I can't wait for "TNA Presents The Death of WWE".Panda Energy
I can't wait for "TNA Presents The Death of WWE".Panda Energy
"Vince screwed Vince."I can't wait for "TNA Presents The Death of WWE".
Soooo... How much is WWE spending on their 'performance center' and how much have they made as a result from it?
Oh nice wwe getting bought out rumors today!
Love it. Makes me a rich man with my stock in them. Keep them coming.
Sweet baby jesus
I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to imply here but no shit this is going to pop up in people's heads a couple hours after the tragedy hits the news, the same thing happened when the London bombings happened
Pretty much. If it produces 1 john cena it's already paid for itselfDevelopmental is always going to be a loss leader, but you need it or you cut off the future of the company. They built the performance center to bring in athletes from other sports.
Bryan vs TakerAlso, no idea that Rock/Brock II was planned for Mania this year. Wonder who Taker's opponent would have been if we got Rock/Brock II.
The rumors started on a blog with about as much credibility as Wrasslegaf (none). Stock still jumped 8%. So yeah we need to get on starting these rumors and make me a rich(er) man. I'll even share some of the profits with some of you poors (no i wontl).Wrassle-GAF buying out WWE.
Remember when DMczaf got, got for linking a site which contained lewd-ish confessions? Wild times.Wrasslegaf is 2lewd4me today
Thread is too sad again:
Shit, too big.
Who is she again?
I think the WWE Network should be a streaming site for PPVs from different promotions. Just get ROH and NJPW PPVs on there and take a cut for streaming.
Holy shit does this guy make jokes about anything else?
Holy shit does this guy make jokes about anything else?
3 years ago today.
Sting said:I always heard that when John Cena started, a lot of people looked at him as the new Sting. That was flattering. As far as some of the new guys, I love the look of Roman Reigns and I think he has all the ability in the world. Daniel Bryan, Ive seen him perform. Bray Wyatt, Ive seen him. Unreal what they do.
They need more than 12 more viewers.
Yepp. AJPW is on fire right now. It's eagerly poised to overtake NJPW....my new fav wrestler?
The Bodyguard from AJPW
Are they at all funny?Yes.
His weeks review a Wai is a classic. The episode of nitro they reviews is amazing
3 years ago today.
Damn that was 3 years ago?!
So... I think he wants to wrestle the Undertaker...
Yup,he'll come to WWE to wrestle Taker at a WM,the question is when?
He'll wrestle Triple H and like it, god dammit!
Not confirmed, but supposedly the pentagon said Russia shot down the plane.
This is all still too new though.