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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law

Phil Collins is a lot like Paul McCartney to me. They are obviously capable of incredible songs, but have a tendency to slip into the lamest, most embarrassing to listen to white people music. Even worse, really embarrassing English white people music. Basically the entirety of the 80s and 90s for Paul was filled with some truly terrible shit. But then you hear Beatles stuff and 70s stuff and then his last few albums in the 2000s (which were top tier stuff from him in my opinion) and you're like, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING IN THE 80S, MAN?

Phil Collins is a lot like Paul McCartney to me. They are obviously capable of incredible songs, but have a tendency to slip into the lamest, most embarrassing to listen to white people music. Even worse, really embarrassing English white people music. Basically the entirety of the 80s and 90s for Paul was filled with some truly terrible shit. But then you hear Beatles stuff and 70s stuff and then his last few albums in the 2000s (which were top tier stuff from him in my opinion) and you're like, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING IN THE 80S, MAN?

White people are bad enough, don't get me started on English white people...
Phil Collins is a lot like Paul McCartney to me. They are obviously capable of incredible songs, but have a tendency to slip into the lamest, most embarrassing to listen to white people music. Even worse, really embarrassing English white people music. Basically the entirety of the 80s and 90s for Paul was filled with some truly terrible shit. But then you hear Beatles stuff and 70s stuff and then his last few albums in the 2000s (which were top tier stuff from him in my opinion) and you're like, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING IN THE 80S, MAN?

Ram is the best post-Beatles album, no doubt.

Also this McCartney quote on beards from that era, relevant to you Bryan-beard haters:

One of things about beards is that, when men reach a certain age, they'd like to see if they can grow one. It's a phenomenon I understand very well. After you get over the itchy face, you go, "Oh, I don't have to shave, that's cool." And then you move into the philosophical thing-- people say, "You look weird, you have a beard." And you say, "No, actually, it's weird to shave." Having a beard is natural. When you think about it, shaving it off is quite weird.

Suck it.
White people are bad enough, don't get me started on English white people...

They're okay
, at times.



Okay, Fozzy is capable of writing some straight-up amazing progressive metal. Check out this incredible epic:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeLv8LOxqkk ("Wormwood")

It's 14 minutes, but if you like your music to tell stories, this does it beautifully. The ending climax is incredible, and everything inbetween is equally glorious. Love the acoustics and smatterings of piano.


stro, it's not for everybody, but for someone who grew up on Metallica and metal with tons of mood and rhythm changes, the track I posted is a nice modern take on that formula.


Okay, Fozzy is capable of writing some straight-up amazing progressive metal. Check out this incredible epic:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeLv8LOxqkk ("Wormwood")

It's 14 minutes, but if you like your music to tell stories, this does it beautifully. The ending climax is incredible, and everything inbetween is equally glorious. Love the acoustics and smatterings of piano.

I know that it's the popular thing to crap on them, but I actually enjoy some of Fozzy's stuff. Wormwood is pretty great, and I liked quite a bit off of Chasing the Grail. Their last album (Sin and Bones) was super inconsistent though, with more misses than hits IMO. Jericho also came across as a bit of an ass after it too with the whole "I'm an entertainer now guys" bit during his last break, though he's crazy carnie, so something tells me he was just working us.


I know that it's the popular thing to crap on them, but I actually enjoy some of Fozzy's stuff. Wormwood is pretty great, and I liked quite a bit off of Chasing the Grail. Their last album (Sin and Bones) was super inconsistent though, with more misses than hits IMO. Jericho also came across as a bit of an ass after it too with the whole "I'm an entertainer now guys" bit during his last break, though he's crazy carnie, so something tells me he was just working us.

Yeah, I just listened to all of Chasing the Grail on youtube, and I enjoyed just about every song. Lots of variety. Think I'll be adding Fozzy to my cellphone mp3 rotation.


I only listen to Fozzy on vinyl, it gives their splendid music a warmer sound; something you just can't get with discs or digital moosic.
Long time lurker. Have actually stopped reading because of a certain member spoiling a show a few weeks back. But anyways, you guys are always entertaining and I wanted to say thanks for the many laughs.
Long time lurker. Have actually stopped reading because of a certain member spoiling a show a few weeks back. But anyways, you guys are always entertaining and I wanted to say thanks for the many laughs.
gonna need a Fav 5, stat
I only listen to Fozzy on vinyl, it gives their splendid music a warmer sound; something you just can't get with discs or digital moosic.

do they put out cassettes, i need that pure lo-fi quality
Yeah spoilers can do that, but it's good you've returned. In fairness, I haven't really watched current WWE for the last few weeks, as too much other things to do, but I'll watch Battlegrounds tonight.

So as is 'tradition' who are you Fave 5 Wrestlers?

And a break from tradition - Fave 5 Movie Adaptations of Computer Games?

5. Postal
4. Silent Hill
3. Mortal Kombat
2. Street Fighter
1. Resident Evil
I'm so confused. I made a post and then it didn't show up. Anyways here goes:

Fave all time:
Bret Hart
WCW Rey Mysterio Jr (before filthy animals)
I'm gonna get shit for this but ECW Taz

I had trouble thinking of one and I met Taz once when he was all serious on TV but in person we made him laugh so much he almost fell out of his chair. So yeah he gets a spot for being real with us.


I listen to GNR on vinyl and I can't tell a difference at all between CD/MP3/vinyl on any of their albums. CD/MP3 is a little louder, but the sound is the same. Really not a difference in stuff from the 80s on. It's 70s and earlier stuff that actually sounds different/better on vinyl. But I'm not hip enough. I don't even listen to FLAC files.


do they put out cassettes, i need that pure lo-fi quality

Sorry, I don't think so, you might be able to record them off the radio onto your mixtape. Just make sure you press stop when the radio dj starts shouting down the radio.

I listen to GNR on vinyl and I can't tell a difference at all between CD/MP3/vinyl on any of their albums. CD/MP3 is a little louder, but the sound is the same. Really not a difference in stuff from the 80s on. It's 70s and earlier stuff that actually sounds different/better on vinyl. But I'm not hip enough. I don't even listen to FLAC files.

No FLACs? I'm surprised you can hear anything over all that compression.
Sydal just had his first match back in Dragon Gate - pretty good, once it got going, but he looked a bit rusty to begin with. Crazy spot in the middle when Ricochet went for his deadlift brainbuster and Sydal countered with a hurricanrana. Also, this was cool;



15 minute interview with Bray Wyatt.

Guy is a poetic person that says what he feels in his promo's and says that it's no character it's all him. Humble as well.

Jake's promo from SNME 8 is super Bray. Especially since he has more of a Southern drawl than usual for some reason. Also I love Vince's SNME suit, which appears to be made of a crate of black doilies sewn together. Mean Gene was shaking the mic during Jake's promo and Jesse said he didn't know if Gene was holding a mic or a vibrator. PG!


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