return got you the slightest bit interested in more 45 year old shrunken Batista?

I say this now without any sarcasm, but he's legit the best main eventer they have outside of Daniel Bryan. And the only reason I rank Bryan ahead of him is because he's great in the ring and the storyline with Triple H was fantastic and that only worked because of how over Bryan was.

Other than that? Bryan is mediocre on the mic and can't work a storyline with the crappy babyface character he's been given. Maybe that'll change when he returns though.

Orton? Not interested. He just had one of the worst reigns I've seen and he's stale as a heel.

Cena? Not been entertaining for about six years now. Or ever, since I never liked him.

Which other main eventer do they have? No one. Triple H is part-timer and works best in small doses. Same as Lesnar.

Batista was saying he was coming off an injury when he returned, so maybe that's why it took him a good while to get back into things but he was more than fine in the ring the last few weeks before he left. He didn't look anywhere near as bad as when he first returned. Sure he's huffing and puffing, but he was like that back during his prime too. He'd be sweating like crazy after a few minutes but that didn't stop him from having good matches with some folks.

Plus, when he turned heel, he instantly became more entertaining. And even though he stayed in the background for most of April and May, he knows what he's doing. He plays right into the crowd. His last moment on Raw, amongst other things shows that. Heel Batista is solid, always has been.
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